Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Gunter Saake

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Gunter Saake
Institut für Technische und Betriebliche Informationssysteme (ITI)
Gunter Saake was born in 1960 in Göttingen, Germany. He received the diploma and the Ph. D. degree in computer science from the Technical University of Braunschweig, F. R. G., in 1985 and 1988, respectively. From 1988 to 1989 he was a visiting scientist at the IBM Heidelberg Scientific Center where he joined the Advanced Information Management project and worked on language features and algorithms for sorting and duplicate elimination in nested relational database structures. In January 1993 he received the Habilitation degree (venia legendi) for computer science from the Technical University of Braunschweig. Since May 1994, Gunter Saake is full professor for the area Databases and Information Systems at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg. From April 1996 to March 1998, he was dean of the faculty for computer science at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg and was again elected as Dean in 2012.
Gunter Saake participated in a national project on object bases for experts and in the European BRA working groups IS-CORE, ModelAge, ASPIRE and FIREworks. His research interests include conceptual design of data base applications, query languages for complex data base structures and languages, semantics and methodology for object-oriented system specification and application development in distributed and heterogeneous environments. He is member of ACM, IEEE Computer Society, GI and of the organization committee of GI AK `Foundations of Information Systems'. Besides being author and co-author of scientific publications, he is author of a book "Object-oriented Modelling of Information Systems", co-author of four lecture books on Database Concepts, a book on Java and Databases, a lecture book on Object Databases and a book on Building efficient applications using Oracle8 (all in German).
Current projects
Learning Adaptivity in Heterogeneous Relational Database Systems (LARDS)
Duration: 01.04.2022 bis 01.04.2026
With the ever-increasing heterogeneity of hardware, the database community is tasked with adapting to the new reality of diverse systems with a rich set of different architectures, capabilities and properties.
The traditional workflow of hand-tuning implementations to the underlying hardware, for peak performance, is commonly considered untenable for an ever-growing variety of hardware with different performance characteristics. Systems like Micro-Adaptivity in Vectorwise or HAWK have been studied as solutions, but their adoption remains limited.
This project aims to explore solutions for a fully adaptive query execution engine and techniques that allow for simple adoption. To achieve this goal, we plan to tackle four problems.
At first, investigate on how to build micro-optimizations into a hardware-oblivious query pipeline in an efficient and simple-to-maintain way, while still offering a large optimization space. Afterwards, we investigate how to select the best optimizations automatically and in an on-the-fly adapting way, depending on the query and hardware properties.
As a third step, we investigate on the integration of the previous research results into a traditional query execution pipeline and query plan generation.
In the last phase of the project, we will explore techniques that can be used to augment the demonstrator with OLTP capabilities and introduce micro-optimizations into transaction processing.
Compositional Feature-Model Analyses
Duration: 01.01.2021 bis 01.01.2026
Feature modeling is widely used to systematically model features of variant-rich software systems and their dependencies. By translating feature models into propositional formulas and analyzing them with solvers, a wide range of automated analyses across all phases of the software development process become possible. Most solvers only accept formulas in conjunctive normal form (CNF), so an additional transformation of feature models is often necessary.
In this project, we investigate whether this transformation has a noticeable impact on analyses and how to influence this impact positively. We raise awareness about CNF transformations for feature-model analysis and mitigate it as a threat to validity for research evaluations to ensure reproducibility and fair comparisons. Furthermore, we investigate other steps in the feature-model analysis process, their alternatives, and their interactions; for instance, we study the potential and impact of knowledge compilation, interfaces, slicing, and evolution on feature-model analyses.
Our vision for this project is to lay a foundation for a compositional feature-model analysis algebra; that is, to understand how complex analyses are made of simple parts, how they can be re-assembled, and how those parts interact with each other.
A Common Storage Engine for Modern Memory and Storage Hierarchies
Duration: 01.10.2022 bis 30.09.2025
Scientific research is increasingly driven by data-intensive problems. As the complexity of studied problems is rising, so does their need for high data throughput and capacity. The globally produced data volume doubles approximately every two years, leading to an exponential data deluge. This deluge then directly challenges database management systems and file systems, which provide the foundation for efficient data analysis and management. These systems use different memory and storage devices, which were traditionally divided into primary, secondary and tertiary memory. However, with the introduction of the disruptive technology of non-volatile RAM (NVRAM), these classes started to merge into one another leading to heterogeneous storage architectures, where each storage device has highly different performance characteristics (e.g., persistence, storage capacity, latency). Hence, a major challenge is how to exploit the specific characteristics of memory devices.
To this end, SMASH will investigate the benefits of a common storage engine that manages a heterogeneous storage landscape, including traditional storage devices and non-volatile memory technologies. The core for this storage engine will be B-epsilon-trees, as they can be used to efficiently exploit these different devices. Furthermore, data placement and migration strategies will be investigated to minimize the overhead caused by transferring data between different devices. Eliminating the need for volatile caches will allow data consistency guarantees to be improved. From the application side, the storage engine will offer key-value and object interfaces that can be used for a wide range of use cases, such as high-performance computing (HPC) and database management systems. Moreover, due to the widening gap between the performance of computing and storage devices as well as their stagnating access performance, data reduction techniques are in high demand to reduce the bandwidth requirements when storing and retrieving data. We will, therefore, conduct research regarding data transformations in general and the possibilities of external and accelerated transformations. As part of SMASH, we will provide a prototypical standalone software library to be used by third-party projects. Common HPC workflows will be supported through an integration of SMASH into the existing JULEA storage framework, while database systems can use the interface of SMASH directly whenever data is stored or accessed.
Optimizing graph databases focussing on data processing and integration of machine learning for large clinical and biological datasets
Duration: 01.12.2021 bis 30.04.2025
Graphdatenbanken stellen eine effiziente Technik zur Speicherung und zum Zugriff auf hochgradig
verknüpfte Daten unter Verwendung einer Graphstruktur dar, wie z.B. Verbindungen zwischen Messdaten zu Umweltparametern oder klinischen Patientendaten. Die flexible Knotenstruktur macht es einfach, die Ergebnisse verschiedener Untersuchungen hinzuzufügen. Dies reicht von einfachen Blutdruckmessungen über die neuesten CT- und MRT-Scans bis hin zu hochauflösenden Omics-Analysen (z.B. von Tumorbiopsien, Darmmikrobiom-Proben). Allerdings wird das volle Potenzial der Datenverarbeitung und -analyse mittels Graphdatenbanken in biologischen und klinischen Anwendungsfällen noch nicht vollständig ausgeschöpft. Insbesondere die riesige Menge an miteinander verbundenen Daten, die geladen, verarbeitet und analysiert werden müssen, führt zu zu langen Verarbeitungszeiten, um in klinische Arbeitsabläufe integriert werden zu können. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen sind neuartige Optimierungen von Graph-Operatoren sowie eine geeignete Integration von Analyseansätzen notwendig.
Dieses Projekt zielt darauf ab, die oben genannten Probleme in zwei Richtungen zu lösen: (i) Vorschlag geeigneter Optimierungen für Graphdatenbank-Operationen, auch unter Einsatz moderner Hardware, und(ii) Integration von Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens für eine einfachere und schnellere Analyse der biologischen Daten. Für die erste Richtung untersuchen wir den Stand der Technik von Graphdatenbanksystemenund deren Speicherung sowie ihr Verarbeitungsmodell. Anschließend schlagen wir Optimierungen für effiziente
operationale und analytische Operatoren vor. Für die zweite Richtung stellen wir uns vor, Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens näher an ihre Datenlieferanten - die Graphdatenbanken - heranzubringen. Zu diesem Zweck füttern wir in einem ersten Schritt die Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens direkt mit dem Graphen als Eingabe, indem wir geeignete Graphenoperatoren entwerfen. In einem zweiten Schritt integrieren wir das maschinelle Lernen direkt in die Graphdatenbank, indem wir spezielle Knoten hinzufügen, die das Modell des Algorithmus für maschinelles Lernen repräsentieren.
Die Ergebnisse unseres Projekts sind verbesserte Operatoren, die sowohl moderne Hardware als auch Integrationskonzepte für Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens nutzen. Unsere allgemein entwickelten Ansätze werden das Verarbeiten und Analysieren riesiger Graphen in einer Fülle von Anwendungsfällen über unseren angestrebten Anwendungsfall der biologischen und klinischen Datenanalyse hinaus vorantreiben.
Unveiling the Hidden Gems: Exploring Unexpected Rare Pattern Mining in Data
Duration: 20.08.2018 bis 31.03.2025
Pattern mining is the task of finding statistically relevant patterns in data that can provide valuable insights and knowledge. However, most existing pattern mining methods use a single threshold to determine the frequency of the patterns, which may not reflect the diversity and specificity of the data items. This may lead to two problems: (1) if the threshold is too low, it may generate too many patterns, many of which are redundant or uninteresting; (2) if the threshold is too high, it may miss some patterns, especially the rare ones that occur infrequently but have high significance or utility.
The rare pattern problem is a challenging and important issue in pattern mining, as rare patterns may represent unknown or hidden knowledge that can inform and inspire various domains and applications, such as medical diagnosis, fraud detection, or anomaly detection. Several studies have attempted to address this problem by mining frequent patterns, including rare ones, using different minimum item support thresholds (MIS) for each item. This approach can generate a complete set of frequent patterns without losing any significant ones. However, this approach is also very costly and inefficient, as it may still produce many redundant or useless patterns that consume a lot of time and memory.
The primary objective of this project is to enhance an efficient and effective method for mining rare patterns, without generating the complete set of frequent patterns. The method is based on frequent closed itemset mining, which is a technique that can reduce the number of patterns by eliminating those that are included in other patterns with the same frequency. The method also aims to avoid generating a large number of rules, and instead, to discover only those rules that are rare and generate more actionable insights. Therefore, the method can mine only the most interesting patterns, which are those that are rare, closed, and have high utility or significance. The method can be applied to various data sets and domains, such as health data, where rare patterns may represent rare diseases, hidden connections, or complex interactions. The project aims to evaluate the performance and quality of the method, and to compare it with other existing methods for rare pattern mining. The project also aims to demonstrate the usefulness and impact of the method, and to show how it can discover novel and intriguing patterns that can drive meaningful change.
Completed projects
Optimizing graph databases focussing on data processing and integration of machine learning for large clinical and biological datasets
Duration: 01.12.2021 bis 30.11.2024
Graph databases provide an efficient technique for storing and accessing highly complex data.
The flexible node structure makes it easy to add results from different examinations. The flexible node structure makes it easy to add the results of different examinations. This ranges from simple blood pressure measurements to the latest CT and MRI scans to high-resolution omics analyses (e.g. of tumor biopsies, gut microbiome samples). However, the full potential of data processing and analysis using graph databases is not yet fully exploited in biological and clinical use cases, especially the huge amount of interconnected data that needs to be loaded, processed and analyzed, which leads to long processing times to be integrated into clinical workflows. To achieve this goal, novel optimizations of graph operators as well as a
suitable integration of analysis approaches is necessary.
This project aims to solve the above-mentioned problems in two directions: (i) Proposal
suitable optimizations for graph database operations, also using modern hardware, and(ii) integration of machine learning algorithms for easier and faster analysis of biological data. For the first direction, we investigate the state of the art of graph database systems
and their storage as well as their processing model. We then propose optimizations for efficient operational and analytical operators. For the second direction, we envision bringing machine learning algorithms closer to their data providers - the graph databases. For this purpose, in a first step, we feed the machine learning algorithms directly with the graph as input by designing suitable graph operators. In a second step, we integrate the machine learning directly into the graph database by adding special nodes that represent the model of the machine learning algorithm. The results of our project are improved operators that utilize both modern hardware and integration concepts for machine learning algorithms. Our generally developed approaches will advance the processing and analysis of huge graphs in a plethora of use cases beyond our targeted use case of biological and clinical data analysis.
This text was translated with DeepL
Our aim is to develop new processing concepts for exploiting the special characteristics of hardware accelerators in heterogeneous system architectures for classical and non-classical database systems. On the system management level, we want to research alternative query modeling concepts and mapping approaches that are better suited to capture the extended feature sets of heterogeneous hardware/software systems. On the hardware level, we will work on how processing engines for non-classical database systems can benefit from heterogeneous hardware and in which way processing engines mapped across device boundaries may provide benefits for query optimization. Our working hypothesis is that standard query mapping approaches with their consideration of queries on the level of individual operators is not sufficient to explore the extended processing features of heterogeneous system architectures. In the same way, implementing a complete operator on an individual device does not seem to be optimal to exploit heterogeneous systems. We base these claims on our results from the first project phase where we developed the ADAMANT architecture allowing a plug & play integration of heterogeneous hardware accelerators. We will extend ADAMANT by the proposed processing approaches in the second project phase and focus on how to utilize the extended feature sets of heterogeneous systems rather than how to set such systems up.
Duration: 01.01.2021 bis 31.12.2023
Heterogeneous system architectures consisting of CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs offer a wide range of optimization options compared to purely CPU-based systems. To fully exploit this optimization potential, however, it is not enough to transfer existing software concepts unchanged to non-von Neumann architectures such as FPGAs. Rather, the additional processing possibilities of these architectures require the design of new processing concepts. This must already be taken into account when planning the query processing. In the first project phase, we already developed an initial concept for this, which takes into account the device-specific features in our Plug'n'Play architecture. However, we see the need to develop it further in order to achieve even better utilization of the specific characteristics of the hardware architectures. For the second project phase, we therefore hypothesize that known methods for mapping requests at the level of individual operators are not sufficient to exploit the extended processing possibilities of heterogeneous system architectures.
Our goal is therefore to explore novel processing concepts and methods for mapping queries for heterogeneous systems that deviate from the commonly used granularity at the level of individual operators. We will develop processing units that provide greater functionality than individual operators and span multiple devices. These processing units are heterogeneous in themselves and combine the specific characteristics of individual architectures. As a result, our heterogeneous system architecture enables the provision of database operations and functions that are not available or cannot be realized efficiently in classic database systems.
For demonstration purposes, we have identified three use cases that can benefit greatly from heterogeneous system architectures: High-volume data stream processing, approximate query processing and dynamic multi-query processing. High-volume data streams require a hardware architecture that allows the data to be processed without prior buffering. FPGAs are a promising platform for this due to their data stream-based processing principle. In addition, both FPGAs and GPUs are suitable for approximate query processing, as they enable arithmetic operations with reduced accuracy and the realization of approximate, hardware-accelerated sampling techniques. Dynamic multi-query processing is very demanding from a system perspective, as variable system loads can reduce the efficiency of previously established query plans. Here, the numerous levels of parallelism in heterogeneous systems enable a better distribution of system loads.
This text was translated with DeepL
A ranking-based automated approach for supporting Literature Review research methodologies.
Duration: 01.07.2020 bis 30.06.2023
Literature reviews in general are methodologies of research which aim to gather and evaluate available evidence regarding a specific research topic. A common scientific method for performing this literature reviews is Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Another method is called Systematic mapping study (SMS). Their process if conducted manually can be very time and effort consuming. Therefore, multiple tools and approaches were proposed in order to facilitate several stages of this process. In this PhD thesis, we aim to evaluate the quality of these literature reviews studies using combined aspects. We measure the quality of the study`s included primary selected papers by combining social and academic Influence in a recursive way. Additionally, we will apply a machine learning ranking model based on a similarity function that is built upon bibliometrics and Altmetrics quality criteria and full text relevancy. In order to achieve the proposed approach, we begin with investigating the current state of the art in different directions, mainly the most effective and commonly used quality measures of publications, Altmetrics, Bibliometrics and machine learning text related techniques. A method for assessing the quality of these literature reviews research methods, would definitely be useful for the scientific research community in general, as It would save valuable time and reduce tremendous required effort.
Digitales Programmieren im Team - Adaptive Unterstützung für kollaboratives Lernen
Duration: 01.03.2020 bis 28.02.2023
Das kollaborative Programmieren ist Kernbestandteil des beruflichen Alltags in der Informatik. Diese auf einer technischen und sozialen Ebene komplexen Vorgänge werden im Informatikstudium oftmals abstrakt behandelt und spielen in Fachkonzepten zum Programmierenlernen eine untergeordnete Rolle. Im Rahmen von Gruppenarbeiten müssen sich die Lernenden organisieren, koordinieren und ihre Lernprozesse regulieren - kognitiv anspruchsvolle Tätigkeiten. Um das Potential kollaborativer Lernformen für das Erlernen von Programmiersprachen und die Förderung sozialer Kompetenzen ausschöpfen zu können, müssen die Lernenden bei Bedarf didaktische Unterstützung erhalten, sowohl vor dem als auch während des Lernprozesses. Im Teilprojekt DiP-iT-OVGU werden wir - unterstützt durch die Projektpartner - auf der Basis empirischer Studien ein digitales Fachkonzept zum kollaborativen Programmierenlernen entwickeln und evaluieren, welches diesbezügliche (medien-)didaktische Ansätze enthält. Dabei zielen wir auf die Ermöglichung des Transfers an andere Hochschulen. Auf informationstechnischer Ebene wird hierfür ein Prozessmodell entwickelt, das die Nachnutzbarkeit von Forschungsdaten und die Übertragbarkeit von Datenmodellen (z.B. zur adaptiven didaktischen Unterstützung) in andere Lehrveranstaltungen bzw. Lehr-Lernsysteme ermöglicht. Das Teilprojekt ordnet sich in das Gesamtprojekt mit folgenden Zielstellungen ein:
- Analyse und Systematisierung von Einstellungen und Vorerfahrungen bei den Akteuren,
- Entwicklung konzeptioneller, mediendidaktischer Kriterien für die Einbindung kollaborativen Programmierenlernens in Lehrveranstaltungen,
- Entwicklung geeigneter Lehr-Lern-Szenarien und Erstellung eines diesbezüglichen digitalen Fachkonzepts,
- empirische Fundierung durch formative und summative Evaluation,
- Untersuchung der Effektivität von Formen der instruktionalen Anleitung angelehnt an die Bedarfe der Lernenden,
- Unterstützung des Transfers der Erkenntnisse, inhaltlich und technisch.
DiP-iT:Digitales Programmieren im Team
Duration: 01.02.2020 bis 31.01.2023
Das kollaborative Programmieren ist Kernbestandteil des beruflichen Alltags in der Informatik. Diese auf einer technischen und sozialen Ebene komplexen Vorgänge werden im Informatikstudium oftmals abstrakt behandelt und spielen in Fachkonzepten zum Programmierenlernen eine untergeordnete Rolle. Im Rahmen von Gruppenarbeiten müssen sich die Lernenden organisieren, koordinieren und ihre Lernprozesse regulieren - kognitiv anspruchsvolle Tätigkeiten. Um das Potential kollaborativer Lernformen für das Erlernen von Programmiersprachen und die Förderung sozialer Kompetenzen ausschöpfen zu können, müssen die Lernenden bei Bedarf didaktische Unterstützung erhalten, sowohl vor dem als auch während des Lernprozesses. Im Teilprojekt DiP-iT-OVGU werden wir - unterstützt durch die Projektpartner - auf der Basis empirischer Studien ein digitales Fachkonzept zum kollaborativen Programmierenlernen entwickeln und evaluieren, welches diesbezügliche (medien-)didaktische Ansätze enthält. Dabei zielen wir auf die Ermöglichung des Transfers an andere Hochschulen. Auf informationstechnischer Ebene wird hierfür ein Prozessmodell entwickelt, das die Nachnutzbarkeit von Forschungsdaten und die Übertragbarkeit von Datenmodellen (z.B. zur adaptiven didaktischen Unterstützung) in andere Lehrveranstaltungen bzw. Lehr-Lernsysteme ermöglicht. Das Teilprojekt ordnet sich in das Gesamtprojekt mit folgenden Zielstellungen ein:
- Analyse und Systematisierung von Einstellungen und Vorerfahrungen bei den Akteuren,
- Entwicklung konzeptioneller, mediendidaktischer Kriterien für die Einbindung kollaborativen Programmierenlernens in Lehrveranstaltungen,
- Entwicklung geeigneter Lehr-Lern-Szenarien und Erstellung eines diesbezüglichen digitalen Fachkonzepts,
- empirische Fundierung durch formative und summative Evaluation,
- Untersuchung der Effektivität von Formen der instruktionalen Anleitung angelehnt an die Bedarfe der Lernenden,
- Unterstützung des Transfers der Erkenntnisse, inhaltlich und technisch.
Query Acceleration Techniques in Co-Processor-Accelerated Main-memory Database Systems
Duration: 31.08.2019 bis 31.03.2022
Das Projekt adressiert den aktuellen Schwerpunkt von Analysen in Hauptspeicherdatenbanken auf moderner Hardware: Heterogenität der Prozessoren und deren Einbindung in die Anfrageverarbeitung. Aufgrund der Vielzahl von Optimierungen und Varianten von Algorithmen und unbegrenzte Anzahl an Anwendungsfällen, ist das Erstellen des perfekten Anfrageplanes nahezu unmöglich.
Ziel der Habilitation ist es, (1) einen umfassenden Katalog von vielversprechenden Algorithmenvarianten aufzustellen, (2) eine optimale Auswahl der Varianten im Zuge der übergeordneten Anfrageoptimierung zu erlangen, (3) als auch Lastverteilung im Co-Prozessorbeschleunigten System zu erreichen.
- Der Variantenkatalog umfasst als weitere Dimensionen sowohl die Ausführung auf den spaltenorientierten Daten, als auch unter Nutzung von speziellen Indexstrukturen und beinhaltet unterschiedliche Ergebnisrepräsentationen. Aus allen möglichen Dimension wird dann eine Abstraktionsschicht entwickelt, sodass ein Algorithmus unabhängig von dessen Optimierungen definiert werden kann. Dadurch soll jede Variante effizient, mit wenig redundantem Code generiert und ausgeführt werden können.
- Aufgrund des enormen Variantenraumes bestehend aus den Dimensionen der Varianten inklusive dem Einfluss der ausführenden Prozessoren ist die Wahl einer auszuführenden Variante nicht trivial. Ziel ist es hier lern-basierte Methoden in Hinblick auf die Eignung zur Algorithmenauswahl gegenüber zu stellen, um valide Entscheidungen zu treffen. Die zu treffenden Entscheidungen sollen des Weiteren auch ausgeweitet werden auf das Erstellen von Indexen als auch der Datenverteilung in Ziel (3).
- Die Lastenverteilung in Co-Prozessorbeschleunigten Systemen wird durch den Grad der Parallelisierung beeinflusst. Dieser Grad teilt sich in mehrere Dimensionen, da Datenbankoperationen in kleinere Funktionseinheiten (sog. Primitive) aufteilen können. Diese Primitive können entweder auf dem ganzen Datenbestand laufen oder partitioniert ausgeführt werden. All diese Optimierungspotentiale (unterschiedliche Granularitätsstufen und Partitionierungsgrößen) müssen analysiert und optimal gewählt werden, um unter der gegebenen und zukünftigen Anfragelast eine angemessene Performanz zu ermöglichen. Ziel ist es, ein Modell lernen zu lassen, um optimale Verteilungen und optimierte Pläne zu erstellen. Wichtig ist hierbei, dass das Modell auch Rückschlüsse auf dessen Entscheidungen zulässt, um eine Generalisierbarkeit zu erreichen.
EXtracting Product Lines from vAriaNTs (EXPLANT II)
Duration: 01.09.2019 bis 28.02.2022
Eine Software-Produktlinie (SPL) ermöglicht die systematische Verwaltung einer Menge von wiederverwendbaren Softwareartefakten und damit die effiziente Generierung verschiedener Varianten einer Software. In der Praxis erstellen Entwickler jedoch häufig Softwarevarianten ad-hoc, indem sie Softwareartefakte kopieren und an neue Anforderungen anpassen (Clone-and-Own). Die hierbei fehlende Systematik und Automatisierung macht die Wartung und Weiterentwicklung der Varianten oft zeitaufwendig und fehleranfällig. Wir schlagen daher eine schrittweise Migration von geklonten Softwarevarianten in eine kompositionale (d.h. modular aufgebaute) SPL vor.
In der ersten Projektphase konnten wir bereits beachtliche Ergebnisse bei der Varianten-erhaltenden Transformation und den entsprechenden Analysen auf Modell- und Codeebene erzielen. In der zweiten Phase wollen wir nun auf den daraus gewonnenen Erkenntnisse aufbauen. Dies sind im Besonderen: (1) Eine nur auf Code-Klon Detektion basierende automatisierte Migration erzeugt keine kohärenten Softwareartefakte mit einer bestimmten Funktionalität. (2) Einige potentielle Kooperationspartner hatten Bedenken ihre Systeme zu migrieren, da sie die Einführung neuer Fehler befürchten. (3) Annotative SPL scheinen weniger fehleranfällig und somit robuster gegenüber Änderungen zu sein, als bisher angenommen.
Aufgrund der Probleme mit industriellen Partnern (2) kamen wir zu dem Schluss, dass weitere Forschungen, insbesondere zur Qualitätssicherung von migrierten SPL, Überführungskosten und Eigenschaften von Softwareartefakten notwendig sind. Wir wollen daher untersuchen, welche Kostenfaktoren bei der Überführung und beim Einsatz von SPL eine Rolle spielen und wie stark deren Einfluss jeweils ist. Weiterhin planen wir Qualitätsmetriken für migrierte SPL aufzuzeigen. In der ersten Projektphase haben wir bereits einen teil-automatisierten Migrationsprozess vorgeschlagen (1), welchen wir nun weiter ausbauen und neue Analysen integrieren wollen. Dabei wollen wir vor Allem untersuchen, ob sich nützliche Informationen, insbesondere über die Intention der Entwickler, aus weiteren Quellen, als dem Code beziehen lassen. Vielversprechende Ansätze sind hier die Analyse von Versionsverwaltungssystemen und die Analyse von existierenden Verhaltens- und Architektur-Modellen eines Systems. Des Weiteren haben wir vor, zur Steigerung des Automatisierungsgrads weitere Refactorings, wie z.B. "Move Method" einzusetzen. Um die Struktur und damit auch die Wartbarkeit der resultierenden Modularisierung zu verbessern, planen wir außerdem unseren Migrationsprozess auf Multi-Software-Produktlinien zu erweitern. Dadurch ließen sich einzelne Funktionalitäten eines Systems besser auftrennen. Ebenfalls wollen wir untersuchen, welche Granularität für migrierte Softwareartefakte am besten geeignet ist und ob annotative Verfahren (3) für migrierte SPL Vorteile gegenüber kompositionalen Verfahren bringen können.
MetaProteomeAnalyzer Service (MetaProtServ)
Duration: 01.12.2016 bis 31.12.2021
Targeting cellular functions metaproteomics complements metagenomics and metatranscriptomics as tools widely applied in microbial ecology (e.g. human gut microbiome, biogas plants). Bioinformatic
tools developed for proteomics of pure cultures cannot satisfactorily deal with metagenome sequences required for protein identification in microbial communities and with redundancies in search results with respect to taxonomy and function of identified proteins. In order to exploit more information from current metaproteome datasets the MetaProteomAnalyzer (MPA) software was developed. Within MetaProtServ the GUI based MPA will be deployed as a webservice convincing more scientists from benefits of metaproteomics . Usability and maintainability of the software will be increased as the standalone MPA and webservice finally hosted at BiGi will have the same architecture and share the same code base. The MPA will be extended to support standard interfaces for import and export (mzIdentML) of metaproteomic datasets. Training and support for the scientific community will be intensified for different levels of users including experts and developers.
COOPeR: Cross-device OLTP/OLAP PRocessing
Duration: 01.09.2016 bis 30.06.2021
Database Management Systems (DBMS) face two challenges today. On the one hand DBMS must handle Online Transaction Processing (OLTP), and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) in combination to enable real-time analysis of business processes. The real-time analysis of business processes is necessary to improve the quality of reports and analyzes, since fresh data is favored for modern analysis rather than historical data only. On the other hand, computer systems become increasingly heterogeneous to provide better hardware performance. The architecture changes from single-core CPUs to multi-core CPUs supported by several co-processors. These trends must be considered in DBMS to improve the quality and performance, and to ensure that DBMS satisfy future requirements (e.g., more complex queries, or more increased data volume). Unfortunately, current research approaches address only one of these two challenges: either the combination of OLTP and OLAP workloads in traditional CPU-based systems, or co-processor acceleration for a single workload type is considered. Therefore, an unified approach addressing both challenges at once is missing. In this project we want to include both challenges of DBMS to enable efficient processing of combined OLTP / OLAP workloads in hybrid CPU / Co-processor systems. This is necessary in order to realize real-time business intelligence. The main challenge is guaranteeing the ACID properties for OLTP, while at the same time to combine and to process efficiently OLTP / OLAP workloads in such a hybrid systems.
Recommending Cloned Features for Adopting Systematic Software Reuse
Duration: 01.05.2018 bis 30.04.2021
Organizations heavily rely on forking (or cloning) to implement customer-specific variants of a system. While this approach can have several disadvantages, organizations fear to extract reusable features later on, due to the corresponding efforts and risks. A particularly challenging, yet poorly supported, task is to decide what features to extract. To tackle this problem, we aim to develop an analysis system that proposes suitable features based on automated analyses of the cloned legacy systems. To this end, we are concerned with a several closely related research areas: Cost modeling for software product lines; empirical studies on system evolution, processes, and human factors; as well as concepts to derive reusable features from clones based on, for example, feature location and code clone detection.
Adaptive Data Management in Evolving Heterogeneous Hardware/Software Systems
Duration: 01.10.2017 bis 31.12.2020
Currently, database systems face two big challenges: First, the application scenarios become more and more diverse ranging from purely relational to graph-shaped or stream-based data analysis. Second, the hardware landscape becomes more and more heterogeneous with standard multi-core Central Processing Units (CPUs) as well as specialized high-performance co-processors such as Graphics Processing Unit (GPUs) or Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs).
Recent research shows that operators designed for co-processors can outperform their CPU counterparts. However, most of the approaches focus on single-device processing to speedup single analyses not considering overall system performance. Consequently, they miss hidden performance potentials of parallel processing across all devices available in the system. Furthermore, current research results are hard to generalize and, thus, cannot be applied to other domains and devices.
In this project, we aim to provide integration concepts for diverse operators and heterogeneous hardware devices in adaptive database systems. We work on optimization strategies not only exploiting individual device-specific features but also the inherent cross-device parallelism in multi-device systems. Thereby we focus on operators from the relational and graph domain to derive concepts not limited to a certain application domain. To achieve the project goals, interfaces and abstraction concepts for operators and processing devices have to be defined. Furthermore, operator and device characteristics have to be made available to all system layers such that the software layer can account for device specific features and the hardware layer can adapt to the characteristics of the operators and data. The availability of device and operator characteristics is especially important for global query optimization to find a suitable execution strategy. Therefore, we also need to analyze the design space for query processing on heterogeneous hardware, in particular with regards to functional, data and cross-device parallelism. To handle the enormous complexity of the query optimization design space incurred by the parallelism, we follow a distributed optimization approach where optimization tasks are delegated to the lowest possible system layer. Lower layers also have a more precise view on device-specific features allowing to exploit them more efficiently. To avoid interferences of optimization decisions at different layers, a focus is also set on cross-layer optimizations strategies. These will incorporate learning-based techniques for evaluating optimization decisions at runtime to improve future optimization decisions. Moreover, we expect that learning-based strategies are best suited to integrate device-specific features not accounted for by the initial system design, such as it is often the case with the dynamic partial reconfiguration capabilities of FPGAs.
Efficient and Effective Entity Resolution Under Cloud-Scale Data
Duration: 01.07.2014 bis 30.04.2020
There might exist several different descriptions for one real-world entity. The differences may result from typographical errors, abbreviations, data formatting, etc. However, the different descriptions may lower data quality and lead to misunderstanding. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to resolve and clarify such different descriptions. Entity Resolution (ER) is a process to identify records that refer to the same real-world entity. It is also known under several other names. If the records to be identified are all located within a single source, it is called de-duplication. Otherwise, in the field of computer science it is also typically referred to data matching, record linkage, duplicate detection, reference reconciliation, object identification. In the database domain, ER is synonymous with similarity join. Today, ER plays a vital role in diverse areas, not only in the traditional applications of census, health data or national security, but also in the network applications of business mailing lists, online shopping, web searches, etc. It is also an indispensable step in data cleaning, data integration and data warehousing. The use of computer techniques to perform ER dates back to the middle of the last century. Since then, researchers have developed many techniques and algorithms for ER due to its extensive applications. In its early days, there are two general goals: efficiency and effectiveness, which means how fast and how accurately an ER task can be solved. In recent years, the rise of the web has led to the extension of techniques and algorithms for ER. Such web data (also known as big data) is often semi-structured, comes from diverse domains and exists on a very large scale. These three properties make big data qualitatively different from traditional data, which brings new challenges to ER that require new techniques or algorithms as solutions. To be specific, specialized similarity measures are required for semi-structured data; cross-domain techniques are needed to handle data from diverse domains; parallel techniques are needed to make algorithms not only efficient and effective, but also scalable, so as to be able to deal with the large scale of the data. This project focuses on the last point: parallelize the process of entity resoution. The specific research direction is to explore several big data processing frameworks to know their advantages and disadvantages on performing ER.
Software Product Line Feature Extraction from Natural Language Documents using Machine Learning Techniques
Duration: 11.05.2016 bis 29.02.2020
Feature model construction from the requirements or textual descriptions of products can be often tedious and ineffective. In this project, through automatically learning natural language documents of products, cluster tight-related requirements into features in the phase of domain analysis based on machine learning techniques. This method can assist the developer by suggesting possible features, and improve the efficiency and accuracy of feature modeling to a certain extent.
This research will focus on feature extraction from requirements or textual descriptions of products in domain analysis. Extract the descriptors from requirements or textual descriptions of products. Then, descriptors are transformed into vectors and form a word vector space. Based on clustering algorithm, a set of descriptors are clustered into features. Their relationships will be inferred. Design the simulation experiment of feature extraction from natural language documents of products to prove that it can handle feature-extracting in terms of machine learning techniques.
Every company needs to be compliant with national and international laws and regulations. Unfortunately, staying complied is a challenging tasks based on the volume and velocity of laws and regulations. Furthermore, laws are often incomplete or inconclusive, whereby also court judgments need to be considered for compliance. Hence, companies in different sectors, e.g. energy, transport, or finance, are spending millions of dollars every year to ensure compliance each year. In this project, we want to automate the process of identifying and analyzing the impact of (changing) laws, regulations, and court judgments using a combination of Information Retrieval, Data Mining and Scalable Data Management techniques. Based on the automated identification and impact analysis, not only the costs for compliance can be reduced, but also the quality can be increased.
Duration: 04.04.2017 bis 30.11.2019
Every company needs to be compliant with national and international laws and regulations. Unfortunately, staying complied is a challenging tasks based on the volume and velocity of laws and regulations. Furthermore, laws are often incomplete or inconclusive, whereby also court judgments need to be considered for compliance. Hence, companies in different sectors, e.g. energy, transport, or finance, are spending millions of dollars every year to ensure compliance each year. In this project, we want to automate the process of identifying and analyzing the impact of (changing) laws, regulations, and court judgments using a combination of Information Retrieval, Data Mining and Scalable Data Management techniques. Based on the automated identification and impact analysis, not only the costs for compliance can be reduced, but also the quality can be increased.
GPU-accelerated Join-Order Optimization
Duration: 01.10.2016 bis 09.11.2019
Different join orders can lead to a variation of execution times by several orders of magnitude, which makes join-order optimization to one of the most critical optimizations within DBMSs. At the same time, join-order optimization is an NP-hard problem, which makes the computation of an optimal join-order highly compute-intensive. Because current hardware architectures use highly specialized and parallel processors, the sequential algorithms for join-order optimization proposed in the past cannot fully utilize the computational power of current hardware architectures. Although existing approaches for join-order optimization such as dynamic programming benefit from parallel execution, there are no approaches for join-order optimization on highly parallel co-processors such as GPUs.
In this project, we are building a GPU-accelerated join-order optimizer by adapting existing join-order optimization approaches. Here, we are interested in the effects of GPUs on join-order optimization itself as well as the effects for query processing. For GPU-accelerated DBMSs, such as CoGaDB, using GPUs for query processing, we need to identify efficient scheduling strategies for query processing and query optimization tasks such that the GPU-accelerated optimization does not
slow down query processing on GPUs.
(Semi)-Automatic Approach to Support Literature Analysis for Software Engineers
Duration: 01.11.2017 bis 31.10.2019
Researchers perform literature reviews to synthesize existing evidence regarding a research topic. While being important means to condense knowledge, conducting a literature analysis, particularly, systematic literature review, requires a large amount of time and effort. Consequently, researchers are considering semi-automatic approaches to facilitate different stages of the review process. Surveys have shown that two of the most time consuming tasks within the literature review process are: to select primary studies and to assess their quality. To assure quality and reliability of the findings from a literature study, the quality of included primary studies must be evaluated. Despite being critical stages, these still lack the support of semi-automatic tools and hence, mostly performed manually. In this PhD thesis, we aim to address this gap in the current state of research and develop techniques that support the selection and assessment of primary studies for literature analyses. For the assessment of studies, we begin with exploring the information available from the digital libraries most commonly used by software engineering researchers, such as, the ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, Science Direct, Springer Link, Web of Science. The information regarding authors, citation counts and publication venues are particularly important as these can provide an initial insight about the studies. Hence, a tool that captures such bibliographic information from the digital libraries and score the studies based on defined quality metrics, would certainly be beneficial to accelerate the process. However, for accurate assessment, the approach could be further extended to an in-depth full text investigation. We believe, developing such a strategy would indeed be useful for researchers conducting literature analyses, particularly software engineers, or any other research domain.
Graph-Based Analysis of Highly-Configurable Systems
Duration: 01.11.2015 bis 01.11.2018
Todays's software systems are getting more complex every day and contain an increasing number of configuration options to customize their behavior. Developers of these highly-configurable systems face the challenge of finding faults within the variable source code and maintaining it without introducing new ones.
In order to understand variable source code of even medium-sized systems developers have to rely on multiple analysis techniques. However, current analysis techniques often do not scale well with the
number of configuration options or utilize heuristics which lead to results that are less reliable.
We propose an alternative approach for analyzing highly-configurable systems based on graph theory.
Both variability models, which describe a system's configuration options and their interdependencies, and variable source code can be represented by graph-like data structures.
Therefore, we want to introduce novel analysis techniques based on well-known graph algorithms and evaluate them regrading their result quality and performance during runtime.
Secure Data Outsourcing to Untrusted Clouds
Duration: 01.10.2014 bis 30.09.2018
Cloud storage solutions are being offered by many big vendors like Google, Amazon & IBM etc. The need of Cloud Storage has been driven by the generation of Big Data in almost every corporation. The biggest hurdle in outsourcing data to Cloud Data vendors is the Security Concern of the data owners. These security concerns have become the stumbling block in large scale adoption of Third Party Cloud Databases. The focus of this PhD project is to give a comprehensive framework for the Security of Outsourced Data to Untrusted Clouds. This framework includes Encrypted Storage in Cloud Databases, Secure Data Access, Privacy of Data Access & Authenticity of Stored Data in the Cloud. This security framework will be based on Hadoop based open source projects.
On the Impact of Hardware on Relational Query Processing
Duration: 01.09.2013 bis 31.08.2018
Satisfying the performance needs of tomorrow typically implies using modern processor capabilities (such as single instruction, multiple data) and co-processors (such as graphics processing units) to accelerate database operations. Algorithms are typically hand-tuned to the underlying (co-)processors. This solution is error-prone, introduces high implementation and maintenance cost and is not portable to other (co-)processors. To this end, we argue for a combination of database research with modern software-engineering approaches, such as feature-oriented software development (FOSD). Thus, the goal of this project is to generate optimized database algorithms tailored to the underlying (co-)processors from a common code base. With this, we maximize performance while minimizing implementation and maintenance effort in databases on new hardware. Project milestones:
- Creating a feature model: Arising from heterogeneous processor capabilities, promising capabilities have to be identified and structured to develop a comprehensive feature model. This includes fine-grained features that exploit the processor capabilities of each device.
- Annotative vs. compositional FOSD approaches: Both approaches have known benefits and drawbacks. To have a suitable mechanism to construct hardware-tailored database algorithms using FOSD, we have to evaluate which of these two approaches is the best for our scenario.
- Mapping features to code: Arising from the feature model, possible code snippets to implement a feature have to be identified.
- Performance evaluation: To validate our solution and derive rules for processor allocation and algorithm selection, we have to perform an evaluation of our algorithms.
Model-Based Refinement of Product Lines
Duration: 01.04.2015 bis 31.03.2018
Software product lines are families of related software systems that are developed by taking variability into account during the complete development process. In model-based refinement methods (e.g., ASM, Event-B, Z, VDM), systems are developed by stepwise refinement of an abstract, formal model.
In this project, we develop concepts to combine model-based refinement methods and software product lines. On the one hand, this combination aims to improve the cost-effectiveness of applying formal methods by taking advantage of the high degree of reuse provided by software product lines. On the other hand, it helps to handle the complexity of product lines by providing means to detect defects on a high level of abstraction, early in the development process.
EXtracting Product Lines from vAriaNTs (EXPLANT)
Duration: 16.02.2016 bis 15.02.2018
Software product lines enable the strategic reuse of software and handle variability in a systematic way. In practice, however, reuse and variability are often implemented ad hoc, by copying and adapting artifacts (the clone-and-own approach). Due to a lack of automation, propagating changes (e.g. error corrections, performance improvements) to several cloned product variants and exchanging functionality between variants is time-consuming and error prone.
To solve these problems, we propose the stepwise migration of cloned product variants to a compositional software product line (SPL). First, all of the variants are integrated unaltered into an initial SPL. Subsequently, this SPL is transformed into a well-structured, modular target SPL by means of small, semantics-preserving steps. Compared to existing approaches to migrate product variants to an SPL, this course of action provides the following advantages:
1) The SPL can be used in production immediately. Up until now, production had to be halted for extended periods of time because migration could not be interrupted.
2) The composition-based implementation approach supports maintainability. This avoids the problems associated with annotation-based SPL implementation techniques (e. g. lack of modularization, hard to read program code), which are widely used in practice.
3) Semantics-preservation of the original variants is guaranteed.
The core of our project is the research of variant-preserving refactoring. By this, we mean consistent transformations on the model as well as the implementation level, which are semantics-preserving with respect to all possible products of the SPL. These refactorings are combined with code clone detection in order to increase reuse and thereby decrease maintenance costs and future defect rates. Moreover, we will research feature location techniques in multiple product variants. Combined with variant-preserving refactoring, these techniques allow for the stepwise extraction of functionality from multiple product variants. Not only can we reconstruct the original variants by composing the extracted features, but we can even create new variants. Thereby, new requirements are addressed even more effectively.
A Personalized Recommender System for Product-Line Configuration
Duration: 15.01.2015 bis 31.12.2017
Today s competitive marketplace requires industries to understand the unique and particular needs of their customers. Software product line enables industries to create individual products for every customer by providing an interdependent set of features that can be configured to form personalized products. However, as most features are interdependent, users need to understand the impact of their gradual decisions in order to make the most appropriate choices. Thus, especially when dealing with large feature models, specialized assistance is needed to guide the users personalizing valid products. In this project, we aim using recommender system and search-based software engineering techniques to handle the product configuration process in large and complex product lines.
Software Product Line Testing
Duration: 01.10.2013 bis 30.09.2017
Exhaustively testing every product of a software product line (SPL) is a difficult task due to the combinatorial explosion of the number of products. Combinatorial interaction testing is a technique to reduce the number of products under test. In this project, we aim to handle multiple and possibly conflicting objectives during the test process of SPL.
Southeast Asia Research Network: Digital Engineering
Duration: 01.06.2013 bis 31.05.2017
German research organizations are increasingly interested in outstanding Southeast Asian institutions as partners for collaboration in the fields of education and research. Bilateral know-how, technology transfer and staff exchange as well as the resultant opportunities for collaboration are strategically important in terms of research and economics. Therefore, the establishment of a joint research structure in the field of digital engineering is being pursued in the project "SEAR DE Thailand" under the lead management of Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OvGU) in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation (IFF) and the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) in Thailand.
Modern Data Management Technologies for Genome Analysis
Duration: 01.12.2013 bis 31.12.2016
Genome analysis is an important method to improve disease detection and treatment. The introduction of next generation sequencing techniques allows to generate genome data for genome analysis in less time and at reasonable cost. In order to provide fast and reliable genome analysis, despite ever increasing amounts of genome data, genome data management and analysis techniques must also improve. In this project, we develop concepts and approaches to use modern database management systems (e.g., column-oriented, in-memory database management systems) for genome analysis. Project's scope:
- Identification and evaluation of genome analysis use cases suitable for database support
- Development of data management concepts for genome analysis using modern database technology with regard to chosen use cases and data management aspects such as data integration, data integrity, data provenance, data security
- Development of efficient data structures for querying and processing genome data in databases for defined use cases
- Exploiting modern hardware capabilities for genome data processing
Nachhaltiges Variabilitätsmanagement von Feature-orientierten Software-Produktlinien (NaVaS)
Duration: 01.09.2014 bis 31.08.2016
Die Verwendung von Produktlinientechnologie, wie sie beispielsweise in der Automobilbranche seit Jahrzehnten erfolgreich eingesetzt wird, bietet enormes Potential um die Softwareentwicklung zu revolutionieren. Angelehnt an die Wiederverwendung von Motortypen, die mit verschiedenen Karosserien eines Automobilherstellers kombiniert werden können, ermöglichen Softwareproduktlinien die Erstellung von maßgeschneiderten Softwareprodukten auf der Basis gemeinsamer Softwarebestandteile. Ziel des Projektes NaVaS ist es daher, die Entwicklung von Softwareprodukten auf der Basis von Softwareproduktlinien zu vereinfachen und somit die Etablierung dieser Entwicklungstechnologie voranzutreiben.
Kernarbeit des Projektes
Zur Unterstützung der Entwicklung von Softwareproduktlinien wird im Projekt NaVaS eine Softwareentwicklungsumgebung zur Erstellung von Produktlinien entwickelt. Diese basiert auf einem bereits bestehenden Forschungsdemonstrator und wird sowohl funktional und auch aus Anwendersicht den Anforderungen im kommerziellen Gewerbe und der Forschung angepasst. Hierbei werden langjährige Erfahrung bei der Entwicklung maßgeschneiderter Software seitens der METOP GmbH und der Erforschung alternativer Technologien seitens der Universität Magdeburg verschmolzen und deren Praktikabilität mit Hilfe von geeigneten assoziierten Partnern aus Industrie und Forschung sichergestellt. Die Bereitstellung einer Entwicklungsumgebung für Softwareproduktlinien, entsprechend des Forschungsdemonstrators, eröffnet somit neue Möglichkeiten. Entwicklungszeiten würden sich stark verkürzen und damit Produkte schneller am Markt verfügbar sein. Durch den zusätzlich geringeren Wartungsaufwand könnten weitere Kosten eingespart werden.
Software Product Line Languages and Tools III
Duration: 01.07.2012 bis 31.12.2015
In this project we focus on research and development of tools and languages for software product lines. Our research focuses usability, flexibility and complexity of current approaches. Research includes tools as FeatureHouse, FeatureIDE, CIDE, FeatureC++, Aspectual Mixin Layers, Refactoring Feature Modules, and formalization of language concepts. The research centers around the ideas of feature-oriented programming and explores boundaries toward other development paradigms including type systems, refactorings, design patterns, aspect-oriented programming, generative programming, model-driven architectures, service-oriented architectures and more.
- FeatureIDE: An Extensible Framework for Feature-Oriented Software Development
- SPL2go: A Catalog of Publicly Available Software Product Lines
query optimization, query processing, gpu-accelerated datamangement, self-tuning
Duration: 01.04.2014 bis 31.03.2015
Performance demands for database systems are ever increasing and a lot of research focus on new approaches to fulfill performance requirements of tomorrow. GPU acceleration is a new arising and promising opportunity to speed up query processing of database systems by using low cost graphic processors as coprocessors. One major challenge is how to combine traditional database query processing with GPU coprocessing techniques and efficient database operation scheduling in a GPU aware query optimizer. In this project, we develop a Hybrid Query Processing Engine, which extends the traditional physical optimization process to generate hybrid query plans and to perform a cost based optimization in a way that the advantages of CPUs and GPUs are combined. Furthermore, we aim at a database architecture and data model independent solution to maximize applicability.
- HyPE-Library
- HyPE is a hybrid query processing engine build for automatic selection of processing units for coprocessing in database systems. The long-term goal of the project is to implement a fully fledged query processing engine, which is able to automatically generate and optimize a hybrid CPU/GPU physical query plan from a logical query plan. It is a research prototype developed by the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg in collaboration with Ilmenau University of Technology
- CoGaDB
- CoGaDB is a prototype of a column-oriented GPU-accelerated database management system developed at the University of Magdeburg. Its purpose is to investigate advanced coprocessing techniques for effective GPU utilization during database query processing. It uses our hybrid query processing engine (HyPE) for the physical optimization process.
Clustering the Cloud - A Model for Self-Tuning of Cloud Datamanagement Systems
Duration: 01.10.2011 bis 31.03.2015
Over the past decade, cloud data management systems became increasingly popular, because they provide on-demand elastic storage and large-scale data analytics in the cloud. These systems were built with the main intention of supporting scalability and availability in an easily maintainable way. However, the (self-) tuning of cloud data management systems to meet specific requirements beyond these basic properties and for possibly heterogeneous applications becomes increasingly complex. Consequently, the self-management ideal of cloud computing is still to be achieved for cloud data management. The focus of this PhD project is (self-) tuning for cloud data management clusters that are serving one of more applications with divergent workload types. It aims to achieve dynamic clustering to support workload based optimization. Our approach is based on logical clustering within a DB cluster based on different criteria such as: data, optimization goal, thresholds, and workload types.
Analysis Strategies for Software Product Lines
Duration: 01.02.2010 bis 31.12.2014
Software-product-line engineering has gained considerable momentum in recent years, both in industry and in academia. A software product line is a set of software products that share a common set of features. Software product lines challenge traditional analysis techniques, such as type checking, testing, and formal verification, in their quest of ensuring correctness and reliability of software. Simply creating and analyzing all products of a product line is usually not feasible, due to the potentially exponential number of valid feature combinations. Recently, researchers began to develop analysis techniques that take the distinguishing properties of software product lines into account, for example, by checking feature-related code in isolation or by exploiting variability information during analysis. The emerging field of product-line analysis techniques is both broad and diverse such that it is difficult for researchers and practitioners to understand their similarities and differences (e.g., with regard to variability awareness or scalability), which hinders systematic research and application. We classify the corpus of existing and ongoing work in this field, we compare techniques based on our classification, and we infer a research agenda. A short-term benefit of our endeavor is that our classification can guide research in product-line analysis and, to this end, make it more systematic and efficient. A long-term goal is to empower developers to choose the right analysis technique for their needs out of a pool of techniques with different strengths and weaknesses.
Consistent data management for cloud gaming
Duration: 01.07.2012 bis 31.12.2014
Cloud storage systems are able to meet the future requirements of the Internet by using non-relational database management systems (NoSQL DBMS). NoSQL system simplifies the relational database schema and the data model to improve system performances, such as system scalability and parallel processing. However, such properties of cloud storage systems limit the implementation of some Web applications like massively multi-player online games (MMOG). In the research described here, we want to expand existing cloud storage systems in order to meet requirements of MMOG. We propose to build up a transaction layer on the cloud storage layer to offer flexible ACID levels. As a goal the transaction processing should be offered to game developers as a service. Through the use of such an ACID level model both the availability of the existing system and the data consistency during the interactivity of multi-player can be converted according to specific requirements.
Load-balanced Index Structures for Self-tuning DBMS
Duration: 01.01.2010 bis 31.12.2014
Index tuning as part of database tuning is the task of selecting and creating indexes with the goal of reducing query processing times. However, in dynamic environments with various ad-hoc queries it is difficult to identify potentially useful indexes in advance. The approach for self-tuning index cogurations developed in previous research provides a solution for continuous tuning on the level of index configurations, where configurations are a set of common index structures. In this project we investigate a novel approach, that moves the solution of the problem at hand to the level of the index structures, i.e. to create index structures which have an inherently self-optimizing structure.
Minimal-invasive integration of the provenance concern into data-intensive systems
Duration: 01.11.2013 bis 31.12.2014
In the recent past a new research topic named provenance gained much attention. The purpose of provenance is to determine origin and derivation history of data. Thus, provenance is used, for instance, to validate and explain computation results. Due to the digitalization of previously analogue process that consume data from heterogeneous sources and increasing complexity of respective systems, it is a challenging task to validate computation results. To face this challenge there has been plenty of research resulting in solutions that allow for capturing of provenance data. These solutions cover a broad variety of approaches reaching from formal approaches defining how to capture provenance for relational databases, high-level data models for linked data in the web, to all-in-one solutions to support management of scientific work ows. However, all these approaches have in common that they are tailored for their specific use case. Consequently, provenance is considered as an integral part of these approaches that can hardly be adjusted for new user requirements or be integrated into existing systems. We envision that provenance, which highly needs to be adjusted to the needs of specific use cases, should be a cross-cutting concern that can seamlessly be integrated without interference with the original system.
MultiPLe - Multi Software Product Lines
Duration: 01.03.2012 bis 31.10.2014
Aus der zunehmenden Verbreitung von Softwareproduktlinien resultieren Multi-Software-Produktlinien (kurz Multiproduktlinien), komplexe Softwaresysteme, die aus einer Vielzahl voneinander abhängigen Softwareproduktlinien erstellt werden. Ziel des Projektes ist die Erarbeitung von Konzepten und Methoden zur systematischen Entwicklung von Multiproduktlinien. Schwerpunkt der zweiten Projektphase ist die Verallgemeinerung entwickelter Konzepte, um Kompositionssicherheit und Interoperabilität in heterogenen Multiproduktlinien zu erreichen, die mit unterschiedlichen Programmierparadigmen und Variabilitätsmechanismen entwickelt werden. Dazu muss für alle gültigen Konfigurationen einer Multiproduktlinie sichergestellt werden, dass die Konfiguration der beteiligten Produktlinien aufeinander abgestimmt sind, so dass die von einer Produktlinie benötigte Funktionalität von einer anderen Produktlinie bereitgestellt wird (semantische Interoperabilität) und syntaktische Korrektheit z. B. von Methodenaufrufen (syntaktische Interoperabilität) garantiert wird. Ziel ist es daher, Kompositionssicherheit auf Modellebene zu erreichen, um von Implementierungsdetails zu abstrahieren, sowie Interoperabilität auf Implementierungsebene (z. B. Typsicherheit) über unterschiedliche Variabilitätsmechanismen hinweg zu garantieren. Nur so ist eine skalierende Anwendung der Produktlinientechnologie zur Entwicklung komplexer heterogener Softwaresysteme möglich.
A Hybrid Query Optimization Engine for GPU accelerated Database Query Processing
Duration: 01.04.2012 bis 31.03.2014
Performance demands for database systems are ever increasing and a lot of research focus on new approaches to fulfill performance requirements of tomorrow. GPU acceleration is a new arising and promising opportunity to speed up query processing of database systems by using low cost graphic processors as coprocessors. One major challenge is how to combine traditional database query processing with GPU coprocessing techniques and efficient database operation scheduling in a GPU aware query optimizer. In this project, we develop a Hybrid Query Processing Engine, which extends the traditional physical optimization process to generate hybrid query plans and to perform a cost based optimization in a way that the advantages of CPUs and GPUs are combined. Furthermore, we aim at a database architecture and data model independent solution to maximize applicability.
- HyPE-Library
- HyPE is a hybrid query processing engine build for automatic selection of processing units for coprocessing in database systems. The long-term goal of the project is to implement a fully fledged query processing engine, which is able to automatically generate and optimize a hybrid CPU/GPU physical query plan from a logical query plan. It is a research prototype developed by the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg in collaboration with Ilmenau University of Technology
- CoGaDB
- CoGaDB is a prototype of a column-oriented GPU-accelerated database management system developed at the University of Magdeburg. Its purpose is to investigate advanced coprocessing techniques for effective GPU utilization during database query processing. It uses our hybrid query processing engine (HyPE) for the physical optimization process.
STIMULATE -> Management/Nachwuchs -> Management und Organisationsstruktur
Duration: 01.03.2013 bis 28.02.2014
Konzepte zur verbesserten Operationsvorbereitung und -durchführung, als auch einer langfristigen Qualitätssicherung werden im Projekt betrachtet. Es wird ein Rahmenkonzept entwickelt, dass als Grundlage für die Entwicklung eines Daten- und Prozessmodells für den Forschungscampus mit dem Ziel einer effizienten Integration und Neuentwicklung innovativer Infrastrukturen dient. Die provenance-sensitive Speicherung und Verarbeitung medizinischer Daten liefert einen angepassten Trade Off zwischen den Anforderungen an die Speicherung und Verarbeitung der Daten in Bezug auf Nachvollziehbarkeit bzw. Reproduzierbarkeit auf der einen und den Anforderungen des Datenschutzes auf der anderen Seite.
ViERforES-II: Interoperability
Duration: 01.01.2011 bis 30.09.2013
The functionality of new products is achieved through an increasing proportion of software in the form of embedded systems. In interaction with other function-determining components of complex technical systems, this requires new technologies for mastering the highest safety and reliability of product developments. The aim of ViERforES is to use virtual and augmented reality to make non-physical product properties visible and thus develop adequate methods and tools for engineering.
Providing solutions for a holistic view of complex products or systems during development, testing and operation poses major challenges for information technology. Among other things, independently modeled components must be integrated into an overall context, for which virtual or augmented reality can be used as an integrated workspace. The aim of the sub-project "Interoperability for digital products with embedded systems" is therefore to ensure the interoperability of the heterogeneous systems involved and the models they manage. This ranges from the syntactic (different interfaces, data models, etc.) to the semantic (meaning and connection of differently modeled data and functionalities) to the pragmatic level (use by users, support of workflows, cooperation).
The second phase will focus in particular on non-functional interoperability between systems and interoperability between heterogeneous simulation systems.
This text was translated with DeepL
ViERforES-II: Trustworthy systems
Duration: 01.01.2011 bis 30.09.2013
In this work package of the sub-project "Trustworthy Systems", the reliability of embedded systems at source code level is investigated with a focus on program comprehension and maintainability. The aim is to investigate and implement concepts and visualizations to improve program comprehension. The result at this level should be a prototype component for a development environment in which concepts for optimal support of program comprehension are implemented. This should, for example, enable security vulnerabilities to be identified and rectified at source code level and support the maintenance of software, thereby reducing maintenance costs. Comprehensive empirical studies should show that the implemented concepts can reduce security risks and improve software maintenance.
This text was translated with DeepL
Virtual and Augmented Reality for Highest Safety and Reliability of Embedded Systems - Phase II (ViERforES II)
Duration: 01.01.2011 bis 30.09.2013
Under the title Virtual and Augmented Reality for Maximum Safety and Reliability of Embedded Systems (ViERforES), a network of university and application-oriented research began to tackle the challenges posed by the increased use of modern information and communication technologies in the application fields of automotive/mobility, medical technology/neuroscience and energy systems.
What these three fields of application have in common is that the products to be developed in these areas realize their functionality through a growing proportion of software. In order for products from Germany to continue to meet their high quality and reliability standards, it is necessary to develop new engineering methods. The established methods of product and process development must therefore also be extended to software engineering.
The results achieved by ViERforES were demonstrated by setting up demonstrators in each field of application. As a result, industrial companies were recruited to join the project consortium in the subsequent ViERforES II project. Their task is to support the application-oriented further development of the demonstrators so that the functional testing of their products and processes can take place in a virtual environment in future.
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Digi-Dak (Digitale Fingerspuren) - Teilprojekt "Datenvorverarbeitung und Datenhaltung"
Duration: 01.01.2010 bis 31.05.2013
Das Projekt Digi-Dak widmet sich der Erforschung von Mustererkennungstechniken für Fingerspuren, welche mittels berührungsloser optischer 3D Oberflächensensortechnik erfasst werden. Das generelle Ziel ist es, eine Verbesserung/Unterstützung der kriminalistischen Forensik (Daktyloskopie) zu erzielen. Insbesondere liegt der Fokus des Projektes dabei auf potentiellen Szenarien in präventiven und forensischen Prozessen, speziell auch für die Überlagerung von Spuren oder die Altersdetektion. Ziel des Teilprojektes Datenvorverarbeitung und Datenhaltung ist es, die erfassten (dreidimensionalen) Sensordaten aufzubereiten und so zu speichern, dass der automatisierte Prozess der Fingerspurenerfassung unterstützt bzw. verbessert wird. In diesem Rahmen werden Methoden zur effizienten Speicherung und Anfragebearbeitung von hochdimensionalen Daten erforscht. Darüber hinaus sollen Methoden und Konzepte erforscht werden, die die Beweiskraft der erfassten Fingerspuren auch nach deren Vor- bzw. Weiterverarbeitung gewährleisten.
Optimization and Self-Tuning Approaches for Data Warehouses
Duration: 01.01.2011 bis 12.04.2013
Data-Warehouse-Systeme werden seit einiger Zeit für Markt- und Finanzanalysen in vielen Bereichen der Wirtschaft eingesetzt. Die Anwendungsgebiete dieser Systeme erweitern sich dabei ständig, und zusätzlich steigen die zu haltenenden Datenmengen (historischer Datenbestand) immer schneller an. Da es sich oft um sehr komplexe und zeitkritische Anwendungen handelt, müssen die Analysen und Berechnungen auf den Daten immer weiter optimiert werden. Dazu allein reicht die stetig steigende Leistung von Rechner- und Serversystemen nicht aus, da die Anwendungen immer neue Anforderungen und komplexer werdende Berechnungen benötigen. Dadurch wird auch klar, daß der zeitliche und finanzielle Aufwand zum Betrieb solcher Systeme immens ist.
Im Rahmen dieses Projekts soll untersucht werden, welche Möglichkeiten existieren, bisherige Ansätze zu erweitern und neue Vorschläge in bestehende System zu integrieren um die Leistung dieser zu steigern. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen sollen Ansätze aus dem Bereich des Self-Tunings genutzt werden, denn so können die Systeme sich autonom an ständig ändernde Rahmenbedingungen und Anforderungen anpassen. Diese Ansätze sollen durch Erweiterungen wie zum Beispiel die Unterstützung von Bitmap-Indexen verbessert werden. Weiterhin soll Bezug genommen werden auf tiefere Ebenen der Optimierung, wodurch eine physische Optimierung möglich (autonom) und erleichtert werden soll.
Software Product Line Languages and Tools II
Duration: 01.01.2011 bis 30.06.2012
This project focuses on research and development of tools and languages for software
product line development. The research aims at improving usability, flexibility and complexity of current approaches. This includes tools as FeatureC++, FeatureIDE, and CIDE as well as concepts like Aspect Refinement, Aspectual Mixin Layers, and formalization of language concepts. The research centers around the ideas of feature-oriented programming and explores boundaries toward other development paradigms including design patterns, aspect-oriented programming, generative programming, model-driven architectures, service-oriented architectures and more.
MultiPLe - Multi Software Product Lines
Duration: 01.09.2009 bis 31.12.2011
The aim of the MultiPLe project is to develop and extend techniques and concepts for modeling, implementing, and configuring multiple interdependent product lines (MultiPLs). This includes new approaches for modeling dependencies between SPLs, extending techniques for SPL implementation, automation of SPL development, and optimization of MultiPLs. In this project, we focus on feature-oriented product line engineering and associated modeling techniques like feature-oriented domain analysis (FODA) as well as different implementation techniques like component based software development, frameworks, preprocessors (e.g., the C/C++ preprocessor), and feature-oriented programming (FOP)
COMO B3 - IT-Security Automotive
Duration: 01.09.2007 bis 31.08.2011
Immer mehr IT-Komponenten finden den Weg in ein (Kraft)-Fahrzeug, sei es zur Steigerung des Komforts oder der Sicherheit. Die entsprechenden autarken Steuergeräte kommunizieren dabei über verschiedene Bussysteme und begründen dabei das IT-System Automobil. Durch das erhöhte Aufkommen von Kommunikation (auch über externe Schnittstellen, z.B. car-2-car) steigt sowohl das Sicherheitsrisiko/-bedürfnis als auch die zu verarbeitenden Daten.
Im Teilprojekt B3 des Forschungsprojektes COmpetence in MObility (COMO) sollen daher Konzepte für das automotive System geschaffen werden, um sowohl die Sicherheit im Auto dauerhaft zu gewaehrleisten (z.B. Abwehr gegen Angriffe auf IT-Komponenten) als auch das hohe Datenaufkommen auf effiziente Art und Weise durch Infrastruktursoftware (z.B. DBMS) zu handhaben.
Für das Datenmanagement wird dabei eine Produktlinienentwicklung angestrebt, die durch Anwendung neuer Programmiertechniken sowohl den ressourcenbedingten Einschränkungen im Automobil gerecht wird als auch die Kosten für die Neuentwicklung einzelner Komponenten durch Wiederverwendung minimiert.
Projektpartner sind Prof. J.Dittmann (AG Multimedia & Security) und Prof. G.Saake (AG Datenbanken) vom Institut für technische und betriebliche Informationssysteme (ITI) der OvGU als auch Prof. U. Jumar vom Institut für Automation und Kommunikation (ifak) der OvGU.
Datenschnittstellen und ganzheitliche Modelle für die funktionale Simulation (C1 Automotive)
Duration: 01.09.2007 bis 31.08.2011
Ein ganzheitliches Virtual Engineering von der Entwicklung bis hin zur Fertigung von Produkten erfordert die Verbindung unterschiedlicher ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Disziplinen bezogen auf die Betrachtungsebenen und Detaillierungsgrade in ihren Modellwelten.
Ziel dieses Teilprojektes, welches im Rahmen des COmpetence in MObility (COMO) Projektes läuft, beinhaltet die Beschreibung, Spezifikation und Entwicklung von Modell- und Schnittstellenwerkzeugen zur Verwaltung der Daten. Die Sammlung von Werkzeugen umfasst Datentransformationen, Meta-Datenbank, die Informationen über Modelle, Komponenten und das System enthält.
Damit soll ein Beitrag zur Weiterentwicklung virtueller Technologien bzw. zur Verbesserung von deren Anwendbarkeit bei Engineering- und Planungsprozessen geleistet werden.
Projektpartner des Teilprojektes sind Prof. U. Gabbert vom Institut für Mechanik (IFME) Magdeburg, Prof. R. Kaspar vom Institut für Mobile Systeme (IMS) Magdeburg und Prof. M. Schenk vom Institut für Logistik und Materialflusstechnik (ILM) Magdeburg.
Referenzdatenmodelle für mechatronischen Entwurf, Modellbildung und Simulation (C3 Automotive)
Duration: 01.09.2007 bis 31.08.2011
Ein ganzheitliches Virtual Engineering von der Entwicklung bis hin zur Fertigung von Produkten erfordert die Verbindung unterschiedlicher ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Disziplinen bezogen auf die Betrachtungsebenen und Detaillierungsgrade in ihren Modellwelten.
Das Teilprojekt C3, des COmpetence in MObility (COMO) Projektes, beinhaltet die Entwicklung einer Referenzdatenbank zur Verwaltung von komplexen Modellen und Abhängigkeiten, sowie die Spezifikation von Referenzdatenmodellen für den mechatronischen Entwurf, die Modellbildung und Simulation.
Das ganzheitliche Referenzdatenmodell wird verschiedenartige (u.a. mechanische, elektrische, regelungstechnische) Modelle in virtuelle Produktkomponenten integrieren. Damit soll ein Beitrag zur Weiterentwicklung virtueller Technologien bzw. zur Verbesserung von deren Anwendbarkeit bei Engineering- und Planungsprozessen geleistet werden.
Projektpartner des Teilprojektes ist Prof. M. Schenk vom Fraunhofer-Institut für Fabrikbetrieb und -automatisierung (IFF) Magdeburg.
Reflective and Adaptive Middleware for Software Evolution of Non-Stopping Information Systems
Duration: 01.04.2008 bis 31.08.2011
Today's information systems still remain far from exhibiting the levels of agility required to operate in our very volatile and competitive (socio-techno-economical) environment. Such environments require updated/new business services to be easily and rapidly offered while ensuring a high-level of quality and certification. Towards that purpose, the present proposal addresses the rigorous development of self-adapting and run-time evolving information systems. The approach we propose is mainly interaction-centric. First, a reflective middleware is to be built with a UML-compliant base-level and a meta-level with evolutionary script-based rules and consistency checking of run-time self-adaptation and evolution. This reflective middleware is then to be enhanced by endowing it with a more general (domain-dependent) architecture with reconfiguration capabilities based on graph transformation rewriting techniques and property-oriented (temporal) logic. Transformation models will then be forwarded both at the base- and at the meta-level for formal validation and properties verification of the running (middleware-based) system on the basis of the (domain-based) architecture. Besides the proof of concepts with academic case studies, the project will be validated with a non-trivial case-study dealing with an urban traffic systems.
Optimization and Self-Tuning Approaches for Data Warehouses
Duration: 15.04.2007 bis 31.12.2010
Data-Warehouse-Systeme werden seit einiger Zeit für Markt- und Finanzanalysen in vielen Bereichen der Wirtschaft eingesetzt. Die Anwendungsgebiete dieser Systeme erweitern sich dabei ständig, und zusätzlich steigen die zu haltenenden Datenmengen (historischer Datenbestand) immer schneller an. Da es sich oft um sehr komplexe und zeitkritische Anwendungen handelt, müssen die Analysen und Berechnungen auf den Daten immer weiter optimiert werden. Dazu allein reicht die stetig steigende Leistung von Rechner- und Serversystemen nicht aus, da die Anwendungen immer neue Anforderungen und komplexer werdende Berechnungen benötigen. Dadurch wird auch klar, daß der zeitliche und finanzielle Aufwand zum Betrieb solcher Systeme immens ist.
Im Rahmen dieses Projekts soll untersucht werden, welche Möglichkeiten existieren, bisherige Ansätze zu erweitern und neue Vorschläge in bestehende System zu integrieren um die Leistung dieser zu steigern. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen sollen Ansätze aus dem Bereich des Self-Tunings genutzt werden, denn so können die Systeme sich autonom an ständig ändernde Rahmenbedingungen und Anforderungen anpassen. Diese Ansätze sollen durch Erweiterungen wie zum Beispiel die Unterstützung von Bitmap-Indexen verbessert werden. Weiterhin soll Bezug genommen werden auf tiefere Ebenen der Optimierung, wodurch eine physische Optimierung möglich (autonom) und erleichtert werden soll.
Software Product Line Languages and Tools
Duration: 25.11.2006 bis 31.12.2010
This project focuses on research and development of tools and languages for software
product line development. The research aims at improving usability, flexibility and complexity of current approaches. This includes tools as FeatureC++, FeatureIDE, and CIDE as well as concepts like Aspect Refinement, Aspectual Mixin Layers, and formalization of language concepts. The research centers around the ideas of feature-oriented programming and explores boundaries toward other development paradigms including design patterns, aspect-oriented programming, generative programming, model-driven architectures, service-oriented architectures and more.
ViERforES - Interoperabilität für digitale Produkte mit eingebetteten Systemen
Duration: 01.09.2008 bis 31.12.2010
Die Funktionalität neuer Produkte wird durch einen zunehmenden Anteil von Software in Form von Eingebetteten Systemen erzielt. Im Zusammenwirken mit anderen funktionsbestimmenden Komponenten komplexer technischer Systeme erfordert das neue Techologien zur Beherrschung von höchster Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit von Produktentwicklungen. Ziel von VIERforES ist es, durch Einsatz von Virtueller und Erweiterter Realität auch nicht physikalische Produkteigenschaften sichtbar zu machen und so adäquate Methoden und Werkzeuge für das Engineering zu entwickeln.
Die Bereitstellung von Lösungen zur gesamtheitlichen Betrachtung komplexer Produkte oder Anlagen in der Entwicklung, dem Tests und während des Betriebes stellt die Informationstechnik vor große Herausforderungen. Unter anderem müssen unabhängig voneinander modellierte Komponenten in einen Gesamtkontext eingebracht werden, wofür die virtuelle oder erweiterte Realität als integrierter Arbeitsbereich nutzbar gemacht werden kann. Ziel des Teilprojektes "Interoperabilität für digitale Produkte mit eingebetteten Systemen" ist daher die Sicherstellung der Interoperabilität der beteiligten heterogenen Systeme und der von diesen verwalteten Modelle. Dies reicht von der syntaktischen (verschiedene Schnittstellen, Datenmodelle, etc.) über die semantische (Bedeutung und Zusammenhang von unterschiedlich modellierten Daten und Funktionalitäten) bis zur pragmatischen Ebene (Verwendung durch Nutzer, Unterstützung von Arbeitsabläufen, Kooperation).
ViERforES - Koordination
Duration: 01.09.2008 bis 31.12.2010
Aufgabe des Teilprojektes ist die Koordinierung der Zusammenarbeit der Projektleiter der Teilprojekte der Anwendungsbereiche und Querschnittthemen des Projektes VIERforES sowie Präsentation, Außendarstellung.
ViERforES - Sichere Datenhaltung in eingebetteten Systemen
Duration: 01.09.2008 bis 31.12.2010
Die Funktionalität neuer Produkte wird durch einen zunehmenden Anteil von Software in Form von Eingebetteten Systemen erzielt. Im Zusammenwirken mit anderen funktionsbestimmenden Komponenten komplexer technischer Systeme erfordert das neue Techologien zur Beherrschung von höchster Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit von Produktentwicklungen. Ziel von VIERforES ist es, durch Einsatz von Virtueller und Erweiterter Realität auch nicht physikalische Produkteigenschaften sichtbar zu machen und so adäquate Methoden und Werkzeuge für das Engineering zu entwickeln.
Ziel des Teilprojektes "Sichere Datenhaltung in eingebetteten Systemen" ist es, den Stand der Technik bezüglich Safety und Security sowie ihrer Wechselwirkungen unter dem speziellen Fokus auf eingebettete Systeme aufzuzeigen und in der Kooperation mit Kaiserslautern auf die Anwendungsgebiete abzubilden. Bedrohungen für dieses spezifische Umfeld sollen analysiert und modelliert (z.B. unter Einbeziehung bestehender Schemata wie der CERT-Taxonomie) werden und dem Anwender über Virtual Engineering greifbar gemacht werden. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist die Entwicklung einer Produktlinie für sichere Datenhaltung in eingebetteten Systemen und Konzepte für die Verfügbarkeit dieser Produktlinie im Virtual Engineering.
Lastbalancierte Indexstrukturen zur Unterstützung des Self-Tuning in DBMS
Duration: 03.03.2007 bis 31.03.2010
Indexstrukturen werden seit langer Zeit in Datenbankmanagementsystemen eingesetzt, um bei grösen Datenmengen den Zugriff auf Datenobjekte zu beschleunigen. Dabei werden Datenräume in der Regel gleichmäßig indexiert, um möglichst konstante Zugriffskosten zu erzielen. Weiterhin sind die Indexstrukturen dafür optimiert, den gesamten Datenbereich zu beschreiben, wodurch in der Regel große Indexinstanzen entstehen. Im Rahmen dieses Projektes wird untersucht, welche Möglichkeiten existieren, um Indexe im Rahmen eines Self-Tuning besser an aktuelle Anforderungen eines Systems anzupassen. Im Gegensatz zur parallel betriebenen Forschungen an Indexkonfigurationen sollen hierbei die Indexe selber adaptiv sein, indem sie sich an das Lastverhalten in Form von Zugriffen auf bestimmte Datenbereiche selbständig anpassen. Resultierende Indexstrukturen müssen dementsprechend nicht mehr höhenbalanciert sein und können gegebenenfalls dünnbesetzt sein oder den Datenraum nur partiell überdecken.
Methods and Tools for Construction of Highly Configurable Database Families for Embedded Systems
Duration: 01.04.2006 bis 30.09.2008
Embedded computer systems often need infrastructure software for the management of data that often has a lot in common with traditional database management systems (DBMS). However, the hardware heterogeneity, the sometimes extreme resource constraints, and the different requirements of the often very special applications inhibit the use of standard software solutions. In this situation programmers frequently react by developing their own solutions, which leads to a "reinvention of the wheel". The goal of this project is to evaluate and improve methods and tools for the construction of highly customizable DBMS. These techniques could reduce the developments by supporting reuse without increased hardware costs. Besides the construction of DBMS families a further goal is to analyse application code in order to automate and this simply the configuration configuration process.
Reflective and Adaptive Middleware for Software Evolution of Non-Stopping Information Systems
Duration: 15.10.2005 bis 31.03.2008
Today's information systems still remain far from exhibiting the levels of agility required to operate in our very volatile and competitive (socio-techno-economical) environment. Such environments require updated/new business services to be easily and rapidly offered while ensuring a high-level of quality and certification. Towards that purpose, the present proposal addresses the rigorous development of self-adapting and run-time evolving information systems. The approach we propose is mainly interaction-centric. First, a reflective middleware is to be built with a UML-compliant base-level and a meta-level with evolutionary script-based rules and consistency checking of run-time self-adaptation and evolution. This reflective middleware is then to be enhanced by endowing it with a more general (domain-dependent) architecture with reconfiguration capabilities based on graph transformation rewriting techniques and property-oriented (temporal) logic. Transformation models will then be forwarded both at the base- and at the meta-level for formal validation and properties verification of the running (middleware-based) system on the basis of the (domain-based) architecture. Besides the proof of concepts with academic case studies, the project will be validated with a non-trivial case-study dealing with an urban traffic systems.
Virtuelle Entwicklungs- und Logistikplattform (TP 13 Automotive)
Duration: 01.10.2005 bis 30.09.2007
Ein ganzheitliches Virtual Engineering von der Entwicklung bis hin zur Fertigung von Produkten erfordert die Verbindung unterschiedlicher ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Disziplinen bezogen auf die Betrachtungsebenen und Detaillierungsgrade in ihren Modellwelten. Als vorteilhaft hat sich in diesem Zusammenhang die Verwendung von Modellkomponenten erwiesen, die sich an dem Modul- und Schnittstellenkonzept der Produkte orientieren. Die hierfür benötigten ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen und Modellierungskonzepte sollen im Rahmen dieses interdisziplinären Projektes erarbeitet und anhand einer prototypischen Softwareplattform zur Unterstützung der Produktentstehungsprozesse erprobt werden. Damit soll ein Beitrag zur Weiterentwicklung virtueller Technologien bzw. zur Verbesserung von deren Anwendbarkeit bei Engineering- und Planungsprozessen geleistet werden. Projektpartner sind Prof. R. Kasper vom Institut für Mobile Systeme der OvGU Magdeburg, Prof. U. Gabbert vom Institut für Mechanik der OvGU Magdeburg sowie Prof. M. Schenk vom Fraunhofer-Institut für Fabrikbetrieb und -automatisierung (IFF) Magdeburg.
Lastbalancierte Indexstrukturen zur Unterstützung des Self-Tuning in DBMS
Duration: 01.10.2004 bis 02.03.2007
Indexstrukturen werden seit langer Zeit in Datenbankmanagementsystemen eingesetzt, um bei grösen Datenmengen den Zugriff auf Datenobjekte zu beschleunigen. Dabei werden Datenräume in der Regel gleichmäßig indexiert, um möglichst konstante Zugriffskosten zu erzielen. Weiterhin sind die Indexstrukturen dafür optimiert, den gesamten Datenbereich zu beschreiben, wodurch in der Regel große Indexinstanzen entstehen. Im Rahmen dieses Projektes wird untersucht, welche Möglichkeiten existieren, um Indexe im Rahmen eines Self-Tuning besser an aktuelle Anforderungen eines Systems anzupassen. Im Gegensatz zur parallel betriebenen Forschungen an Indexkonfigurationen sollen hierbei die Indexe selber adaptiv sein, indem sie sich an das Lastverhalten in Form von Zugriffen auf bestimmte Datenbereiche selbständig anpassen. Resultierende Indexstrukturen müssen dementsprechend nicht mehr höhenbalanciert sein und können gegebenenfalls dünnbesetzt sein oder den Datenraum nur partiell überdecken.
Werkzeugunterstützung für die Entwicklung von Produktlinien
Duration: 01.10.2004 bis 31.08.2006
Produktlinientechnologien bzw. Domain Engineering stellen wichtige Methoden zur Erstellung von wiederverwendbarer, konfigurierbarer und beherrschbarer Software dar. Ziel des Projektes ist die durchgehende Unterstützung des Produktlinien bzw. Domain Engineering Prozesses. Im Moment gibt es eine Vielzahl von Methoden und Werkzeugen zur Unterstützung der einzelnen Phasen des Domain Engineering (Analyse, Entwurf, Implementierung, Konfigurierung). Allerdings besteht zwischen diesen oftmals keinerlei Zusammenhang. Dadurch können nicht alle Informationen einer Phase in eine folgende übernommen werden und gehen somit verloren. Diese Informationen fehlen bei späteren Erweiterungen, Anpassungen und Wartungsarbeiten. Deshalb m"ussen viele einmal spezifizierte Eigenschaften der zu erstellenden Software mehrmals neu eingegeben bzw. implementiert oder spezifiziert werden. Des Weiteren wird in diesem Projekt FeatureC++, eine merkmalsorientierte Erweiterung zu C++, entwickelt. Die Idee auch für die Anwendungsentwicklung mit C++ eine Sprachunterstützung anzubieten (Hierher nur Java mit AHEAD). Weiterhin soll damit gezeigt werden, das die Entwicklungsumgebung sowie der Entwicklungsprozess unabhängig von einer Sprache (AHEAD – Java, FeatureC++ – C++) oder speziellen Werkzeugen ist. Der Prozess und die Werkzeuge folgen lediglich dem Paradigma der Merkmalsorientierung.
Hochkonfigierbares Datenmanagement
Duration: 01.10.2002 bis 02.03.2006
Die Einsatzbereiche von Rechensystemen werden immer vielfältiger. Mikroprozessoren finden sich heute bereits in jedem Automobil, jedem Flugzeug und selbst in Waschmaschinen. Aktuelle Entwicklungen wie "Ubiquitous Computing" und "Pervasive Computing" werden diesen Trend noch verstärken. Häufig benötigen auch derartige "eingebettete" Rechensysteme Infrastruktursoftware zur Datenhaltung, die vieles mit klassischer Datenhaltung in DBMS gemein haben. Allerdings verhindern die Heterogenität der Hardware, die teilweise extremen Ressourcenbeschränkungen und die unterschiedlichen Anforderungen der häufig sehr speziellen Anwendungsprogramme den Einsatz von Standardlösungen. Um zu verhindern, dass Entwickler darauf mit Eigenentwicklungen reagieren bedarf es spezieller anpassbarer DBMS für die Anwendungsdomäne der eingebetteten Systeme. Das Ziel dieses Vorhabens ist es, Methoden und Werkzeuge zu evaluieren und zu verfeinern, die für den Bau anwendungsspezifisch konfigurierbarer DBMS zielführend sind. Dabei soll neben der Konstruktion der DBMS Familie auch die Analyse von Anwendungen betrachtet werden, um so den Aufwand f"ur die Konfigurierung der passenden DBMS Variante durch Automatisierung zu minimieren.
Duration: 01.03.2002 bis 01.03.2006
Bei der Suche in Bilddatenbanken ohne textuelle Annotationen ist man von automatisch extrahierten Metadaten abhängig. Beim Relevance-Feedback erfolgt die Suche interaktiv auf den extrahierten Daten. Bei den extrahierten Daten handelt es sich um Merkmalen wie Farbe und Form. Diese so genannten low-level-Merkmale können ein gesuchtes Bild nur vage beschrieben. Daher entspricht die Ergebnismenge einer Anfrage auf diesem Datenraum in der Regel nicht genau den Vorstellungen des Nutzers.Durch mehrere iterative Schritte während eines Anfrageprozesses kann die menschliche Beurteilung mit in die Anfrageausführung einbezogen werden. Bei einer unbefriedigenden Ergebnismenge gibt es mehrere Verfahren, bei denen durch iterative Anfrageformulierung eine Verbesserung der Ergebnismenge erreicht werden kann. Ein Beispiel wäre die Bewertung der Ergebnismenge durch den Nutzer. Die bewertete Anfrage wird als neue Anfrage an das System geschickt. Eine benutzerorientierte Unterstüzung bei der Iteration ist durch eine geeignete Präsentation der Ergebnismenge möglich.
Ähnlichkeitsbasierte Operationen für die Integration strukturierter Daten
Duration: 01.10.2000 bis 02.08.2005
Die Behandlung von Diskrepanzen in Daten ist immer noch eine große Herausforderung und zum Beispiel relevant zur Beseitigung von Duplikaten aus semantisch überlappenden Datenquellen als auch zur Verbindung komplementärer Daten aus verschiedenen Quellen. Entsprechende Operationen können meist nicht nur auf Wertegleichheit basieren, da nur in wenigen Fällen über Systemgrenzen hinweg gültige Identifikatoren existieren.Die Verwendung weiterer Attributwerte ist problematisch, da fehlerhafte Daten und unterschiedliche Darstellungsweisen ein häufiges Problem in diesem Kontext sind. Deshalb müssen solche Operation auf der Ähnlichkeit von Datenobjekten und -werten basieren.Dieser Probleme wird sich in dem Promotionsprojekt von Herr Eike Schallehn angenommen, indem ähnlichkeitsbasierte Operationen entsprechend einem leichtgewichtigen, generischen Rahmen bereitgestellt werden. Die ähnlichkeitsbasierte Selektion, der Verbund und die Gruppierung werden bezüglich ihrer allgemeinen Semantik und besonderer Aspekte der zugrunde liegenden Ähnlichkeitsrelationen diskutiert. Entsprechende Algorithmen für die Datenbearbeitung werden für materialisierte und virtuelle Datenintegrationsszenarien beschrieben. Implementierungen werden vorgestellt und bezüglich der Anwendbarkeit und Effizienz der vorgestellten Ansätze evaluiert.
Optimierung von Ähnlichkeitsanfragen in Multimedia-Datenbanksystemen
Duration: 01.01.2003 bis 01.08.2005
Für die Suche in Multimedia-Datenbanksystemen müssen neben exakten Ergebnissen auch solche einbezogen werden, die der gewünschten Information möglichst nahe kommen, d.h. ähnlich sind. Eine Anfrage könnte etwa sein, in einer Bilddatenbank die Bilder zu finden, die möglichst ähnlich zu einem bestimmten Vorgabebild sind. Die "Ähnlichkeit" wird jedoch von verschiedenen Faktoren, wie der subjektiven Einschätzung des Nutzers und der Gewichtung von Teilanfragen beeinflusst. Da solche Faktoren allgemein nicht durch ein System vorhersagbar sind, ist es notwendig, sie in die Anfragesprache des Systems zu integrieren. Dabei eignet sich zur Anfrageformulierung eine kalkülbasierte QBE-Sprache aufgrund des deklarativen Charakters für den Anwender. Für die Anfrageverarbeitung durch den Computer hingegegen eignet sich eine algebrabasierte Sprache besser.Die aus deklarativen Nutzeranfragen erzeugten Algebraausdrücke stellen im Allgemeinen nicht die bestmögliche Berechnungsvorschrift dar, so dass eine Optimierung sinnvoll bzw. notwendig ist. Eine besondere Berücksichtigung bei der Optimierung verlangt dabei die Behandlung der in die Sprache eingebetteten Ähnlichkeitswerte.
Suche in Multimedia-Datenbanken
Duration: 02.03.2005 bis 01.08.2005
Das langfristige Ziel ist die Erforschung der Nutzung von Datenbankkonzepten zur Verwaltung von Multimedia-Daten. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf Methoden und Werkzeugen zur Suche nach Multimedia-Daten. Wichtige Forschungsergebnisse sollen dabei anhand von Prototypen validiert und demonstriert werden.Die Suche nach Multimedia-Daten erfordert die Spezifikation von Anfragen, welche durch den Forschungsschwerpunkt "Gewichten von Anfragen" abgedeckt wird. Dazu wurde die Anfragesprache WS-QBE entwickelt, welche eine QBE-ähnliche Anfragespezifikation von Ähnlichkeitsanfragen erlaubt. WS-QBE-Anfragen werden über eine Kalkülsprache in eine Ähnlichkeitsalgebra überführt, in der eine Optimierung und anschließend die Ergebnisberechnung ausgeführt wird. Zum effizienten Finden von Ergebnissen sind hochdimensionale Indexstrukturen notwendig. Oft kann ein Anfrageergebnis nur mittels mehrerer Anfrage-Iterationen gefunden werden. Dazu werden Konzepte des Relevance Feedbacks verwendet.
Parallel SQL Based Frequent Pattern Mining
Duration: 01.01.2002 bis 01.05.2005
Data mining on large relational databases has gained popularity and its significance is well recognized. However, the performance of SQL based data mining is known to fall behind specialized implementation. We investigate approaches based on SQL for the problem of finding frequent patterns from a transaction table, including an algorithm that we recently proposed, called Ppropad (Parallel PROjection PAttern Discovery). Ppropad fundamentally differs from an Apriori-like candidate set generation-and-test approach. This approach successively projects the transaction table into frequent itemsets to avoid making multiple passes over the large original transaction table and generating a huge sets of candidates. We have built a parallel database system with DB2 and made performance evaluation on it. We prove that data mining with SQL can achieve sufficient performance by the utilization of database tuning.
Indexunterstützung für Anfrageoperationen in Mediatorsystemen
Duration: 01.04.2003 bis 31.03.2005
Viele Benutzer und Applikationen benötigen die Integration von semi-strukturierten Daten aus autonomen, heterogenenen Web-Datenquellen. In den letzten Jahren entstanden Mediator-Systeme, die Domain-Knowledge in Form von Ontologien oder Vokabularen benutzen, um das Problem der strukturellen Heterogenität zu lösen. Allerdings haben viele Anwender nicht das notwendige Wissen über Daten und deren Struktur sowie über die Anfragesprache, um diese Daten sinnvoll zu nutzen. Somit ist es notwendig einfach zu benutzende Anfrageschnittstellen, d.h. Keyword-Suche und Browsing, bereitzustellen.Das Ziel des Projektes ist eine indexbasierte Realisierung von Keyword-Suchen in konzeptbasierten Mediatorsystemen. Um globale Anfragen effizient auszuführen, wird ein Index auf der globalen Ebene aus Anfrageergebnissen aufgebaut und aktuell gehalten. Zusätzlich sollen neben Stichwortanfragen auch Stringähnlichkeitsoperationen unterstützt werden.
Selbstverwaltung von Indexkonfigurationen in DBMS
Duration: 01.04.2003 bis 31.03.2005
Ein Hauptmittel zum Tuning von Datenbanken ist das Anlegen von Indexen zur Beschleunigung der Ausführung einer Vielzahl von Operationen. Jedoch ist das Anlegen der geeigneten Indexe eine schwierige Aufgabe, die genaues Wissen über die Nutzung der Daten und die Arbeitsweise des jeweiligen Datenbankmanagementsystems voraussetzt. Zur Unterstützung dieser Aufgabe wurden in den letzten Jahren von den DBMS-Herstellern Werkzeuge entwickelt, die zum Beispiel typische Anfragen oder Anfrage-Logs analysieren und eine statische Empfehlung für eine Indexkonfiguration ableiten.In der Praxis existieren Datenbanken aber in einem sehr dynamischen Umfeld, wo sich neben typischen Nutzungsprofilen (Anfragen) auch die Daten selber und ebenfalls zur Verfügung stehenden Systemressourcen permanent ändern. Im Rahmen dieses Projektes wird untersucht, wie basierend auf einer kontinuierlichen Analyse des Systems und seiner Nutzung automatisch die aktuelle Indexkonfiguration an sich ändernde Anforderungen angepasst werden kann.
Konsistenzsicherung bei serverseitigen Änderungen für Datenbestände mobiler Clients
Duration: 01.11.2004 bis 01.03.2005
Informationssystemen mit mobilen Klienten müssen die Restriktionen bei Hardware (leichtgewichtige Endgeräte), Energieversorgung (meist Akkumulatoren) und Netzwerknutzung (Kosten, Geschwindigkeiten, Verfügbarkeit) kompensieren. Oftmals kommen hierbei Techniken zum Einsatz, welche Daten redundant auf dem Mobilgerät speichern. Das Spektrum reicht hierbei von Caching über Hoarding bis hin zur Replikation. Sie unterscheiden sich im Wesentlichen durch das Vorgehen, wie der Nutzer Einfluss auf die zwischenzuspeichernden Daten nehmen kann. Beim Caching, insbesondere beim semantischen Caching, werden Anfrageergebnisse gepuffert und bei neuen Anfragen gegebenenfalls wiederverwendet. Hoarding-Techniken versuchen vorauszuahnen, welche Daten dem Nutzer eines Mobilgerätes später von Nutzen sein können. Replikationsverfahren erlauben ein gezieltes Anfordern von Daten. Bei allen drei Ansätzen wird jedoch eine künstliche Redundanz der Serverdaten erzeugt, die bei Änderungen zu Inkonsistenzen führt. Daher müssen sowohl Klient, als auch Server konsistenzsichernde Maßnahmen unterstützen. Im Rahmen dieses Projektes wird daher untersucht, wie ein solcher Abgleich, abhängig vom gewählten Zwischenspeicherungsansatz erfolgen kann.
Suche in Multimedia-Datenbanken
Duration: 02.03.2000 bis 01.03.2005
Das langfristige Ziel ist die Erforschung der Nutzung von Datenbankkonzepten zur Verwaltung von Multimedia-Daten. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf Methoden und Werkzeugen zur Suche nach Multimedia-Daten. Wichtige Forschungsergebnisse sollen dabei anhand von Prototypen validiert und demonstriert werden.Die Suche nach Multimedia-Daten erfordert die Spezifikation von Anfragen, welche durch den Forschungsschwerpunkt "Gewichten von Anfragen" abgedeckt wird. Dazu wurde die Anfragesprache WS-QBE entwickelt, welche eine QBE-ähnliche Anfragespezifikation von Ähnlichkeitsanfragen erlaubt. WS-QBE-Anfragen werden über eine Kalkülsprache in eine Ähnlichkeitsalgebra überführt, in der eine Optimierung und anschließend die Ergebnisberechnung ausgeführt wird. Zum effizienten Finden von Ergebnissen sind hochdimensionale Indexstrukturen notwendig. Oft kann ein Anfrageergebnis nur mittels mehrerer Anfrage-Iterationen gefunden werden. Dazu werden Konzepte des Relevance Feedbacks verwendet.
Softwaretechnische Methoden zur Entwicklung adaptiver verteilter Systeme
Duration: 01.12.2002 bis 31.12.2004
Im Kontext der globalen Vernetzung gewinnen verteilte Systeme immer mehr an Bedeutung. Sie durchdringen immer mehr Bereiche des alltäglichen Lebens undmüssen immer flexibler auf äußere Einflüsse reagieren bzw. hinsichtlich dieser angepasst werden. Ziel dieses Promotionsvorhabens ist der wachsenden Komplexität dieser Systeme unter Beachtung des immer breiter werdenden Spektrums von potentiellen Anwendungen und Zielplattformen mittels moderner softwaretechnischer Methoden zu begegnen. Hierbei werden vor allem Aspektorientierte, Generative sowie Merkmalsorientierte Programmierung hinsichtlich Anpassbarkeit, Widerverwendbarkeit und Erweiterbarkeit von verteilten Systemen, ohne die Verständlichkeit und Wartbarkeit einzuschränken, untersucht. In diesem Rahmen wurden und werden außerdem neue Methoden wie konfigurierbares Binden, die kombinierte Anwendung der genannten Sprachparadigmen oder eine visuelle Werkzeugunterstützung entwickelt. Neben dieser statischen Sicht liegt der Fokus außerdem auf der dynamischen Anpassung von verteilten Systemen zur Laufzeit. In diesem Zusammenhang werden auf softwaretechnischer Ebene reflexive Architekturen und dynamisches Aspektweben untersucht. Auf konzeptioneller Ebene wird ein Zusammenhang zwischen Komplexitätsforschung, Kybernetik und selbst-organisierenden adaptiven dezentral-verteilten Systemen hergestellt.
Adaptive Replikation von Daten in heterogenen mobilen Kommunikationsnetzen
Duration: 01.11.2000 bis 31.10.2004
Moderne Kommunikationsnetze mit mobilem, drahtlosem Zugang eröffnen eine Vielzahl neuer Anwendungsgebiete. Die Mobilität der Endgeräte sowie die Ausdehnung der Netzwerke erfordern eine verteilte und redundante Verwaltung sowohl der Managementdaten als auch der eigentlichen Nutzdaten, um einen reibungslosen Betrieb sowie einen effizienten und kostengünstigen Zugriff zu gewährleisten. Daraus resultiert jedoch gleichzeitig auch die Notwendigkeit einer konsistenten Aktualisierung der einzelnen Kopien der Daten. Erschwert wird dies gleichzeitig durch die Heterogenität der Netze und der darauf aufbauenden Systemdienste, die durch die Vielfalt von Technologien und Betreibern bedingt ist. Gegenstand dieses Projektes sind daher Problemstellungen der Datenhaltung in heterogenen, mobilen Netzen. Ausgehend von der Analyse konkreter Anwendungsszenarien und sich daraus ergebender Möglichkeiten werden Replikationstechniken vor allem hinsichtlich der Anpassbarkeit (Adaptivität) an veränderte Rahmenbedingungen untersucht, wie Änderungen der Netztopologie, der Verfügbarkeit einzelner Knoten oder Netzsegmente sowie Veränderungen des Verhaltens bei der Datennutzung.
Integrating techniques of software specification in engineering applications
Duration: 01.01.1999 bis 31.12.2003
Die Ablaufsteuerung vieler ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Anwendungen kann nur unvollständig durch Software realisiert werden. Äußere Einflüsse und menschliche Interaktionen ("offene Systeme") verhindern dies. Weiterhin müssen die spezifizierten Abläufe flexibel an neue Anforderungen und Rahmenbedingungen anpaßbar sein. In Abhängigkeit von der Flexibilität der beschriebenen Prozesse müssen Ablaufbeschreibungen häufig im laufenden Betrieb angepaßt werden. Daraus ergeben sich neue Anforderungen an Softwarespezifikationen, die von klassischen Methoden der Informatik nur unvollständig abgedeckt werden. Zielstellung ist die Erstellung einer Spezifikationssprache und -methode für ingenieurwissenschaftliche Anwendungen mit Eigenschaften wie der Verwendung einer verbreiteten Notationen, der Zuordnung von Abläufen zu Objekten, einer hierarchischn Verhaltensverfeinerung, hoher Adaptierbarkeit und Flexibilität, einer guten Analysierbarkeit sowie der Generierbarkeit operationaler Abläufe. Die Spezifikationsmethodik soll anhand der Abläufe in einer konkreten Materialflußanlage mit Hilfe von Testfällen überprüft werden. Dabei soll insbesondere die Adaptierbarkeit von Ablaufbeschreibungen im Vordergrund stehen.
MuSofT - Multimedia in Software Engineering
Duration: 01.03.2001 bis 31.12.2003
The goal of the MuSofT project is the support of the education within the area of software engineering through the application of "new media". Software engineering is a major part of the curricula in Computer Science, Business Computer Science, and courses with computer science as a minor subject. Further, software engineering becomes more and more important in Engineering and Information Technology courses. The education in these application oriented areas of computer science shall be supported by the development of multimedia materials, thus providing the necessary quality of the education even with large and very large numbers of students.
Within the sub-project 1.2 a learning unit concerning the development of information systems will be developed. The main focus will be on the area of databases, which are a major part of many modern software systems. The lectures impart practical knowledge about the design of databases as well as aspects from database theory. For the different phases of the database design process, materials will be developed which support lectures, seminars, and practical work as well as self study.
Internet-Datenbank für kriegsbedingt verbrachte Kulturgüter
Duration: 01.10.1999 bis 01.10.2003
Ziel des Projektes ist die Konzeption und Realisierung einer Datenbank zur Verwaltung von kriegsbedingt verbrachten Kulturgütern (Beutekunst). In diesem Rahmen ist eine WWW-Schnittstelle zu entwickeln, die eine Recherche anhand verschiedener Kriterien ermöglicht und Aspekte der Abrechnung von Anfragen berücksichtigt.
Federation and Integration Services for Information Fusion
Duration: 01.01.2000 bis 31.03.2003
The management of large data sets, guaranteeing of the actuality and consistency as well as retrieval of data are main features of informationsystems that are implemented in various areas of enterprises. Due to the globalization of markets the need to use actual worldwide distributed information increases. The character of this data - heterogenity, structure, redundance and inconsistence - makes the integration with own data more difficult. At the same time the great amount of data requires suitable precautions for filtering and condensing and for extraction of relevant information.The variety of potential data sources and data structures, different requests for information (for example concerning consistence, actuality and availability), the support of user-related fusion and analysis methods as well as scalability presuppose a flexible and extensible infrastructure. Methodologies and techniques of such an infrastructure shall be developed as generic kernel for efficient aplications to support the information fusion.
Föderierungsdienst für heterogene Dokumentenquellen
Duration: 01.09.1999 bis 31.12.2001
Ziel dieses Pojektes ist der Entwurf und die Implementierung eines Föderierungsdienstes zur Literatur- und Informationsrecherche in heterogenen Informationssystemen. Eine derartige Komponente ist notwendig, da im Anwendungsszenario des bundesweiten Projektes Global-Info heterogene und autonome Informationssysteme zusammengefaßt werden müssen, die in der Regel verteilt im Netz agieren und deren lokale Eigenschaften nicht beeinflußbar sind. Der Föderierungsdienst schließt dabei auch die Verwaltung von Metadaten der Föderation in einer Datenbank mit ein. Wesentliche Teilprobleme sind weiterhin Methoden zur Extraktion von Metadaten aus teilweise strukturierten Dokumenten und zur Erkennung identischer Informationsobjekte (Dokumente, Autoreninformationen, etc.).
FIREworks: Feature Integration in Requirements Engineering
Duration: 01.05.1997 bis 30.04.2000
FIREworks addresses the problem of adding features to specifications of complex software products, inparticular software for telecommunication services and banking. It will provide a feature-orientedapproach to software design including requirements specification languages and verification logics, aswell as a method for their usage. The aim is to provide a method with which companies can buildproducts by taking an existing product and adding, removing, or respecifying some features.
Tools and Components for efficient Development and practical Implementation of Federated Database Systems
Duration: 01.03.1998 bis 28.02.2000
This project focusses to the design of federated database systems. These systems primeses database integration with local autonomy. This means, that integrated databases can used be legacy applications.
Federating Heterogenous Database Systems and Local Data Management Components for Global Integrity Maintenance
Duration: 01.09.1995 bis 28.02.1998
Ziel des Vorhabens ist die Entwicklung einer Basis-Informationsinfrastruktur als Grundlage integrierter und einheitlicher Datenhaltung füralle Phasen der Fabrikplanung. Dazu soll ein föderiertes heterogenes Informationssystem entstehen, das als Rahmensystem zur Integrationaller an der Fabrikplanung beteiligten Software-Werkzeuge einschließlich deren lokaler Datenbestände dient. Damit sollen bislangseparate Werkzeuge, die für Produktentwurf, Produktionsplanung und Fabriksimulation eingesetzt werden oder dafür noch entwickeltwerden, synergetisch zusammengefügt werden. Zentrale Aufgabe eines solchen föderierten Informationssystems ist neben der Bereitstellung einer homogenen Datenbankschnittstelle fürglobale Anwendungen die systemübergreifende Gewährleistung der Datenkonsistenz. Um diese zu gewährleisten, sollen aktiveMechanismen auf einer übergeordneten Ebene realisiert werden, um die Einzelsysteme mit ihren unterschiedlichen Möglichkeiten derIntegritätssicherung zu verbinden. Die Verbindung der Einzelsysteme verlangt die Integration der verschiedenen Datenschemata, welcheoft auf unterschiedlichen Datenmodellen basieren.
- in der Cloud
- auf neuer Hardware (CPU, GPU, …)
Self-Tuning Ansätze
Bereitstellung von Softwaretechniken für Entwickler
- Konfigurierbare Software (Software-Produktlinien, Multi-Produktlinien)
- Wartbarkeit von Software (Refaktorisierung)
- Rand Alchokr, Evelyn Starzew, Gunter
Saake, Thomas Leich, and Jacob Krüger.
The Impact of AI Language Models on Scientific Writing and Scientific
Peer Reviews: A Systematic Literature Review.
In Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, JCDL. IEEE, December
- Bala Gurumurthy, Vasudev Raghavendra
Bidarkar, David Broneske, Thilo Pionteck, and Gunter Saake.
Exploiting Shared Sub-Expression and Materialized View Reuse for
Multi-Query Optimization.
In Journal of Information System Frontiers, June 2024.
- Elias Kuiter, Tobias Heß, Chico
Sundermann, Sebastian Krieter, Thomas Thüm, and Gunter Saake.
How Easy is SAT-Based Analysis of a Feature
In Proc. Int'l Working Conf. on Variability Modelling of
Software-Intensive Systems (VaMoS), pages 149–151. ACM, February
- Priyamvada Bhardwaj, Sadeq Darrab,
David Broneske, Ingo Klose, and Gunter Saake.
Enforcing right to be forgotten in cloud-based data lakes.
Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC), Springer, April
- Rahul Mondal, Evelina Ignatova, Daniel
Walke, David Broneske, Gunter Saake, and Robert Heyer.
Clustering graph data: the roadmap to spectral techniques.
Discover Artificial Intelligence, January 2024.
- Mustafa N Abbas, A Attea Bara’a,
David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
An evolutionary algorithm with heuristic operator for detecting protein
complexes in protein interaction networks with negative controls.
IEEE Access, 2024.
- Mohamad F Enaya, Thomas Klingbeil,
Jacob Krüger, David Broneske, Frank Feinbube, and Gunter Saake.
A Case Study on the Development of the German
In Journal of Systems and Software. Elsevier,
- Sadeq Darrab, Florian Kleinert, David
Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Exploring the Advantages and Limitations of Association Rule Mining and
Decision Trees for Pattern Mining in Heart Disease Data.
The 20th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications
(ADMA2024), Springer, June 2024.
- Sajad Karim, Johannes Wünsche,
David Broneske, Michael Kuhn, and Gunter Saake.
A Design Proposal for
a Unified B-epsilon-tree: Embracing NVM in Memory Hierarchies.
In Uta Störl, editor, Proceedings of the 35th GI-Workshop Grundlagen
von Datenbanken, Herdecke, Germany, May 22-24, 2024, volume 3710 of
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 43–50.,
- Chukwuka Victor Obionwu, Bhavya
Baburaj Chovatta Valappil, Minu Genty, Maria Jomy, Visakh Padmanabhan, Sumat
Singh Bedi Aishwarya Suresh, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Expert Agent Guided Learning with Transformers and Knowledge Graphs.
volume Volume 1, pages 180–189. Proceedings of the 13th International
Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications DATA, scitepress,
June 2024.
- Sadeq Darrab, David Broneske, and
Gunter Saake.
the Predictive Factors of Heart Disease using Rare Association Rule
Scientific Reports - Nature, July 2024.
- Rand Alchokr, Gopalrao Abhishek, Gunter
Saake, Thomas Leich, and Jacob Krüger.
Scholarly Quality Measurements: A Systematic Literature
In International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital
Libraries, TPDL. Springer, September 2024.
- Bala Gurumurthy, Vasudev Raghavendra
Bidarkar, David Broneske, Thilo Pionteck, and Gunter Saake.
What Happens When Two Multi-Query Optimization Paradigms
In Advances in Databases and Information Systems, September
- Rick Adamy, Elias Kuiter, and Gunter
Exploiting Structure: A
Survey and Analysis of Structures and Hardness Measures for Propositional
Technical report, Qeios, September 2023.
- Chukwuka Victor Obionwu, Kalu Oji Kalu,
Paul Blockhaus, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
A Strategy for Retrospective Evaluation of Students SQL Learning
pages 1–7. 2023 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer,
Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), IEEE, May
- Chukwuka Victor Obionwu, Maximilian
Karl, David Broneske, Anja Hawlitschek, Paul Blockhaus, and Gunter Saake.
A Strategy for Structuring Teams Collaboration in University Course
pages 32–42. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Smart
Business Technologies (ICSBT 2023),, May 2023.
- Chukwuka Victor Obionwu, S.M Laique
Abbas, Visakh Padmanabhan, Taruna Tiwari, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Optical image recognition strategy for keyword extraction and page
ranking for slide recommendation system.
pages 2065–2070. 2023 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer,
Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), IEEE, May
- Victor Obionwu, Vincent Toulouse, David
Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Automatic instructional feedback, and a Lecture Hub System, a Strategy
towards Nurturing the acquisition of a structured engagement
In International Conference on Data Management Technologies and
Applications (pp. 219-242). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland., May
- Spoorthi Nijalingappa, Bala Gurumurthy,
David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Vertical Vectorized Hashing for Faster Group-By
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Big Data Management on
Emerging Hardware (HardBD), April 2023.
- Bala Gurumurthy, David Broneske, Martin
Schäler, Thilo Pionteck, and Gunter Saake.
Novel Insights on Atomic Synchronization for Sort-Based Group-By on
Distributed and Parallel Databases (DAPD), April
- Harish Kumar Harihara Subramanian, Bala
Gurumurthy, Gabriel Campero Durand, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Out-of-the-Box Library Support for DBMSOperations On GPUs.
Distributed and Parallel Databases (DAPD), April
- Elias Kuiter, Sebastian Krieter, Jacob
Krüger, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
variED: An Editor for Collaborative, Real-Time
Feature Modeling.
In Proc. Software Engineering (SE). Gesellschaft für
Informatik, February 2023.
- Elias Kuiter, Sebastian Krieter, Chico
Sundermann, Thomas Thüm, and Gunter Saake.
Tseitin or not Tseitin? The Impact of CNF
Transformations on Feature-Model Analyses.
In Proc. Software Engineering (SE). Gesellschaft für
Informatik, February 2023.
- Rand Alchokr, Jacob Krüger, Yusra
Shakeel, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
Peer-reviewing and Submission Dynamics Around Top Software-Engineering
Venues: A Juniors' Perspective.
In Software Engineering, SE. GI, February 2023.
- Christopher Vox, David Broneske,
Istiaque Mannafee Shaikat, and Gunter Saake.
Data Streams: Investigating data structures for multivariate
asynchronous time series prediction problems.
In International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and
Methods (ICPRAM), 2023.
- Bala Gurumurthy, David Broneske,
Gabriel Campero Durand, Thilo Pionteck, and Gunter Saake.
ADAMANT: A Query Executor with Plug-In Interfaces for
Easy Co-processor Integration.
In IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), April
- Chukwuka Victor Obionwu,
Damanpreet Singh Walia, Taruna Tiwari, Tathagatha Ghosh, David Broneske, and
Gunter Saake.
Towards A Strategy for Developing a Project Partner Recommendation
System for University Course Projects.
pages 144–151. 6th World Conference on Computing and Communication
Technologies (WCCCT 2023), IEEE, January 2023.
- Chukwuka Victor Obionwu, Rahul Kumar,
Suhas Shantharam, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Semantic Relatedness : A Strategy for Plagiarism Detection in SQL
pages 158–165. 2023 6th World Conference on Computing and Communication
Technologies (WCCCT), IEEE, January 2023.
- Rand Alchokr, Yusra Shakeel, Gunter
Saake, Thomas Leich, and Jacob Krüger.
Forecasting Publications' Success Using Machine Learning Prediction
In International Workshop on Bibliometric-Enhanced Information
Retrieval, BIR, pages 77–89., April 2023.
- Rahul Mondal, Minh Dung Do, Nasim Uddin
Ahmed, Daniel Walke, Daniel Micheel, David Broneske, Gunter Saake, and Robert
Decision tree learning in Neo4j on homogeneous and
unconnected graph nodes from biological and clinical datasets.
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 2023.
- Daniel Walke, Daniel Micheel, Kay
Schallert, Thilo Muth, David Broneske, Gunter Saake, and Robert Heyer.
The importance of graph databases and graph learning for
clinical applications.
Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation, 2023.
Accepted review about graph databases and graph machine learning.
- Rand Alchokr, Sanket Vikas Joshi,
Gunter Saake, Thomas Leich, and Jacob Krüger.
Investigating the Relation between Authors’ Academic Age and their
In International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital
Libraries, TPDL, pages 106–113. Springer, September
- Johannes Wünsche, Sajad Karim,
Michael Kuhn, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Intelligent Data Migration Policies in a Write-Optimized Copy-on-Write
Tiered Storage Stack.
In Jean-Thomas Acquaviva, Shadi Ibrahim, and Suren Byna, editors,
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities of
Efficient and Performant Storage Systems, CHEOPS 2023, Rome, Italy, 8 May
2023, pages 17–26. ACM, 2023.
- Paul Blockhaus, Gabriel Campero Durand,
David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Towards a Future of Fully Self-Optimizing
Query Engines.
In 34. Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken,
- Chukwuka Victor Obionwu, Diptesh
Mukherjee, Vishnu Devadas, Shimony Mittal, Anam Naimat Ghumman,
Anjali Katherine John, Anja Buch, Andreas Nuernberger, and Gunter Saake.
A Strategy for implementing Domain Based Task Generation and Evaluation
System Using Text-Text Generative Models.
International Conference on Advances in Education and Information Technology,
Springer, September 2023.
- Chukwuka Victor Obionwu, Taruna Tiwari,
Bhavya Baburaj Chovatta Valappil, Nishanth Raikar, Damanpreet Singh Walia,
S.M Laique Abbas, chukwuemeka Okafor, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
A Domain specific students’ assistance system for the provision of
instructional feedback.
pages 2065–2070. 2023 International Conference on Machine Learning and
Applications (ICMLA), IEEE, September 2023.
- Chukwuka Victor Obionwu, Rahul Raj
Kanagaraj, David Broneske, Anja Buch, Christian Knopke, and Gunter Saake.
A Mediation Strategy For Communication Between an internal Chat System
and an Open Source Chat System.
International Conference on Advances in Education and Information Technology,
Springer, September 2023.
- Sadeq Darrab, Harshitha Allipilli, Sana
Ghani, Harikrishnan Changaramkulath, Sricharan Koneru, David Broneske, and
Gunter Saake.
Anomaly Detection Algorithms: Comparative Analysis and Explainability
page 90–104. Australasian Conference on Data Science and Machine Learning
(AusDM23), Springer, 2023.
- Rand Alchokr, Jacob Krüger, Yusra
Shakeel, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
An Empirical Analysis of Newcomers’ Contributions to
Software-Engineering Conferences.
In International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries,
ICADL, page 231–247. Springer, December 2023.
- Chukwuka Victor Obionwu, Devi Prasad
Ilapavuluri, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
A Study Partner Recommender System Using a Community Detection
Springer Nature Computer Science book series, November 2023.
- Sajad Karim, Johannes Wünsche,
David Broneske, Michael Kuhn, and Gunter Saake.
Non-volatile Memory in Modern Heterogeneous Storage Landscape using a
Write-optimized Storage Stack.
In Holger Schwarz, editor, Proceedings of the 34th GI-Workshop on
Foundations of Databases (Grundlagen von Datenbanken), Hirsau, Germany, June
7-9, 2023, volume 3714 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings., 2023.
- Elias Kuiter and Gunter Saake.
A Survey and Comparison of
Industrial and Academic Research on the Evolution of Software Product
Technical report, arXiv, December 2022.
- Elias Kuiter, Sebastian Krieter, Chico
Sundermann, Thomas Thüm, and Gunter Saake.
Tseitin or not Tseitin? The Impact of CNF
Transformations on Feature-Model Analyses.
In Proc. Int'l Conf. on Automated Software Engineering (ASE).
ACM, October 2022.
- Yusra Shakeel, Rand Alchokr, Jacob
Krüger, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
Are Altmetrics Useful for Assessing Scientific Impact: A
In 14th International Conference on Management of Digital
EcoSystems, MEDES, pages 144–147. ACM, October 2022.
- Richard May, Christian Biermann, Jacob
Krüger, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
A Systematic Mapping Study of Security Concepts for Configurable Data
In SPLC, September 2022.
- Rand Alchokr, Jacob Krüger, Yusra
Shakeel, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
On Academic Age
Aspect and Discovering the Golden Age in Software Engineering.
In International Conference on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software
Engineering, CHASE, May 2022.
Pages 102–106.
- Rand Alchokr, Manoj Borkar, Sharanya
Thotadarya, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
Supporting Systematic
Literature Reviews Using Deep-Learning-Based Language Models.
In 1st Workshop on Natural Language-based Software Engineering,
NLBSE, May 2022.
pp. 67-74.
- Sadeq Darrab, David Broneske, and
Gunter Saake.
Mining Patterns that Matter.
IEEE, May 2022.
- Azeem Lodhi., Gunter Saake., and Klaus
Empirical Evaluation of BPMN Extension Language.
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Knowledge
Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management - KMIS,,
pages 239–247. INSTICC, SciTePress, 2022.
- Christopher Vox, Jan Piewek,
Andreas Udo Sass, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Integer Time Series Compression for Holistic Data Analytics in the
Context of Vehicle Sensor Data.
In International Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo
(ICVVE), 2022.
- Victor Obionwu, Andreas Nürnberger,
and Gunter Saake.
A skill sharing platform for team collaboration and knowledge
pages 365–372. 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and
Technologies (WEBIST 2022), SCITEPRESS, July 2022.
- Yusra Shakeel, Rand Alchokr, Jacob
Krüger, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
Altmetrics and Citation Counts: An Empirical Analysis of the Computer
Science Domain.
In Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, JCDL. IEEE, June 2022.
pp. 1-11.
- Yusra Shakeel, Rand Alchokr, Jacob
Krüger, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
Altmetrics to Support Selection and Assessment of Publications during
Literature Analyses.
In International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software
Engineering, EASE. IEEE, June 2022.
Pages 180–189.
- Rand Alchokr, Jacob Krüger, Yusra
Shakeel, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
Peer-reviewing and
Submission Dynamics Around Top Software-Engineering Venues: A Juniors'
In International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software
Engineering, EASE. IEEE, June 2022.
Pages 60–69.
- Victor Obionwu, Vincent Toulouse, David
Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Slide-Recommendation System: A Strategy for Integrating Instructional
Feedback into Online Exercise Sessions.
pages 541–548. SCITEPRESS, In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference
on Data Science, Technology and Applications, June
- Victor Obionwu, Andreas Nürnberger,
Anja Hawlitschek, and Gunter Saake.
Learner Centered Network Models: A Survey.
In International Journal on Integrating Technology in Education,
pages 71–90. International Journal on Integrating Technology in Education,
June 2022.
- Victor Obionwu, David Broneske, and
Gunter Saake.
A Collaborative Learning Environment using Blogs in a learning
management system.
In 11th International Conference on Knowledge and Education
Technology, pages 213–232. International Conference on Computer
Science and Education in Computer Science, Springer, November
- Victor Obionwu, David Broneske, and
Gunter Saake.
Leveraging Educational Blogging to Assess the Impact of Collaboration
on Knowledge Creation.
In 13th International Conference on Distance Learning and Education
(ICDLE 2022), pages 785–791. International Conference on Distance
Learning and Education ICDLE 2022, IJIET, June 2022.
- Rand Alchokr, Jacob Krüger, Yusra
Shakeel, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
A Closer Look
into Collaborative Publishing at Software-Engineering
In International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital
Libraries, TPDL. Springer, September 2022.
Pages 395–402.
- Victor Obionwu, David Broneske, and
Gunter Saake.
Microblogs-A means for simulating informal learning beyond
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Education
Technology and Computers, pages 219–225. 14th International
Conference on Education Technology and Computers (ICETC 2022), June
- Victor Obionwu, Chukwuka, Christian
Harnisch, Kalu Kalu, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
An intervention strategy for mitigating the prevalence of syntax errors
during task exercise engagements.
pages 1–6. International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies
ICEET 2022, IEEE, September 2022.
- Yusra Shakeel, Abhisar Bharti, Thomas
Leich, and Gunter" Saake.
Weighted Altmetric Scores to Facilitate Literature Analyses.
In Linking Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL.
Springer International Publishing, 2022.
- Victor Obionwu, David Broneske, and
Gunter Saake.
Topic maps as a tool for facilitating collaborative work pedagogy in
knowledge management systems.
pages 50–60. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information
Communication and Management, ACM, June 2022.
- Elias Kuiter, Jacob Krüger, and
Gunter Saake.
Iterative Development and Changing
Requirements: Drivers of Variability in an Industrial System for Veterinary
In Proc. Int'l Workshop on Variability and Evolution of
Software-Intensive Systems (VariVolution), pages 113–122. ACM,
September 2021.
- Rand Alchokr, Jacob Krüger, Gunter
Saake, and Thomas Leich.
A Comparative Analysis of Article Recommendation
In Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, JCDL. IEEE, September
pp. 1-10.
- Rand Alchokr, Jacob Krüger, Yusra
Shakeel, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
Understanding the Contributions of
Junior Researchers at Software-Engineering Conferences.
In Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, JCDL. IEEE, September
Pages 330-331.
- Yusra Shakeel, Rand Alchokr, Jacob
Krüger, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
Are Altmetrics Proxies or Complements
to Citations for Assessing Impact in Computer Science?.
In Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, JCDL. IEEE, September
pp. 284-286.
- Andy Kenner, Richard May, Jacob
Krüger, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
Safety, Security, and Configurable Software
Systems: A Systematic Mapping Study.
In International Systems and Software Product Line Conference,
SPLC, page 148–159. ACM, September 2021.
- David Broneske, Anna Drewes, Bala
Gurumurthy, Imad Hajjar, Thilo Pionteck, and Gunter Saake.
In-Depth Analysis of OLAP Query Performance On Heterogeneous
Datenbank-Spektrum, Volume 21, page 133–143, May
- Sadeq Darrab, David Broneske, and
Gunter Saake.
Modern Applications and Challenges for Rare Itemset
International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Volume
11, May 2021.
- Sepideh Sobhgol, Gabriel Campero
Durand, Lutz Rauchhaupt, and Gunter Saake.
Machine Learning within a Graph Database: A Case Study on Link
Prediction of Academic Data.
ICEIS, April 2021.
- Harish Kumar Harihara Subramanian, Bala
Gurumurthy, Gabriel Campero Durand, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Analysis of GPU-Libraries for
rapid Prototyping Database Operations.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Big Data Management on
Emerging Hardware (HardBD), pages 36–41, April
- Bala Gurumurthy, David Broneske, Martin
Schäler, Thilo Pionteck, and Gunter Saake.
Investigation of Atomic Synchronization for Sort-Based Group-By Aggregation
on GPUs.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Big Data Management on
Emerging Hardware (HardBD), pages 48–53, April
- Elias Kuiter, Sebastian Krieter, Jacob
Krüger, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
variED: An Editor for Collaborative, Real-Time
Feature Modeling.
Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE), 26(2), March
- Cem Sürücü, Bianying Song,
Jacob Krüger, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
Using Key Performance Indicators to Compare Software-Development
In Software Engineering, SE. GI, February 2021.
- Victor Obionwu, David Broneske, Anja
Hawlitschek, Veit Köppen, and Gunter Saake.
SQLValidator - An Online Student Playground to Learn SQL.
Datenbank-Spektrum, Springer, 21(2):73–81, March
- Sadeq Darrab, David Broneske, and
Gunter Saake.
MaxRI: A
method for discovering maximal rare itemsets.
In 2021 4th International Conference on Data Science and Information
Technology. ACM, July 2021.
- Anh Trang Le, Gabriel Campero Durand,
Bala Gurumurthy, David Broneske, Christoph Steup, and Gunter Saake.
Design Considerations Towards AI-Driven Co-Processor
Accelerated Database Management.
In Grundlagen von Datenbanken (GvDB), April 2021.
- Martin Schäler, Christine Tex, Veit
Köppen, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
multi-purpose main-memory storage structures: Exploiting sub-space distance
equalities in totally ordered data sets for exact knn queries.
Information Systems, 2021.
- Sadeq Darrab, Priyamvada Bhardwaj,
David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
OPECUR: An enhanced clustering-based model for discovering unexpected
In 17th anniversary of the International Conference on Advanced Data
Mining and Applications (ADMA'21). Springer, October
- Ronald Biemann, Enrico Buß, Dirk
Benndorf, Theresa Lehmann, Kay Schallert, Sebastian Püttker, Udo Reichl,
Berend Isermann, Jochen G. Schneider, Gunter Saake, and Robert Heyer.
Fecal Metaproteomics
Reveals Reduced Gut Inflammation and Changed Microbial Metabolism Following
Lifestyle-Induced Weight Loss.
Biomolecules, 11(5, ARTICLE-NUMBER = 726),
- Roman Zoun, Kay Schallert, David
Broneske, Ivayla Trifonova, Xiao Chen, Robert Heyer, Dirk Benndorf, and
Gunter Saake.
An Investigation of
Alternatives to Transform Protein Sequence Databases to a Columnar Index
Algorithms, 14(2), 2021.
- Rahul Mondal, Minh Dung Do, Nasim Uddin
Ahmed, David Broneske, Gunter Saake, and Robert Heyer.
Integrating Decision Tree Learning on the Graph Database Neo4j to
Analyze Clinical Data.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational
Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (CIBB),
- Nicole Meinusch, Susanne Kramer, Oliver
Körner, Jürgen Wiese, Ingolf Seick, Anita Beblek, Regine Berges,
Bernhard Illenberger, Marco Illenberger, Jennifer Uebbing, Maximilian Wolf,
Gunter Saake, and D. Benndorf.
Integrated Cycles
for Urban Biomass as a Strategy to Promote a CO2-Neutral Society—A
Feasibility Study.
Sustainability, 13(17, ARTICLE-NUMBER = 9505),
- Cem Sürücü, Bianying Song,
Jacob Krüger, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
Establishing Key Performance Indicators for
Measuring Software-Development Processes at a Large
In Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the
Foundations of Software Engineering, ESEC/FSE, pages 1331–1341. ACM,
November 2020.
- Xiao Chen, Nishanth Entoor
Venkatarathnam, Kirity Rapuru, David Broneske, Gabriel Campero Durand, Roman
Zoun, and Gunter Saake.
Analysis and
Comparison of Block-Splitting-Based Load Balancing Strategies for Parallel
Entity Resolution.
In International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based
Applications & Services (iiWAS2020), page 446–455. ACM, November
- Andreas Heuer, Gunter Saake, Kai-Uwe
Sattler, Holger Meyer, and Hannes Grunert.
Datenbanken Kompaktkurs.
MITP-Verlag, September 2020.
- Bala Gurumurthy, Imad Hajjar, David
Broneske, Thilo Pionteck, and Gunter Saake.
When Vectorwise Meets Hyper, Pipeline Breakers Become the
Eleventh International Workshop on Accelerating Analytics and Data
Management Systems Using Modern Processor and Storage Architectures
(ADMS), August 2020.
- Gabriel Campero Durand, Anshu Daur,
Vinayak Kumar, Shivalika Suman, Altaf Mohammed Aftab, Sajad Karim, Prafulla
Diwesh, Chinmaya Hegde, Disha Setlur, Syed Md Ismail, David Broneske, and
Gunter Saake.
Spread the good
around! Information Propagation in Schema Matching and Entity Resolution for
Heterogeneous Data.
Second Workshop on Data Integration to Knowlege Graphs, DI2KG
2020@VLDB, August 2020.
DI2KG Challenge Winner Paper.
- Michael Müller, Thomas Leich, Thilo
Pionteck, Gunter Saake, Jens Teubner, and Olaf Spinczyk. DB: A
Concept for Parallel Data Processing on Heterogeneous Hardware.
In André Brinkmann, Wolfgang Karl, Stefan Lankes, Sven Tomforde, Thilo
Pionteck, and Carsten Trinitis, editors, Architecture of Computing
Systems - ARCS 2020 - 33rd International Conference, Aachen, Germany, May
25-28, 2020, Proceedings, volume 12155 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 82–96. Springer, May
- Jacob Krüger, Gül Calıklı,
Thorsten Berger, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
Effects of Explicit Feature Traceability on
Program Comprehension.
In Software Engineering, SE, pages 79–80. GI, February
- Jacob Krüger, Sebastian Krieter,
Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
EXtracting Product Lines from vAriaNTs
In International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of
Software-Intensive Systems, VaMoS, pages 13:1–2. ACM, February
- Sebastian Krieter, Thomas Thüm,
Sandro Schulze, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
YASA: Yet Another Sampling Algorithm.
In 14th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of
Software-Intensive Systems, pages 23–32. ACM, February
- Maxime Cordy, Mathieu Acher, Danilo
Beuche, and Gunter Saake, editors.
VaMoS '20: 14th International
Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems,
Magdeburg Germany, February 5-7, 2020. ACM, February
- Anna Drewes, Jan Moritz Joseph, Bala
Gurumurthy, David Broneske, Gunter Saake, and Thilo Pionteck.
Optimising Operator Sets for Analytical Database Processing on
In International Workshop on Applied Reconfigurable Computing
(ARC), pages 30–44, February 2020.
- Jacob Krüger, Christian Lausberger,
Ivonne von Nostitz-Wallwitz, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
Search. Review.
Repeat? An Empirical Study of Threats to Replicating SLR
Empirical Software Engineering, 25(1):627–677, January 2020.
- Yusra Shakeel, Jacob Krüger, Ivonne
von Nostitz-Wallwitz, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
Automated Selection and
Quality Assessment of Primary Studies: A Systematic Literature
Journal of Data and Information Quality, 12(1):4:1–4:26, January
- Marcus Pinnecke, Gabriel Campero, David
Broneske, Roman Zoun, and Gunter Saake.
GridTables: A One-Size-Fits-Most H2TAP Data
Datenbank-Spektrum, Volume 2020/01/31,
- Enes Esatbeyoglu, Oliver Cassebaum,
Florian Arras, and Gunter Saake.
Data Driven Concept for Sensor Data Adaptation of Electrochemical
Sensors for Mobile Air Quality Measurements.
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2020.
- Otmane Azeroual, Gunter Saake, Mohammad
Abuosba, and Joachim Schöpfel.
Data Quality as a
Critical Success Factor for User Acceptance of Research Information
Data, 5(2):35, April 2020.
- Sadeq Darrab, David Broneske, and
Gunter Saake.
RPP Algorithm: A
Method for Discovering Interesting Rare Itemsets.
In Fifth International Conference on Data Mining and Big Data
(DMBD), volume 1234, pages 14–25. Springer, July
- Paul Blockhaus, David Broneske, Martin
Schäler, Veit Köppen, and Gunter Saake.
Combining Two Worlds:
MonetDB with Multi-Dimensional Index Structure Support to Efficiently Query
Scientific Data.
In Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Scientific and
Statistical Database Management (SSDBM), pages 1–4, July
- Andreas Meister and Gunter Saake.
Dependency-aware parallel enumeration for join order optimization: Search for the best
design options.
Technical Report FIN-01-2020, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, January
- Andreas Meister and Gunter Saake.
GPU-accelerated dynamic programming for join-order optimization.
Technical Report FIN-02-2020, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, January
- Siham Mohammed, Sadeq Darrab, Salah
Noaman, and Gunter Saake.
Analysis of
Breast Cancer Detection Using Different Machine Learning
In Fifth International Conference on Data Mining and Big Data
(DMBD), volume 1234, pages 108–117. Springer, July
- Sabine Wehnert, Gabriel Campero Durand,
and Gunter Saake.
Leveraging Topic Features for Context-Aware Legal Reference
In Michał Araszkiewicz and Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel, editors,
Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, volume 322 of
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pages 113
–122. IOS Press, December 2019.
- Jacob Krüger, Jens Wiemann, Wolfram
Fenske, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
Program Comprehension and Developers’
In INFORMATIK 2019: 50 Jahre Gesellschaft für Informatik,
INFORMATIK LNI, pages 99–100. GI, November 2019.
- Xiao Chen, Yinlong Xu, David Broneske,
Gabriel Campero Durand, Roman Zoun, and Gunter Saake.
Committee-Based Active Learning for Entity Resolution (HeALER).
In European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems
(ADBIS), LNCS, pages 69–85, September 2019.
- Jacob Krüger, Mustafa Al-Hajjaji,
Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
Mutation Operators for
Feature-Oriented Software Product Lines.
In International Systems and Software Product Line Conference,
SPLC, pages 12–12. ACM, September 2019.
- Andreas Meister and Gunter Saake.
Finding the best design options for the parallel dynamic programming
approach with skip vector arrays for join-order optimization.
Technical Report FIN-01-2019, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, September
- Gabriel Campero Durand, Rufat Piriyev,
Marcus Pinnecke, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Automated Vertical Partitioning
with Deep Reinforcement Learning.
European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information
Systems, September 2019.
- Elias Kuiter, Sebastian Krieter, Jacob
Krüger, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
Foundations of
Collaborative, Real-Time Feature Modeling.
In Proc. Int'l Systems and Software Product Line Conf. (SPLC),
pages 257–264. ACM, September 2019.
- Roman Zoun, Kay Schallert, David
Broneske, Ivayla Trifonova, Xiao Chen, Robert Heyer, Dirk Benndorf, and
Gunter Saake.
Efficient Transformation of Protein Sequence Databases to Columnar
Index Schema.
In International Workshop on Biological Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining (BIOKDD-DEXA), volume 1062 of CCIS, pages 67–72.
IEEE, August 2019.
- Jacob Krüger, Gül
Calıklı, Thorsten Berger, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
Effects of Explicit
Feature Traceability on Program Comprehension.
In Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the
Foundations of Software Engineering, ESEC/FSE, pages 338–349. ACM,
August 2019.
- Sabine Wehnert, Sayed Anisul Hoque,
Wolfram Fenske, and Gunter Saake.
Threshold-Based Retrieval and Textual Entailment
Detection on Legal Bar Exam Questions.
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.13350, June 2019.
- Rutuja Pawar, Sepideh Sobhgol, Gabriel
Campero Durand, Marcus Pinnecke, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Codd's World: Topics and their Evolution in the Database
Community Publication Graph.
In Grundlagen von Datenbanken, volume 2367, pages 1–6, June
- Otmane Azeroual, Gunter Saake, Mohammad
Abuosba, and Joachim Schöpfel.
Quality of Research Information in RIS Databases: A Multidimensional
In 22nd International Conference on Business Information Systems,
volume 353, pages 337–349. Springer, May 2019.
- Robert Heyer, Kay Schallert, Corina
Siewert, Fabian Kohrs, J. Greve, I. Maus, J. Klang, M. Klocke, M. Heiermann,
M. Hoffmann, S. Puettker, M. Calusinska, Roman Zoun, Gunter Saake, Dirk
Benndorf, and Udo Reichl.
analysis reveals that syntrophy, competition, and phage-host interaction
shape microbial communities in biogas plants.
Microbiome, 7(1):69, April 2019.
- Xiao Chen, Gabriel Campero Durand,
Roman Zoun, David Broneske, Yang Li, and Gunter Saake.
The Best of Both Worlds: Combining Hand-Tuned and Word-Embedding-Based
Similarity Measures for Entity Resolution.
In Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web, pages
215 – 224, March 2019.
- Roman Zoun, Kay Schallert, David
Broneske, Wolfram Fenske, Marcus Pinnecke, Robert Heyer, Sven Brehmer, Dirk
Benndorf, and Gunter Saake.
MSDataStream - Connecting a Bruker Mass Spectrometer to the
In Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web, pages
507 – 510. Gesellschaft für Informatik, March
- Sabine Wehnert, Wolfram Fenske, and
Gunter Saake.
Context Selection in a Heterogeneous Legal
In Holger Meyer, Norbert Ritter, Andreas Thor, Daniela Nicklas, Andreas Heuer,
and Meike Klettke, editors, BTW 2019 – Workshopband, volume
P-290 of Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), pages 129–134.
Gesellschaft für Informatik, March 2019.
- Marcus Pinnecke, Gabriel Campero, Roman
Zoun, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Protobase: It’s About Time for Backend/Database
In Holger Meyer, Norbert Ritter, Andreas Thor, Daniela Nicklas, Andreas Heuer,
and Meike Klettke, editors, BTW 2019 – Workshopband, volume
P-289 of Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), pages 515–518.
Gesellschaft für Informatik, March 2019.
- Jacob Krüger, Mustafa Al-Hajjaji,
Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
Mutation Operators for Feature-Oriented Software Product Lines.
Software: Testing, Verification and Reliability, 29(1-2):1–21,
February 2019.
- Jacob Krüger, Jens Wiemann, Wolfram
Fenske, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
Understanding How Programmers
In Software Engineering and Software Management, SE/SWM LNI, pages
85–86. GI, February 2019.
- David Broneske, Veit Köppen, Gunter
Saake, and Martin Schäler.
Efficient evaluation
of multi-column selection predicates in main-memory.
Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 31(7):1296–1311,
July 2019.
- Marcus Pinnecke, Gabriel Campero, Roman
Zoun, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Protobase: It's About Time for Backend/Database Co-Design.
In Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW),
pages 515–518, 2019.
- Otmane Azeroual, Gunter Saake, and
Mohammad Abuosba.
ETL Best Practices
for Data Quality Checks in RIS Databases.
Informatics, 6(1):10, March 2019.
- Robert heyer, Kay Schallert, Anja
Buedel, Roman Zoun, Sebastian Dorl, Alexander Behne, Fabian Kohrs, Sebastian
Puettker, Corina Siewert, Thilo Muth, Gunter Saake, Udo Reichl, and Dirk
A robust and universal
metaproteomics workflow for research studies and routine diagnostics within
24 hours using phenol extraction, FASP digest and the
Frontiers in Microbiology, Volume 10 1883,
- Roman Zoun, Kay Schallert, David
Broneske, Sören Falkenberg, Robert Heyer, Sabine Wehnert, Sven Brehmer,
Dirk Benndorf, and Gunter Saake.
MStream: Proof of Concept of an Analytic Cloud Platform for
Near-Real-Time Diagnostics using Mass Spectrometry Data.
002-2019, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, 2019.
- Otmane Azeroual, Gunter Saake, Mohammad
Abuosba, and Joachim Schöpfel.
Solving problems of research information heterogeneity during
integration – using the European CERIF and German RCD standards as
Information Services and Use, 39(1-2):105–122, September
- Otmane Azeroual, Joachim Schöpfel,
and Gunter Saake.
Implementation and
User Acceptance of Research Information Systems. An Empirical Survey of
German Universities and Research Organisations.
Data Technologies and Applications, 2019.
- R. Heyer, K. Schallert, C. Siewert,
F. Kohrs, J. Greve, I. Maus, J. Klang, M. Klocke, M. Heiermann, M. Hoffmann,
S. Puttker, M. Calusinska, R. Zoun, G. Saake, D. Benndorf, and U. Reichl.
Metaproteome analysis
reveals that syntrophy, competition, and phage-host interaction shape
microbial communities in biogas plants.
Microbiome, Volume 7, 2019.
Hv5rv Times Cited:1 Cited References Count:70.
- Lina Ochoa, Oscar Gonzalez-Rojasa,
Juliana Alves Pereira, Harold Castro, and Gunter Saake.
A Systematic
Literature Review on the Semi-Automatic Configuration of Extended Product
Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 144, pages 511–532,
October 2018.
- Sabine Wehnert, David Broneske, Stefan
Langer, and Gunter Saake.
Concept Hierarchy
Extraction from Legal Literature.
In Proceedings of the CIKM 2018 Workshops, volume 2482., October 2018.
- Jacob Krüger, Wolfram Fenske,
Thomas Thüm, Dirk Aporius, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
Apo-Games - A Case Study for Reverse Engineering
Variability from Cloned Java Variants.
In International Systems and Software Product Line Conference,
SPLC, pages 251–256. ACM, September 2018.
- Iya Arefyeva, David Broneske, Gabriel
Campero, Marcus Pinnecke, and Gunter Saake.
Memory Management Strategies in CPU/GPU Database Systems:
A Survey.
In BDAS. Springer, September 2018.
- Marten Wallewein-Eising, David
Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
SIMD Acceleration for Main-Memory Index
Structures – A Survey.
In Proceedings of the International Conference Beyond Databases,
Architectures and Structures (BDAS), pages 105–119, September
- Jacob Krüger, Mustafa Al-Hajjaji,
Sandro Schulze, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
Towards Automated Test Refactoring
for Software Product Lines.
In International Systems and Software Product Line Conference,
SPLC, pages 143–148. ACM, September 2018.
- Juliana Alves Pereira, Sandro Schulze,
Eduardo Figueiredo, and Gunter Saake.
N-dimensional Tensor Factorization for Self-Configuration
of Software Product Lines at Runtime.
In International Systems and Software Product Line Conference,
SPLC, pages 87–97. ACM, September 2018.
- Bala Gurumurthy, David Broneske, Marcus
Pinnecke, Gabriel Campero Durand, and Gunter Saake.
SIMD Vectorized Hashing for Grouped
In Advances in Databases and Information Systems, pages 113 –
126, September 2018.
- Roman Zoun, Gabriel Campero Durand, Kay
Schallert, Apoorva Patrikar, David Broneske, Wolfram Fenske, Robert Heyer,
Dirk Benndorf, and Gunter Saake.
Protein Identification as a Suitable Application for Fast Data
In International Workshop on Biological Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining (BIOKDD-DEXA), pages 168 – 178. IEEE, September
- Roman Zoun, Kay Schallert, Atin Janki,
Rohith Ravindran, Gabriel Campero Durand, Wolfram Fenske, David Broneske,
Robert Heyer, Dirk Benndorf, and Gunter Saake.
Streaming FDR Calculation for Protein Identication.
In Advances in Databases and Information Systems, pages 80 – 87,
September 2018.
- Xiao Chen, Roman Zoun, Eike Schallehn,
Sravani Mantha, Kirity Rapuru, and Gunter Saake.
Exploring Spark-SQL-Based Entity Resolution Using the
Persistence Capability.
In Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures, pages 3–17,
September 2018.
- Yang Li, Sandro Schulze, and Gunter
Reverse Engineering Variability from Requirement Documents
based on Probabilistic Relevance and Word Embedding.
In International Systems and Software Product Line Conference,
SPLC, pages 121–131. ACM, September 2018.
- Elias Kuiter, Sebastian Krieter, Jacob
Krüger, Kai Ludwig, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
PCLocator: A Tool Suite to Automatically
Identify Configurations for Code Locations.
In Proc. Int'l Systems and Software Product Line Conf. (SPLC),
pages 284–288. ACM, September 2018.
- Elias Kuiter, Jacob Krüger,
Sebastian Krieter, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
Getting Rid of Clone-and-Own: Moving to a Software
Product Line for Temperature Monitoring.
In Proc. Int'l Systems and Software Product Line Conf. (SPLC),
pages 179–189. ACM, September 2018.
- Bala Gurumurthy, David Broneske, Tobias
Drewes, Thilo Pionteck, and Gunter Saake.
Cooking DBMS Operations using Granular
Primitives - An overview on a primitive-based RDBMS query
Datenbank-Spektrum, August 2018.
- Lars-Christian Schulz, David Broneske,
and Gunter Saake.
Eight-Dimensional Systematic Evaluation of Optimized Search Algorithms on
Modern Processors.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Very Large Databases
(VLDB), volume 11, 1550-1562, August 2018.
- Iya Arefyeva, Gabriel Campero Durand,
Marcus Pinnecke, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Low-Latency Transaction Execution
on Graphics Processors: Dream or Reality?.
Ninth International Workshop on Accelerating Analytics and Data
Management Systems Using Modern Processor and Storage Architectures
(ADMS), August 2018.
- Andreas Becher, Lekshmi B.G., David
Broneske, Tobias Drewes, Bala Gurumurthy, Klaus Meyer-Wegener, Thilo
Pionteck, Gunter Saake, Jürgen Teich, and Stefan Wildermann.
Integration of FPGAs in Database
Management Systems: Challenges and Opportunities.
Datenbank-Spektrum, August 2018.
- Yusra Shakeel, Jacob Krüger, Gunter
Saake, and Thomas Leich.
Indicating Studies’ Quality
based on Open Data in Digital Libraries.
In Business Information Systems Workshops, volume 339 of
LNPIB BIS, pages 579–590. Springer, July
- Gabriel Campero Durand, Marcus
Pinnecke, Rufat Piriyev, Mahmoud Mohsen, David Broneske, Gunter Saake, Maya
Sekeran, Fabian Rodriguez, and Laxmi Balami.
GridFormation: Towards Self-Driven
Online Data Partitioning using Reinforcement Learning.
In First International Workshop on Exploiting Artificial Intelligence
Techniques for Data Management (aiDM), June 2018.
- Andreas Meister, Guido Moerkotte, and
Gunter Saake.
Errata for
"Analysis of two existing and one new dynamic programming algorithm for the
generation of optimal bushy join trees without cross products".
volume 11 of PVLDB, pages 1069–1070, June
- Jacob Krüger, Jens Wiemann, Wolfram
Fenske, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
Do You Remember This Source Code?.
In International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE, pages
764–775. ACM, May 2018.
- Sebastian Krieter, Thomas Thüm,
Sandro Schulze, Reimar Schröter, and Gunter Saake.
Propagating Configuration Decisions with Modal Implication
In International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE. ACM,
May 2018.
- Yusra Shakeel, Jacob Krüger, Ivonne
von Nostitz-Wallwitz, Christian Lausberger, Gabriel Campero Durand, Gunter
Saake, and Thomas Leich.
(Automated) Literature Analysis - Threats and
In International Workshop on Software Engineering for Science,
SE4Science, pages 20–27. ACM, May 2018.
- Bala Gurumurthy, Tobias Drewes, David
Broneske, Gunter Saake, and Thilo Pionteck.
Adaptive Data Processing in Heterogeneous Hardware
In Grundlagen von Datenbanken, pages 10–15, May
- Otmane Azeroual, Gunter Saake, and
Mohammad Abuosba.
Investigations of
concept development to improve data quality in research information systems
(Untersuchungen zur Konzeptentwicklung für eine Verbesserung der
Datenqualität in Forschungsinformationssystemen).
In Proceedings of the 30th GI-Workshop on Foundations of Databases
(Grundlagen von Datenbanken), volume 2126, pages 29–34. CEUR-WS, May
- Gabriel Campero Durand, Jingyi Ma,
Marcus Pinnecke, and Gunter Saake.
Piecing together large puzzles, efficiently: Towards
scalable loading into graph database systems.
In Grundlagen von Datenbanken, May 2018.
- Atin Janki, Roman Zoun, Kay Schallert,
Rohith Ravindran, David Broneske, Wolfram Fenske, Robert Heyer, Dirk
Benndorf, and Gunter Saake.
Connecting X! Tandem to a Database Management
In GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken, GvDB, pages 77–82, May
- Martin Leuckert, Peter R. Mertens, and
Gunter Saake.
Applicability of Security Measures in Wireless Sensor
In Grundlagen von Datenbanken, page 6, May 2018.
- Juliana Alves Pereira, Jabier Martinez,
Hari Kumar, Sebastian Krieter, and Gunter Saake.
Visual Guidance for Product Line Configuration Using
Recommendations and Non-Functional Properties.
In Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), pages 2058–2065. ACM,
April 2018.
- Azeem Lodhi, Veit Köppen, Gunter
Saake, and Klaus Turowski.
Streamlining Processes for Digitalization.
In Proceedings of the 11th IADIS International Conference Information
Systems (IS Conf 2018). International Association for Development of
the Information Society, IADIS Press, April 2018.
- Otmane Azeroual, Gunter Saake, and Eike
data quality issues in research information systems via data
International Journal of Information Management, Volume 41, pages
50–56, April 2018.
- Otmane Azeroual, Gunter Saake, and
Jürgen Wastl.
Data measurement in
research information systems: metrics for the evaluation of data
Scientometrics, Volume 115, page 1271–1290, April
- Xiao Chen, Eike Schallehn, and Gunter
Cloud-Scale Entity Resolution: Current State and Open Challenges.
Open Journal of Big Data, 4(1):30–51, April 2018.
- Jacob Krüger, Marcus Pinnecke, Andy
Kenner, Christopher Kruczek, Fabian Benduhn, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
Composing Annotations Without Regret? Practical Experiences Using
Software: Practice and Experience, 48(3):402–427, March 2018.
- Gabriel Campero Durand, Anusha
Janardhana, Marcus Pinnecke, Yusra Shakeel, Jacob Krüger, Thomas Leich,
and Gunter Saake.
Exploring Large Scholarly Networks with Hermes.
In International Conference on Extending Database Technology,
EDBT, pages 650–653. OpenProceedings, March 2018.
- Yang Li, Sandro Schulze, and Gunter
Extracting Features from Requirements: Achieving Accuracy
and Automation with Neural Networks.
In IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and
Reengineering, March 2018.
- Juliana Alves Pereira, Sandro Schulze,
Sebastian Krieter, Márcio Ribeiro, and Gunter Saake.
A Context-Aware Recommender System for Extended Software
Product Line Configurations.
In International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive
Systems (VaMoS), pages 97–104. ACM, February
- Otmane Azeroual, Gunter Saake, and
Mohammad Abuosba.
Quality Measures and Data Cleansing for Research Information
Journal of Digital Information Management, 16(1):12–21, February
- Norman Peitek, Janet Siegmund, Sven
Apel, Christian Kästner, Chris Parnin, Anja Bethmann, Thomas Leich,
Gunter Saake, and Andre Brechmann.
A Look into Programmers`Heads.
IEEE TSE, 2018.
- Juliana Alves Pereira, Pawel Matuszyk,
Sebastian Krieter, Myra Spiliopoulou, and Gunter Saake.
Recommender Systems for Product-line Configuration Processes.
Computer Languages, Systems & Structures, Volume 54, pages
451–471, December 2018.
- Jens Meinicke, Chu-Pan Wong, Christian
Kästner, and Gunter Saake.
Differences among Executions with Variational Traces.
Technical report, arXiv, 2018.
- Gunter Saake, Kai-Uwe Sattler, and
Andreas Heuer.
Datenbanken. Konzepte und Sprachen.
mitp, 6 edition, 2018.
- Robert Jendersie, Johannes Wuensche,
Johann Wagner, Marten Wallewein-Eising, Marcus Pinnecke, and Gunter Saake.
Thread Management for High Performance Database Systems -
Design and Implementation.
Technical report, Arbeitsgruppe Database and Software Engineering,
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 2018.
- Robert Jendersie, Johannes Wuensche,
Johann Wagner, Marten Wallewein-Eising, Marcus Pinnecke, and Gunter Saake.
Thread Management for High Performance Database Systems
- Design and Implementation.
Technical report, Arbeitsgruppe Database and Software Engineering,
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 2018.
- Tobias Drewes, Jan Moritz Joseph, Bala
Gurumurthy, David Broneske, Gunter Saake, and Thilo Pionteck.
Efficient Inter-Kernel
Communication for OpenCL Database Operators on FPGAs.
In International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology
(FPT), pages 266–269, December 2018.
- R. Zoun, G. C. Durand, K. Schallert,
A. Patrikar, D. Broneske, W. Fenske, R. Heyer, D. Benndorf, and G. Saake.
Protein Identification as a
Suitable Application for Fast Data Architecture.
Database and Expert Systems Applications: Dexa 2018 International
Workshops, Volume 903, pages 168–178, 2018.
Bm1ts Times Cited:1 Cited References Count:30 Communications in Computer and
Information Science.
- R. Zoun, K. Schallert, A. Janki,
R. Ravindran, G. C. Durand, W. Fenske, D. Broneske, R. Heyer, D. Benndorf,
and G. Saake.
Streaming FDR Calculation
for Protein Identification.
New Trends in Databases and Information Systems, Adbis 2018,
Volume 909, pages 80–87, 2018.
Bm5sq Times Cited:1 Cited References Count:20 Communications in Computer and
Information Science.
- Robert Heyer, Kay Schallert, Roman
Zoun, Beatrice Becher, Gunter Saake, and Dirk Benndorf.
Challenges and perspectives of metaproteomic data
Journal of biotechnology, Number 261, pages 24–36, 11
- Jacob Krüger, Sebastian Nielebock,
Sebastian Krieter, Christian Diedrich, Thomas Leich, Gunter Saake, Sebastian
Zug, and Frank Ortmeier.
Beyond Software Product Lines: Variability Modeling in
Cyber-Physical Systems.
In International Systems and Software Product Line Conference,
SPLC, pages 237–241. ACM, September 2017.
- Sebastian Krieter, Marcus Pinnecke,
Jacob Krüger, Joshua Sprey, Christopher Sontag, Thomas Thüm, Thomas
Leich, and Gunter Saake.
FeatureIDE: Empowering Third-Party Developers.
In International Systems and Software Product Line Conference,
SPLC, pages 42–45. ACM, September 2017.
- Jacob Krüger, Louis Nell, Wolfram
Fenske, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
Finding Lost Features in Cloned Systems.
In International Systems and Software Product Line Conference,
SPLC, pages 65–72. ACM, September 2017.
- Andreas Meister and Gunter Saake.
Cost-Function Complexity Matters: When Does Parallel Dynamic Programming Pay
Off for Join-Order Optimization.
In Advances in Databases and Information Systems, volume 10509 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 297–310. Springer,
September 2017.
- Ateeq
Khan, Matthias Pohl, Veit Köppen, Gunter Saake, and Klaus Turowski.
An Evaluation of Variability Mechanisms to Manage Cloud
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e-Business
and Telecommunications - Volume 4: ICE-B, (ICETE 2017), pages
100–107. INSTICC, SciTePress, July 2017.
- Mustafa Al-Hajjaji, Jacob Krüger,
Fabian Benduhn, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
Efficient Mutation Testing in Configurable
In International Workshop on Variability and Complexity in Software
Design, VACE, pages 2–8. IEEE, May 2017.
- Mustafa Al-Hajjaji, Jacob Krüger,
Sandro Schulze, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
Efficient Product-Line Testing using Clustering-Based
Product Prioritization.
In International Workshop on Automation of Software Test, AST,
pages 16–22. IEEE, May 2017.
- Mustafa Al-Hajjaji, Sascha Lity, Remo
Lachmann, Thomas Thüm, Ina Schaefer, and Gunter Saake.
Delta-Oriented Product Prioritization for
Similarity-Based Product-Line Testing.
In International Workshop on Variability and Complexity in Software
Design (VACE), pages 34–40, Piscataway, NJ, USA, May 2017.
- Reimar Schröter, Sebastian Krieter,
Thomas Thüm, Fabian Benduhn, and Gunter Saake.
Compositional Analyses of Highly-Configurable Systems with
Feature-Model Interfaces.
In Tagung Software Engineering. Gesellschaft für Informatik,
February 2017.
- Lina Ochoa, Juliana Alves Pereira,
Oscar González-Rojas, Harold Castro, and Gunter Saake.
A Survey on Scalability and Performance Concerns in Extended
Product Lines Configuration.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Variability Modelling of
Software-intensive Systems (VaMoS), pages 5–12. ACM, February
- Ateeq Khan, Johannes Hintsch, Gunter
Saake, and Klaus Turowski.
Management in Infrastructure as a Service: Scenarios in Cloud Deployment
In International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications
(ICNC), pages 724–728. IEEE, January 2017.
- Sebastian Dorok, Sebastian Breß,
Jens Teubner, Horstfried Läpple, Gunter Saake, and Volker Markl.
Efficient Storage and Analysis
of Genome Data in Databases.
In 17. Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web
(BTW), pages 423–442, 2017.
- David Broneske, Andreas Meister, and
Gunter Saake.
Hardware-Sensitive Scan Operator Variants for Compiled
Selection Pipelines.
In 17. Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web
(BTW), pages 403–412, 2017.
- Wolfram Fenske, Jens Meinicke, Sandro
Schulze, Steffen Schulze, and Gunter Saake.
Variant-Preserving Refactorings for Migrating Cloned
Products to a Product Line.
In International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and
Reengineering (SANER), pages 316–326. IEEE,
- Gabriel Campero Durand, Marcus
Pinnecke, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Backlogs and
interval timestamps: Building blocks for supporting temporal queries in graph
In Proceedings of the Workshops of the EDBT/ICDT 2017 Joint Conference
(EDBT/ICDT 2017), Venice, Italy, March 21-24, 2017., volume 1810.
CEUR-WS, 2017.
- David Broneske, Veit Köppen, Gunter
Saake, and Martin Schäler.
multi-column selection predicates in main-memory – the Elf
In IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), pages
647 – 658, 2017.
- Marcus Pinnecke, David Broneske,
Gabriel Campero Durand, and Gunter Saake.
Are Databases Fit for
Hybrid Workloads on GPUs? A Storage Engine’s Perspective..
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Big Data Management on
Emerging Hardware, San Diego, USA, April 22, 2017, pages 1599–1606,
- Iya Arefyeva, David Broneske, Marcus
Pinnecke, Mudit Bhatnagar, and Gunter Saake.
Column vs. Row Stores
for Data Manipulation in Hardware Oblivious CPU/GPU Database
In GvDB, pages 24–29. CEUR-WS, 2017.
- Roman Zoun, Kay Schallert, David
Broneske, Robert Heyer, Dirk Benndorf, and Gunter Saake.
Interactive Chord Visualization for Metaproteomics.
In International Workshop on Biological Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining (BIOKDD-DEXA). IEEE, 2017.
- Jens Meinicke, Thomas Thüm, Reimar
Schröter, Fabian Benduhn, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
Software Variability with FeatureIDE.
Springer, October 2017.
- Yang
Li, Sandro Schulze, and Gunter Saake.
Reverse Engineering Variability from Natural Language Documents:
A Systematic Literature Review.
In International Systems and Software Product Line Conference,
SPLC, pages 133–142. ACM, 2017.
- Sebastian Dorok, Sebastian Breß,
Jens Teubner, Horstfried Läpple, Gunter Saake, and Volker Markl.
Efficiently Storing and Analyzing Genome
Data in Database Systems.
Datenbank-Spektrum, Volume 17, page 139–154,
- David Broneske and Gunter Saake.
Capabilities of Modern Processors in Data Intensive
it - Information Technology, 59(3):133–140,
- Fabian Benduhn, Thomas Thüm, Ina
Schaefer, and Gunter Saake.
Modularization of Refinement Steps for Agile Formal
In Proc. International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM
2017), pages 19–35. Springer, October 2017.
- Wolfram Fenske, Sandro Schulze, and
Gunter Saake.
How Preprocessor Annotations (Do Not) Affect
Maintainability: A Case Study on Change-Proneness.
In International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts &
Experience (GPCE), pages 77–90. ACM, October
- Saqib Niaz and Gunter Saake.
Forward Secure Searchable Symmetric Encryption.
In IEEE International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured
Transactions (ICITST), To appear 2017.
- R. Heyer, K. Schallert, R. Zoun,
B. Becher, G. Saake, and D. Benndorf.
Challenges and
perspectives of metaproteomic data analysis.
J Biotechnol, Volume 261, pages 24–36, 2017.
Heyer, Robert Schallert, Kay Zoun, Roman Becher, Beatrice Saake, Gunter
Benndorf, Dirk eng Review Netherlands 2017/07/01 06:00 J Biotechnol. 2017 Nov
10;261:24-36. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2017.06.1201. Epub 2017 Jun
- R. Zoun, K. Schallert, D. Broneske,
R. Heyer, D. Benndorf, and G. Saake.
Interactive Chord
Visualization for Metaproteomics.
2017 28th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems
Applications (Dexa), 2017.
Bj5nr Times Cited:4 Cited References Count:11 International Workshop on
Database and Expert Systems Applications-DEXA.
- Ateeq Khan, Johannes Hintsch, Klaus
Turowski, and Gunter Saake.
Variability Management in IaaS.
In 8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and
Science (CloudCom), pages 75–78. IEEE, December
- Mustafa Al-Hajjaji, Thomas Thüm,
Malte Lochau, Jens Meinicke, and Gunter Saake.
Product-Line Testing Using Similarity-Based Product
International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM),
December 2016.
- Veit Köppen, David Broneske, Martin
Schäler, and Gunter Saake.
Elf: A Main-Memory Index for Efficient Multi-Dimensional Range and Partial
Match Queries.
International Journal Of Advancement In Engineering Technology,
Management and Applied Science (IJAETMAS), 3(12):96–105, December
- Juliana Alves Pereira, Pawel Matuszyk,
Sebastian Krieter, Myra Spiliopoulou, and Gunter Saake.
A Feature-Based Personalized Recommender System for
Product-Line Configuration.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Generative Programming:
Concepts & Experiences (GPCE), pages 120–131, New York, NY, USA,
October 2016. ACM.
- Mustafa Al-Hajjaji, Sebastian Krieter,
Thomas Thüm, Malte Lochau, and Gunter Saake.
IncLing: Efficient Product-Line Testing Using
Incremental Pairwise Sampling.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Generative Programming:
Concepts & Experiences (GPCE), pages 144–155, New York, NY, USA,
October 2016. ACM.
- Mustafa Al-Hajjaji, Jens Meinicke,
Sebastian Krieter, Reimar Schröter, Thomas Thüm, Thomas Leich, and
Gunter Saake.
Tool Demo: Testing Configurable Systems with
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Generative Programming:
Concepts & Experiences (GPCE), pages 173–177, New York, NY, USA,
October 2016. ACM.
- Jacob Krüger, Wolfram Fenske, Jens
Meinicke, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
Extracting Software Product Lines: A Cost Estimation
In International Systems and Software Product Line Conference,
SPLC, pages 354–361. ACM, September 2016.
- Sebastian Krieter, Reimar Schröter,
Thomas Thüm, Wolfram Fenske, and Gunter Saake.
Comparing Algorithms for Efficient Feature-Model
In Proceedings of the International Software Product Line Conference
(SPLC), New York, NY, USA, September 2016. ACM.
- Jens Meinicke, Chu-Pan Wong, Christian
Kästner, Thomas Thüm, and Gunter Saake.
On Essential Configuration Complexity: Measuring
Interactions In Highly-Configurable Systems.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Software
Engineering (ASE), volume 31. ACM, September
- Juliana Alves Pereira, Sebastian
Krieter, Jens Meinicke, Reimar Schröter, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
FeatureIDE: Scalable Product Configuration of Variable
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Reuse
(ICSR), pages 397–401. Springer, June 2016.
- Jens Meinicke, Thomas Thüm, Reimar
Schröter, Sebastian Krieter, Fabian Benduhn, Gunter Saake, and Thomas
FeatureIDE: Taming the Preprocessor
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE), pages 629–632, New York, NY, USA, May 2016.
- Reimar Schröter, Sebastian Krieter,
Thomas Thüm, Fabian Benduhn, and Gunter Saake.
Feature-Model Interfaces: The Highway to
Compositional Analyses of Highly-Configurable Systems.
In Proceedings of International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE), pages 667–678, New York, NY, USA, May 2016.
- Hagen Schink, Janet Siegmund, Reimar
Schröter, Thomas Thüm, and Gunter Saake.
A Study on Tool Support for Refactoring in Database
In Workshop Software Reengineering & Evolution (WSRE), pages
20–21, May 2016.
- Andreas Meister and Gunter Saake.
Challenges for a
GPU-accelerated dynamic programming approach for join-order
In GvDB, volume 1594, pages 81–86, Germany, May 2016. CEUR.
- Juliana Alves Pereira, Kattiana
Constantino, Eduardo Figueiredo, and Gunter Saake.
Quantitative and Qualitative Empirical Analysis of Three Feature Modeling
In Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS),
volume 703, pages 66–88. Springer, April 2016.
- Fabian Benduhn, Reimar Schröter,
Andy Kenner, Christopher Kruczek, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
Migration from Annotation-Based to Composition-Based
Product Lines: Towards a Tool-Driven Process.
In International Conference on Advances and Trends in Software
Engineering (SOFTENG), pages 102–109. IARIA, February
- Mustafa Al-Hajjaji, Fabian Benduhn,
Thomas Thüm, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
Mutation Operators for Preprocessor-Based
In International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive
Systems (VaMoS), pages 81–88, New York, NY, USA, January 2016.
- Sebastian Krieter, Reimar Schröter,
Thomas Thüm, and Gunter Saake.
An Efficient Algorithm for
Feature-Model Slicing.
Technical Report FIN-01-2016, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg,
Magdeburg, 2016.
- Veit Köppen, Thorsten Winsemann,
and Gunter Saake.
An Analytical Model for Data Persistence in Business Data
In Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS), 2015 IEEE 9th
International Conference on, pages 387–398. IEEE, May 2015.
- Reimar Schröter, Sebastian Krieter,
Thomas Thüm, Fabian Benduhn, and Gunter Saake.
Interfaces for Compositional Analyses.
Technical Report 1, University of Magdeburg, Germany, May
- Thomas Thüm, Sven Apel, Christian
Kästner, Ina Schaefer, and Gunter Saake.
Analysis Strategies for Software Product Lines: A
Classification and Survey.
In Software Engineering, pages 57–58, Bonn, Germany, March 2015.
Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI).
- Gunter Saake, David Broneske, Sebastian
Dorok, and Andreas Meister, editors.
Proceedings of the 27th GI-Workshop
Grundlagen von Datenbanken, volume 1366 of GvDB,
Germany, March 2015. CEUR.
- Fabian Benduhn, Thomas Thüm, Malte
Lochau, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
A Survey on Modeling Techniques for Formal Behavioral
Verification of Software Product Lines.
In International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive
Systems (VaMoS), pages 80–87, New York, NY, USA, January 2015.
- Sebastian Krieter, Reimar Schröter,
Wolfram Fenske, and Gunter Saake.
Use-Case-Specific Source-Code Documentation for
Feature-Oriented Programming.
In International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive
Systems (VaMoS), VaMoS '15, pages 27–34, New York, NY, USA, 2015.
- Sebastian Dorok, Sebastian Breß,
Jens Teubner, and Gunter Saake.
Flexible Analysis of Plant Genomes in a Database Management
In International Conference on Extending Database Technology
(EDBT), pages 509–512, 2015.
- Janet Siegmund, Sven Apel, Christian
Kästner, Chris Parnin, Anja Bethmann, Gunter Saake, Thomas Leich, and
André Brechmann.
Measuring Program Comprehension with Functional Magnetic Resonance
In Proceedings of Software Engineering – Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs
Softwaretechnik, GI Edition – Lecture Notes in Informatics. GI,
March 2015.
to appear.
- Erhard Rahm, Gunter Saake, and Kai-Uwe
Verteiltes und Paralleles Datenmanagement. Von
verteilten Datenbanken zu Big Data und Cloud.
Springer, July 2015.
- Andreas Meister, Sebastian Breß,
and Gunter Saake.
Toward GPU-accelerated Database Optimization.
Datenbank-Spektrum, 15(2):131–140, 2015.
- Marcus Pinnecke, David Broneske, and
Gunter Saake.
Toward GPU
Accelerated Data Stream Processing.
In Proceedings of the 27th GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken,
Gommern, Germany, May 26-29, 2015., pages 78–83,
- Muhammad Saqib Niaz and Gunter Saake.
Merkle Hash Tree
based Techniques for Data Integrity of Outsourced Data.
In Proceedings of the 27th GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken,
Gommern, Germany, May 26-29, 2015., pages 66–71,
- Siba Mohammad, Eike Schallehn, and
Gunter Saake.
A Self-Tuning Framework for Cloud Storage
In 19th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information
Systems (ADBIS), pages 351–364. Springer,
- Veit Köppen, Christian Krätzer,
Jana Dittmann, Gunter Saake, and Claus Vielhauer.
Impacts on Database Performance in a Privacy-Preserving Biometric
Authentication Scenario.
International Journal on Advances in Security, 8(1+2):99–108,
- Wolfram Fenske, Sandro Schulze, Daniel
Meyer, and Gunter Saake.
When Code Smells Twice as Much: Metric-Based Detection
of Variability-Aware Code Smells.
In International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and
Manipulation (SCAM), pages 171–180. IEEE,
- Veit Köppen, David Broneske, Gunter
Saake, and Martin Schäler.
Elf: A Main-Memory Structure for
Efficient Multi-Dimensional Range and Partial Match Queries.
Technical Report 002-2015, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Magdeburg,
#dec# 2015.
- Sebastian Breß, Max Heimel, Norbert
Siegmund, Ladjel Bellatreche, and Gunter Saake.
GPU-accelerated Database Systems: Survey and Open Challenges.
Transactions on Large-Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems
(TLDKS), December 2014.
- Alsayed Algergawy, Seham Moawed, Amany
Sarhan, Ali Eldosouky, and Gunter Saake.
Improving Clustering-based Schema Matching using Latent Semantic
Transactions on Large-Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems
(TLDKS), December 2014.
TLDKS Special Issue on Selected Papers from ADBIS 2013 Satellite
- Andreas Meister, Sebastian Breß,
and Gunter Saake.
Cost-Aware Query Optimization during Cloud-Based Complex Event
In 44. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, Informatik 2014,
Big Data - Komplexität meistern, volume 232 of Lecture Notes
in Informatics (LNI), pages 705–716. Gesellschaft für Informatik
(GI), September 2014.
- Reimar Schröter, Norbert Siegmund,
Thomas Thüm, and Gunter Saake.
Feature-Context Interfaces: Tailored Programming
Interfaces for Software Product Lines.
In Proceedings of the International Software Product Line Conference
(SPLC), pages 102–111, New York, NY, USA, September 2014.
- Jens Meinicke, Thomas Thüm, Reimar
Schröter, Fabian Benduhn, and Gunter Saake.
An Overview on Analysis Tools for Software Product
In Workshop on Software Product Line Analysis Tools (SPLat), pages
94–101, New York, NY, USA, September 2014. ACM.
- Thomas Thüm, Jens Meinicke, Fabian
Benduhn, Martin Hentschel, Alexander von Rhein, and Gunter Saake.
Potential Synergies of Theorem Proving and Model
Checking for Software Product Lines.
In Proceedings of the International Software Product Line Conference
(SPLC), pages 177–186, New York, NY, USA, September 2014.
- Mustafa Al-Hajjaji, Thomas Thüm,
Jens Meinicke, Malte Lochau, and Gunter Saake.
Similarity-Based Prioritization in Software
Product-Line Testing.
In Proceedings of the International Software Product Line Conference
(SPLC), pages 197–206, New York, NY, USA, September 2014.
- Thomas Thüm, Sven Apel, Christian
Kästner, Ina Schaefer, and Gunter Saake.
A Classification and Survey of Analysis Strategies for
Software Product Lines.
ACM Computing Surveys, 47(1):6:1–6:45, June
- Norbert Siegmund, Sergiy S. Kolesnikov,
Christian Kästner, Sven Apel, Don Batory, Marko Rosenmüller, and
Gunter Saake.
Performance Prediction in the Presence of Feature
In GI-Fachtagung Software Engineering, pages 33–34, Kiel,
February 2014.
- Thomas Thüm, Christian Kästner,
Fabian Benduhn, Jens Meinicke, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
FeatureIDE: An Extensible Framework for Feature-Oriented
Software Development.
Science of Computer Programming, 79(0):70–85, January
- Azeem Lodhi, Veit Köppen, Stefan
Wind, Gunter Saake, and Klaus Turowski.
Business Process
Modeling Language for Performance Evaluation.
In Proceedings of the 47th Annual Hawaii International Conference on
System Science (HICSS-47 2014), pages 3768–3777, Hawaii, United
States, January 2014. IEEE Computer Society.
- Wolfram Fenske, Thomas Thüm, and
Gunter Saake.
A Taxonomy of Software Product Line
In Proc. Int’l Work. on Variability Modeling of Software-Intensive
Systems (VaMoS ’14), pages 4:1–4:8, New York, NY, USA, January
2014. ACM.
- David Broneske, Sebastian Breß, Max
Heimel, and Gunter Saake.
Hardware-Sensitive Database Operations.
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Extending Database
Technology (EDBT), pages 229–234.,
- Janet Siegmund, Christian Kästner,
Sven Apel, Chris Parnin, Anja Bethmann, Thomas Leich, Gunter Saake, and
André Brechmann.
Understanding Understanding Source Code with Functional Magnetic
Resonance Imaging.
In ICSE, pages 378–389, 2014.
- Andreas Lübcke, Martin Schäler,
Veit Köppen, and Gunter Saake.
Relational On Demand Data Management for
In Rébecca Deneckère, Marko Bajec, and Martine Collard, editors,
IEEE Eighth International Conference on Research Challenges in
Information Science (RCIS), pages 561–572. IEEE,
- Sebastian Dorok, Sebastian Breß,
and Gunter Saake.
Toward Efficient Variant Calling inside Main-Memory Database
In International Workshop on Biological Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining (BIOKDD-DEXA), pages 41–45. IEEE, 2014.
- Sebastian Dorok, Sebastian Breß,
Horstfried Läpple, and Gunter Saake.
Toward Efficient and Reliable Genome Analysis using Main Memory
Database Systems.
In International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database
Management (SSDBM), pages 34:1–34:4. ACM,
- Sebastian Breß, Max Heimel, Michael
Saecker, Bastian Köcher, Volker Markl, and Gunter Saake.
Ocelot/HyPE: Optimized Data Processing on Heterogeneous
PVLDB, 7(13), 2014.
- Veit Köppen, Gunter Saake, and
Kai-Uwe Sattler.
Data Warehouse Technologien.
MITP, 2 edition, Mai 2014.
- Liane
Will, Veit Köppen, and Gunter Saake.
Flexibility in SOA Operations: The Need
for a Central Service Component.
In Georg Grossmann, Sylvain Hallé, Dimka Karastoyanova, Manfred Reichert,
and Stefanie-Rinderle-Ma, editors, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 18th
International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops
and Demonstrations, pages 306–315. IEEE, 2014.
- Sebastian Breß, Norbert Siegmund,
Max Heimel, Michael Saecker, Tobias Lauer, Ladjel Bellatreche, and Gunter
Load-Aware Inter-Co-Processor Parallelism in Database Query
Data & Knowledge Engineering, 2014.
doi: 10.1016/j.datak.2014.07.003.
- David Broneske, Sebastian Breß, and
Gunter Saake.
Database Scan Variants on Modern CPUs: A Performance Study.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on In-Memory Data
Management and Analytics (IMDM), Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 97–111. Springer, 2014.
- Jana Dittmann, Veit Köppen,
Christian Krätzer, Martin Leuckert, Gunter Saake, and Claus Vielhauer.
Performance Impacts in Database Privacy-Preserving
Biometric Authentication.
In Rainer Falk and Carlos Becker Westphall, editors, SECURWARE 2014: The
Eighth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and
Technologies, pages 111–117. IARA, 2014.
- Ziqiang Diao, Shuo Wang, Eike
Schallehn, and Gunter Saake.
CloudCraft: Cloud-based Data Management for
Databases and Information Systems VIII, 270(9):71–84,
- Gunter Saake and Kai-Uwe Sattler.
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen. Eine Einführung mit Java.
dpunkt.verlag, 5 edition, November 2013.
- Martin Schäler, Alexander Grebhahn,
Reimar Schröter, Sandro Schulze, Veit Köppen, and Gunter Saake.
Beyond high-dimensional indexing à la carte.
PVLDB, 6(14):1654–1665, September 2013.
- Veit Köppen, Martin Schäler,
Alexander Grebhahn, and Gunter Saake.
BTW 2013 – Zwischen wissenschaftlicher Geschichte und moderner
Datenbank-Spektrum, June 2013.
- Andreas Lübcke, Martin Schäler,
and Gunter Saake.
Dynamic Relational Data
Management for Technical Applications.
Technical Report 2, University of Magdeburg, Germany, March
- Mario Pukall, Christian Kästner,
Walter Cazzola, Sebastian Götz, Alexander Grebhahn, Reimar Schröter,
and Gunter Saake.
JavAdaptor - Flexible
Runtime Updates of Java Applications.
Software: Practice and Experience, 43(2):153–185, February
- Gunter
Saake, Kai-Uwe Sattler, and Andreas Heuer.
Datenbanken. Konzepte und Sprachen.
mitp, 5 edition, March 2013.
- Sven Apel, Don Batory, Christian
Kästner, and Gunter Saake.
Feature-Oriented Software Product Lines - Concepts and Implementation.
Springer, October 2013.
- Volker Markl, Gunter Saake, Kai-Uwe
Sattler, Gregor Hackenbroich, Bernhard Mitschang, Theo Härder, and Veit
Köppen, editors.
Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW), 15.
Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS),
11.-15.3.2013 in Magdeburg, Germany. Proceedings, LNI. GI,
- Janet Feigenspan, Christian
Kästner, Sven Apel, Jörg Liebig, Michael Schulze, Raimund Dachselt,
Maria Papendieck, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
Do Background Colors Improve Program Comprehension in the #ifdef
Empirical Software Engineering, 18(4):699–745, 2013.
- Michael Soffner, Norbert Siegmund,
Marko Rosenmüller, Janet Feigenspan, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
A Variability Model for Query Optimizers.
In Database and Information Systems VII. Selected Papers from the Tenth
International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems
2012, pages 15–28. IOS Press, January 2013.
- Alexander Grebhahn, Martin Schäler,
Veit Köppen, and Gunter Saake.
Privacy-Aware Multidimensional Indexing.
In 15. GI-Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und
Web (BTW), pages 133–147. Köllen-Verlag,
- Janet Siegmund, Christian Kästner,
Sven Apel, André Brechmann, and Gunter Saake.
Experience from Measuring Program Comprehension—Toward a
General Framework.
In Software Engineering 2013, pages 239–257. Gesellschaft für
Informatik, 2013.
- Reimar Schröter, Thomas Thüm,
Norbert Siegmund, and Gunter Saake.
Automated Analysis of Dependent Feature
In International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive
Systems (VaMoS), pages 9:1–9:5, New York, NY, USA, January 2013.
- Gunter Saake, Andreas Henrich, Wolfgang
Lehner, Thomas Neumann, and Veit Köppen, editors.
Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW), -
Workshopband, 15. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und
Informationssysteme" (DBIS), 11.-15.3.2013 in Magdeburg, Germany.
Proceedings, LNI. GI, 2013.
- Sebastian Breß, Felix Beier, Hannes
Rauhe, Kai-Uwe Sattler, Eike Schallehn, and Gunter Saake.
Efficient Co-Processor Utilization in Database Query Processing.
Information Systems, 38(8):1084–1096, 2013.
- Sebastian Breß, Norbert Siegmund,
Ladjel Bellatreche, and Gunter Saake.
An Operator-Stream-based Scheduling Engine for Effective GPU
In 17th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information
Systems (ADBIS), pages 288–301. Springer,
- Sebastian Breß, Max Heimel, Norbert
Siegmund, Ladjel Bellatreche, and Gunter Saake.
Exploring the Design Space of a GPU-aware Database Architecture.
In ADBIS workshop on GPUs In Databases (GID), pages 225–234.
Springer, 2013.
- Alsayed Algergawy and Gunter Saake.
Combining multiple Features for Web Data Sources
In IEEE International Conference on E-Business Engineering
(ICEBE), 2013.
- Seham Moawed, Alsayed Algergawy, Amany
Sarhan, Ali Eldosouky, and Gunter Saake.
A Latent Semantic Indexing-based Approach to Determine Similar Clusters
in Large-scale Schema Matching.
In ADBIS Second International workshop on Ontologies Meet Advanced
Information Systems, 2013.
- Maik
Mory, Andreas Wünsch, Sándor Vajna, and Gunter Saake.
Verknüpfung interaktiver Visualisierungen im Digital
In Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Prof. E. h. Dr. h. c. mult. Michael Schenk, editor,
10. Fachtagung „Digital Engineering zum Planen, Testen und Betreiben
technischer Systeme“, page 255–258, Magdeburg,
- Maik
Mory, Gunter Saake, and Veit Köppen.
Workshop on Information Systems in Digital Engineering
(ISDE) – Message from the Chairs.
In Gunter Saake, Andreas Henrich, Wolfgang Lehner, Thomas Neumann, and Veit
Köppen, editors, 15. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs „Datenbanken
und Informationssysteme“ (DBIS) : Datenbanksysteme für Business,
Technologie und Web (BTW) – Workshopband, pages 139–140,
- Azeem Lodhi, Veit Köppen, Stefan
Wind, and Gunter Saake.
An Analytical Business Process Modelling Language: An
Illustrative Example.
In Anne James, Xiang Fei, Kuo-Ming Chao, and Jen-Yao Chung, editors, In
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on e-Business
Engineering (ICEBE 2013), pages 149–155, Coventry, United Kingdom,
September 2013. IEEE Computer Society.
- Martin Schäler, Sandro Schulze,
Alexander Grebhahn, Veit Köppen, Andreas Lübcke, and Gunter Saake
Techniken zur forensischen
Datenhaltung - Ausgewählte studentische Beiträge.
Collection FIN-05-2012, University of Magdeburg, Germany, October 2012.
In German.
- Janet Siegmund, Norbert Siegmund, Jana
Fruth, Sven Kuhlmann, Jana Dittmann, and Gunter Saake.
Program Comprehension in Preprocessor-Based Software.
In International Workshop on Digital Engineering (IWDE), pages
517–528. Springer, September 2012.
- Christian Kästner, Sven Apel,
Thomas Thüm, and Gunter Saake.
Type Checking Annotation-Based Product Lines.
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology,
21(3):14:1–14:39, July 2012.
- Andreas Lübcke, Martin Schäler,
Veit Köppen, and Gunter Saake.
Workload-based Heuristics for Evaluation of Physical
Database Architectures.
In DB&IS, pages 3–10, Vilnius, Lithuania, July 2012.
University of Vilnius.
- Martin Schäler, Thomas Leich, Marko
Rosenmüller, and Gunter Saake.
Building Information System Variants with Tailored Database Schemas Using
In 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems
Engineering (CAiSE), volume 7328 of LNCS, pages 597 –
612. Springer, June 2012.
- Martin Kuhlemann, Andreas Lübcke,
and Gunter Saake.
Reduction of Program-Generation Times by
Transformation-Sequence Optimization.
In ENASE, pages 182–186, Wroclaw, Poland, June 2012.
- Andreas Lübcke, Veit Köppen,
and Gunter Saake.
Heuristics-based Workload Analysis for Relational
In UNISCON, LNBIP 137, pages 25–36, Yalta, Ukraine, May 2012.
- Thorsten Winsemann, Veit Köppen,
Andreas Lübcke, and Gunter Saake.
A Layered Architecture Approach for Large-Scale Data Warehouse
In UNISCON, LNBIP 137, pages 199–201, Yalta, Ukraine, May 2012.
- Thomas Thüm, Sven Apel, Christian
Kästner, Martin Kuhlemann, Ina Schaefer, and Gunter Saake.
Analysis Strategies for
Software Product Lines.
Technical Report FIN-004-2012, School of Computer Science, University of
Magdeburg, Germany, April 2012.
- Thomas Thüm, Sandro Schulze, Mario
Pukall, Gunter Saake, and Sebastian Günther.
Secure and
Customizeable Data Management for Automotive Systems - A Feasibility
ISRN Software Engineering, Volume 2012, pages 1–7, March
- Thomas Thüm, Ina Schaefer, Martin
Kuhlemann, Sven Apel, and Gunter Saake.
Applying Design by Contract to Feature-Oriented
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Fundamental Approaches
to Software Engineering (FASE), volume 7212 of LNCS,
pages 255–269, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, London, March 2012.
- Norbert Siegmund, Marko
Rosenmüller, Martin Kuhlemann, Christian Kästner, Sven Apel, and
Gunter Saake.
SPL Conqueror:
Toward Optimization of Non-functional Properties in Software Product
Software Quality Journal, 20(3):487–517,
- Sandro Schulze, Thomas Thüm, Martin
Kuhlemann, and Gunter Saake.
Variant-Preserving Refactoring in Feature-Oriented
Software Product Lines.
In International Workshop on Variability Modeling of Software-intensive
Systems (VaMoS), pages 73–81, New York, NY, USA, January 2012.
- Norbert Siegmund, Sergiy S. Kolesnikov,
Christian Kästner, Sven Apel, Don Batory, Marko Rosenmüller, and
Gunter Saake.
Predicting Performance via Automated Feature-Interaction
In Proceedings of International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE), pages 167–177. IEEE, 2012.
acceptance rate 21%.
- Martin Schäler, Sandro Schulze, and
Gunter Saake.
A Hierarchical Framework for Provenance Based on Fragmentation
and Uncertainty.
Technical Report FIN-01-2012, School of Computer Science, University of
Magdeburg, Germany, 2012.
- Norbert Siegmund, Maik Mory, Janet
Feigenspan, Gunter Saake, Mykhaylo Nykolaychuk, and Marco Schumann.
Interoperability of Non-functional Requirements in Complex
In ICSE2012: International Workshop on Software Engineering for Embedded
Systems, pages 2–8. IEEE, 2012.
- Ina Lindauer, Martin Schäler, Claus
Vielhauer, Gunter Saake, and Mario Hildebrandt.
A First Proposal for a General Description
Model of Forensic Traces.
In SPIE Photonics Europe, pages 8436–29,
- Thorsten Winsemann, Veit Köppen,
and Gunter Saake.
Layered Architecture for Enterprise Data Warehouse Systems.
In Marko Bajec and Johann Eder, editors, Advanced Information Systems
Engineering Workshops, volume 112 of Lecture Notes in Business
Information Processing, pages 192–199. Springer, 2012.
- Janet Feigenspan, Michael Schulze,
Maria Papendieck, Christian Kästner, Raimund Dachselt, Veit Köppen,
Mathias Frisch, and Gunter Saake.
Supporting Program Comprehension in Large Preprocessor-Based
Software Product Lines.
IET Software, 6(6):488–501, 2012.
- Veit Köppen, Francis
Gropengießer, Martin Kuhlemann, Gunter Saake, and Kai-Uwe Sattler.
Datenbanken in der Cloud - Transaktionsmanagement
für Database as a Service.
OBJEKTspektrum, Volume Online-Themenspecial Cloud Computing 2012,
pages 1–4, 2012.
- Martin Schäler, Sandro Schulze, and
Gunter Saake.
Toward provenance capturing as cross-cutting concern.
In 4th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP
'12), 2012.
- Alexander Grebhahn, David Broneske,
Martin Schäler, Reimar Schröter, Veit Köppen, and Gunter Saake.
Challenges in
finding an appropriate multi-dimensional index structure with respect to
specific use cases.
In Ingo Schmitt, Sascha Saretz, and Marcel Zierenberg, editors,
Proceedings of the 24th GI-Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken
2012", pages 77–82. CEUR-WS, 2012.
- Sebastian Breß, Felix Beier, Hannes
Rauhe, Eike Schallehn, Kai-Uwe Sattler, and Gunter Saake.
Automatic Selection of Processing Units for Coprocessing in
In 16th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information
Systems (ADBIS), pages 57–70. Springer, 2012.
- Veit Köppen, Gunter Saake, and
Kai-Uwe Sattler.
Data Warehouse Technologien.
MITP, 1 edition, August 2012.
- Janet Siegmund, André Brechmann,
Sven Apel, Christian Kästner, Jörg Liebig, Thomas Leich, and Gunter
Toward Measuring Program Comprehension with Functional
Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
In International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering -
New Ideas Track (FSE-NIER), pages 24:1–24:4,
- Veit Köppen and Gunter Saake.
to IWDE 2012.
In Frank Ortmeier and Peter Daniel, editors, Computer Safety,
Reliability, and Security:, volume 7613 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 449–453, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012.
- Sebastian Breß, Ingolf Geist, Eike
Schallehn, Maik Mory, and Gunter Saake.
A Framework for Cost based Optimization of Hybrid
CPU/GPU Query Plans in Database Systems.
Control and Cybernetics, 41(4):715–742, 2012.
- Maik
Mory, Norbert Siegmund, Alexander Blankenburg, and Gunter Saake.
Interoperability of Distributed Interactive Simulations through Node-based
OpenGL Stream Processing.
In Antonio De Nicola, Michele Missikoff, and Fabrizio Smith, editors,
Proceedings of the Fifth Interop-Vlab.It Workshop on Complexity of
Systems, Complexity of Interoperability in conjunction with itAIS 2012
(INVIT12), volume 915 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages
83–87, Rome, Italy, September 28 2012.
- Andreas Lübcke, Veit Köppen,
and Gunter Saake.
A Query
Decomposition Approach for Relational DBMS using Different Storage
Technical Report 11, University of Magdeburg, Germany, December
- Stephan Vornholt, Michael Stoye, Ingolf
Geist, Veit Köppen, and Gunter Saake.
Datenmodell zur flexiblen Verwaltung von
Datenaustauschprozessen in der virtuellen Produktentwicklung.
In Roland Kasper u.a., editor, 10. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage
27.-29.09.2011, Magdeburg, September 2011.
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg.
- Veit Köppen, Stephan Vornholt,
Ingolf Geist, and Gunter Saake.
Ganzheitliche Unterstützung für die simultane und
virtuelle Produktentwicklung.
In Roland Kasper u.a., editor, 10. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage
27.-29.09.2011, Magdeburg, September 2011.
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg.
- Andreas Lübcke, Veit Köppen,
and Gunter Saake.
Representation across Different Storage Architectures for Relational
In Proceedings of the 23. GI-Workshop on Foundations of Databases,
pages 79–84, Obergurgl, Austria, June 2011. Universtiy of
- Andreas Lübcke, Veit Köppen,
and Gunter Saake.
A Decision Model
to Select the Optimal Storage Architecture for Relational
In Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Research
Challenges in Information Science, RCIS, pages 74–84, Gosier, France,
May 2011. IEEE.
- Ateeq Khan, Christian Kästner, Veit
Köppen, and Gunter Saake.
Service Variability Patterns in SOC.
Technical Report 5, University of Magdeburg, Germany, May
- Martin Schäler, Thomas Leich,
Norbert Siegmund, Christian Kästner, and Gunter Saake.
Generierung maßgeschneiderter Relationenschemata in
Softwareproduktlinien mittels Superimposition.
In 14. GI-Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und
Web, volume P-180 of LNI, pages 414–534. GI,
- Alsayed Algergawy, Marco Mesiti, Richi
Nayak, and Gunter Saake.
XML Data Clustering: An Overview.
ACM Computing Surveys, 43(4):25:1–25:41, October 2011.
submitted March 5, 2009; accepted October 23, 2009.
- Marko Rosenmüller, Norbert
Siegmund, Thomas Thüm, and Gunter Saake.
Multi-Dimensional Variability Modeling.
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Variability Modelling of
Software-intensive Systems (VaMoS), pages 11–20. ACM Press, January
- Marko Rosenmüller, Norbert
Siegmund, Sven Apel, and Gunter Saake.
Flexible Feature Binding in Software Product Lines.
Automated Software Engineering – An International Journal,
18(2):163–197, 2011.
- Azeem
Lodhi, Veit Köppen, and Gunter Saake.
Business Process Modeling: Active Research Areas and
Technical Report 1, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Magdeburg,
- Syed Saif ur Rahman, Eike Schallehn,
and Gunter Saake.
ECOS: Evolutionary Column-Oriented Storage.
Technical Report FIN-03-2011, Department of Technical and Business Information
Systems, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Magdeburg,
- Martin Schäler, Sandro Schulze,
Ronny Merkel, Gunter Saake, and Jana Dittmann.
Reliable Provenance Information for Multimedia Data Using Invertible Fragile
In 28th British National Conference on Databases (BNCOD), volume
7051 of LNCS, pages 3 – 17. Springer,
- Syed Saif ur Rahman, Eike Schallehn,
and Gunter Saake.
Evolutionary Column-Oriented Storage.
In In Proceedings of the 28th British National Conference on Databases
(BNCOD 2011), volume 7051 of LNCS, pages 18–32.
Springer, July 2011.
- Mario Pukall, Christian Kästner,
Walter Cazzola, Sebastian Götz, Alexander Grebhahn, Reimar Schröter,
and Gunter Saake.
Flexible Dynamic Software Updates of Java Applications: Tool
Support and Case Study.
Technical Report 04, School of Computer Science, University of Magdeburg, April
- Hagen Schink, Martin Kuhlemann, Gunter
Saake, and Ralf Lämmel.
Hurdles in
multi-language refactoring of Hibernate applications.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software and Data
Technologies (ICSOFT), pages 129–134. SciTePress, 2011.
DOI: 10.5220/0003469501290134.
- Ateeq Khan, Christian Kästner, Veit
Köppen, and Gunter Saake.
Variability Patterns.
In Olga De Troyer, Claudia Bauzer Medeiros, Roland Billen, Pierre Hallot, Alkis
Simitsis, and Hans Van Mingroot, editors, Advances in Conceptual
Modeling. Recent Developments and New Directions - ER 2011 Workshops,
volume 6999 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages
130–140. Springer, November 2011.
- Azeem
Lodhi, Veit Köppen, and Gunter Saake.
Business Process Improvement Framework and Representational
In Miloš Kudělka, Jaroslav Pokorný, Václav Snášel, and Ajith
Abraham, editors, Proceedings of The Third International Conference on
Intelligent Human Computer Interaction (IHCI), volume 179 of
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pages 155–167,
Prague, Czech Republic, Aug. 2011. Springer.
- Thorsten Winsemann, Veit Köppen,
and Gunter Saake.
Advantages of
a Layered Architecture for Enterprise Data Warehouse Systems.
In Procceding of Complex Systems Design & Management
(CSD&M), 2011.
- Marco Schumann, Michael Schenk, Ulrich
Schmucker, and Gunter Saake.
Digital Engineering - Herausforderungen, Ziele
und Lösungsansätze.
In Michael Schenk, editor, Tagungsband 14. IFF-Wissenschaftstage / 8.
Fachtagung Digitales Engineering und virtuelle Techniken, pages
193–199. IFF Magdeburg, 2011.
- Azeem
Lodhi, Veit Köppen, and Gunter Saake.
An Extension of BPMN Meta-model for Evaluation of Business
Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University. Computer Science,
Volume 46, pages 27–34, 2011.
Presented in The 10th International Conference on Perspectives in Business
Informatics Research (BIR 2011).
- Veit Köppen, Thomas Kirste, and
Gunter Saake.
Challenges in an
Assistance World.
In LWA 2011: Lernen, Wissen & Adaptivität, Workshop
Proceedings, KDML Workshop on Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining and
Machine Learning. Faculty of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke-University,
- Martin Kuhlemann, Christian
Kästner, Sven Apel, and Gunter Saake.
An algebra for
refactoring and feature-oriented programming.
Technical Report FIN-006-2011, University of Magdeburg, Germany,
- Maik
Mory, Mario Pukall, Veit Köppen, and Gunter Saake.
Evaluation of Techniques for the Instrumentation and Extension
of Proprietary OpenGL Applications.
In 2nd International ACM/GI Workshop on Digital Engineering
(IWDE), pages 50–57, Magdeburg, Germany, 2011.
- Tim
Frey, Veit Köppen, and Gunter Saake.
Hypermodelling - Introducing Multi-dimensional Concern Reverse
In 2nd International ACM/GI Workshop on Digital Engineering
(IWDE), pages 58–66, Magdeburg, Germany, 2011.
- Ateeq Khan, Christian Kästner, Veit
Köppen, and Gunter Saake.
Pervasive Nature of Variability in SOC.
In 9th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology
(FIT'11), Islamabad, Pakistan, pages 69–74. IEEE Computer Society,
December 2011.
- Thomas Thüm, Sandro Schulze, Mario
Pukall, Gunter Saake, and Sebastian Günther.
AutoDaMa: On the
Feasibility of Secure and Tailor-made Automotive Data
Technical Report FIN-008-2011, School of Computer Science, University of
Magdeburg, November 2011.
- Gunter Saake, Kai-Uwe Sattler, and
Andreas Heuer.
— Implementierungstechniken.
MITP-Verlag, Bonn, 3 edition, 2011.
- Veit Köppen and Gunter Saake,
Proceedings of the
Second International Workshop on Digital Engineering. Faculty of
Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke-University, November
- Tim
Frey, Marius Gelhausen, and Gunter Saake.
Categorization of
concerns: a categorical program comprehension model.
In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Evaluation and
usability of programming languages and tools, PLATEAU '11, pages
73–82, New York, NY, USA, 2011. ACM.
- Andreas Lübcke, Veit Köppen,
and Gunter Saake.
Towards Selection
of Optimal Storage Architecture for Relational Databases.
Technical Report 11, University of Magdeburg, Germany, December
- Andreas Lübcke and Gunter Saake.
A Framework for Optimal Selection of a Storage Architecture in
In DB&IS, pages 65–76, Riga, Latvia, July 2010. University of
- Ahmed Fahim, Abd-Elbadeeh Salem, Fawzy
Torkey, Mohamed Ramadan, and Gunter Saake.
Scalable Varied Density
Clustering Algorithm for Large Datasets.
Journal on Software Engineering & Applications, 3(6):593–602,
June 2010.
- Christian Kästner, Sven Apel, and
Gunter Saake.
Virtuelle Trennung von Belangen (Präprozessor
In Software Engineering 2010 – Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs
Softwaretechnik, number P-159 in Lecture Notes in Informatics, pages
165–176. Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), February
- Syed Saif ur Rahman, Ateeq Khan, and
Gunter Saake.
Rulespect: Language-Independent Rule-Based AOP Model for Adaptable
Context-Sensitive Web Services.
In Proceedings of the 36th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and
Practice of Computer Science, volume II, pages 87–99, Prague, January
23–29 2010. Institute of Computer Science AS CR.
- Alsayed Algergawy, Richi Nayak, Norbert
Siegmund, Veit Köppen, and Gunter Saake.
Combining Schema and Level Matching For Web Service Discovery.
In Boualem Benatallah, Fabio Casati, Gerti Kappel, and Gustavo Rossi, editors,
International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE), LNCS, pages
114–128. Springer, July 2010.
- M. Kuhlemann, L. Liang, and G. Saake.
Algebraic and
cost-based optimization of refactoring sequences.
Technical Report 5, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Magdeburg,
- Syed Saif ur Rahman, Veit Köppen,
and Gunter Saake.
Cellular DBMS:
An Atempt Towards Biologocally-Inspired Data Management.
Journal of Digital Information Management, 8(2):117–128, April
- Veit Köppen and Gunter Saake.
Einsatz von Virtueller Realität im Prozessmanagement.
Industrie Management, 26(2):49–53, 2010.
- M. Kuhlemann, L. Liang, and G. Saake.
Algebraic and cost-based
optimization of refactoring sequences.
In International Workshop on Model-Driven Product Line Engineering
(MDPLE), volume 625 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages
37–48, 2010.
- Gunter Saake and Kai-Uwe Sattler.
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen: Eine Einführung mit
dpunkt.verlag, 4. auflage edition, 2010.
- Veit Köppen and Gunter Saake,
IWDE '10: Proceedings of
the First International Workshop on Digital Engineering, New York,
NY, USA, June 2010. ACM.
- Alsayed Algergawy, Richi Nayak, and
Gunter Saake.
Element Similarity Measures in XML Schema Matching.
Elsevier Information Sciences, 180(24):4975–4998,
- Gunter
Saake, Kai-Uwe Sattler, and Andreas Heuer.
Datenbanken: Konzepte und Sprachen.
mitp-Verlag/Bonn, 4. auflage edition, 2010.
- Azeem
Lodhi, Gamal Kassem, Veit Köppen, and Gunter Saake.
Building AS-IS
Process Model from Task Descriptions.
In Proceedings of The International Conference On Frontiers of
Information Technology ( FIT 2010), pages 14:1–14:6, Islamabad,
Pakistan, Dec. 2010. ACM Digital Library.
- Azeem
Lodhi, Veit Köppen, and Gunter Saake.
Post Execution Analysis of Business Processes: Taxonomy and
Technical Report 9, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Magdeburg,
- Azeem Lodhi, Gamal Kassem, Veit
Köppen, and Gunter Saake.
Investigation of Graph Mining for Business
In Proceedings of The International Conference on Intelligence and
Information Technology (ICIIT), Lahore, Pakistan,
- Marko Rosenmüller, Sven Apel,
Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
Data Management for Embedded Systems: A Case Study on Berkeley
Data and Knowledge Engineering, 68(12):1493–1512, December
- Sagar Sunkle, Sebastian Günther,
and Gunter Saake.
Representing and Composing First-class Features with
Technical Report 17, Department of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke
University of Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany, November
- Mario Pukall, Christian Kästner,
Sebastian Götz, Walter Cazzola, and Gunter Saake.
Flexible Runtime Program Adaptations in Java - A
Technical Report 14, School of Computer Science, University of Magdeburg,
November 2009.
- Ateeq
Khan, Azeem Lodhi, Veit Köppen, Gamal Kassem, and Gunter Saake.
Applying Process Mining in SOA Environments.
In Asit Dan, Frédéric Gittler, and Farouk Toumani, editors,
Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC/ServiceWave) 2009 Workshops,
volume 6275 of LNCS, pages 293–302. Springer, November
- Marko Rosenmüller, Norbert
Siegmund, Gunter Saake, and Sven Apel.
Combining Static and Dynamic Feature Binding in Software Product
Technical Report 13, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität
Magdeburg, September 2009.
- Christian Kästner, Sven Apel,
Syed Saif ur Rahman, Marko Rosenmüller, Don Batory, and Gunter Saake.
On the Impact of the Optional Feature Problem: Analysis and Case
In Proceedings of the 13th International Software Product Line Conference
(SPLC), pages 181–190. SEI, August 2009.
- A. Fahim, G. Saake, A. Salem,
F. Torkey, and M. Ramadan.
An Enhanced Density Based Spatial clustering of Applications with
In Proc. International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN), pages
517–523, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 2009.
- Norbert Siegmund, Mario Pukall, Michael
Soffner, Veit Köppen, and Gunter Saake.
Using software product lines for runtime
In Proceedings of Workshop on Reflection, AOP and Meta-Data for Software
Evolution (RAM-SE), pages 1–7. ACM, July 2009.
- Syed Saif ur Rahman, Azeem Lodhi, and
Gunter Saake.
Cellular DBMS - Architecture for Biologically-Inspired
Customizable Autonomous DBMS.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Networked
Digital Technologies (NDT2009), pages 310–315, Ostrava, The Czech
Republic, July 2009. IEEE Computer Society.
- A. Algergawy, E. Schallehn, and
G. Saake.
Efficiently Locating Web Services Using A Sequence-based Schema
Matching Approach.
In 11th ICEIS, pages 287–290, May 2009.
- Christian Kästner, Thomas Thüm,
Gunter Saake, Janet Feigenspan, Thomas Leich, Fabian Wielgorz, and Sven Apel.
FeatureIDE: Tool Framework for Feature-Oriented
Software Development.
In Proceedings of the 31th International Conference on Software
Engineering (ICSE), pages 611–614. IEEE Computer Society, May 2009.
Formal Demonstration paper.
- Sandro Schulze, Tobias Hoppe, Jana
Dittmann, and Gunter Saake.
Pauschalisierte Sicherheitsbetrachtungen automotiver
In Arbeitskonferenz DACH Security. Universit, May 2009.
- Michael Biermann, Tobias Hoppe, Jana
Dittmann, Sandro Schulze, and Gunter Saake.
Adaption des Szenarios einer WiFi-Wurm-Epidemie auf den
Automotive-Bereich zur Sensibilisierung und Aufklärung.
In 11.Deutscher IT-Sicherheitskongress des BSI. SecuMedia Verlag,
May 2009.
to appear.
- Christian Kästner, Sven Apel, and
Gunter Saake.
Sichere Produktlinien:
Herausforderungen für Syntax- und Typ-Prüfungen.
In Bernd Brassel and Michael Hanus, editors, Proceedings des 26. Workshop
der GI-Fachgruppe Programmiersprachen und Rechenkonzepte, number 0915,
pages 37–38. University of Kiel, May 2009.
- Norbert Siegmund, Christian
Kästner, Marko Rosenmüller, Florian Heidenreich, Sven Apel, and
Gunter Saake.
Bridging the Gap Between Variability in Client Application and
Database Schema.
In 13. GI-Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und
Web (BTW), pages 297–306. GI, March 2009.
- A. Algergawy and G. Saake.
A Classification Scheme of XML Data Clustering Techniques.
In 4th ICICIS, pages 550–555. ACM, March
- Marko Rosenmüller, Christian
Kästner, Norbert Siegmund, Sagar Sunkle, Sven Apel, Thomas Leich, and
Gunter Saake.
SQL à la Carte – Toward Tailor-made Data
In Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW), pages
117–136, March 2009.
- Sandro Schulze, Mario Pukall, Gunter
Saake, Tobias Hoppe, and Jana Dittmann.
On the Need of Automotive Data Management in Automotive
In Proceedings 13. GI-Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business,
Technologie und Web (BTW), Lecture Notes in Informatics, pages
217–227. Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), March
- Syed Saif ur Rahman, Azeem Lodhi,
Nasreddine Aoumeur, Claus Rautenstrauch, and Gunter Saake.
Intra-Service Adaptability For ECA-Centric Web Services Using
Contract And Aspect.
In Proceedings of The IADIS International Conference Information Systems
2009 (IS 2009). International Association for Development of the
Information Society, IADIS Press, February 2009.
- A. Algergawy, E. Schallehn, and
G. Saake.
Improving XML Schema Matching Performance Using Prüfer
Data and Knowledge Engineering, 68(8):728–747, August
- A. Algergawy, R. Nayak, E. Schallehn,
and G. Saake.
Supporting Web Service Discovery By Assessing Web Service
In 13th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information
Systems (ADBIS-2009), Sept. 2009.
- A. Algergawy, R. Nayak, and G. Saake.
XML Schema Element Similarity Measures: A schema matching
In The 8th International Conference on Ontologies, DataBases, and
Applications of Semantics (ODBASE 2009), LNCS 5871, pages 1246–1253,
Nov. 2009.
- Gunter Saake, Marko Rosenmüller,
Norbert Siegmund, Christian Kästner, and Thomas Leich.
Downsizing Data Management for Embedded Systems.
Egyptian Computer Science Journal (ECS), 31(1):1–13, January
- A. Fahim, A. Salem, F. Torkey,
M. Ramadan, and G. saake.
An Efficient K-Means with Good Initial Starting Points.
Georgian Electronic Scientific Journal: Computer Science and
Telecommunications, 2009.
- A. Fahim, G. Saake, A. Salem,
F. Torkey, and M. Ramadan.
Improved DBSCAN for spatial databases with noise and different
Georgian Electronic Scientific Journal: Computer Science and
Telecommunications, 2009.
- Veit Köppen, Norbert Siegmund,
Michael Soffner, and Gunter Saake.
An Architecture for Interoperability of Embedded Systems and
Virtual Reality.
IETE Technical Review, 26(5):350–356,
- Norbert Siegmund, Marko
Rosenmüller, Guido Moritz, Gunter Saake, and Dirk Timmermann.
Towards Robust Data Storage in Wireless Sensor
IETE Technical Review, 26(5):335–340,
- Syed Saif ur Rahman and Gunter Saake.
Cellular DBMS: An Attempt Towards
Biologically-Inspired Data Management.
Technical Report FIN-012-2009, Department of Technical and Business Information
Systems, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Magdeburg,
- Anne E. James, Joshua Cooper, Keith
Jeffery, and Gunter Saake.
Directions in Database Architectures for the Internet of Things: A
Communication of the First International Workshop on Database Architectures
for the Internet of Things (DAIT 2009).
In Dataspace: The Final Frontier, 26th British National Conference on
Databases, BNCOD 26, Birmingham, UK, July 7-9, 2009. Proceedings,
pages 225–233, 2009.
- Syed Saif ur Rahman, Marko
Rosenmüller, Norbert Siegmund, Gunter Saake, and Sven Apel.
Specialized Embedded DBMS: Cell Based Approach.
In DEXA '09: Proceedings of the 2009 20th International Workshop on
Database and Expert Systems Application, pages 9–13. IEEE Computer
Society, 2009.
- Mario Pukall, Christian Kästner,
and Gunter Saake.
Towards Unanticipated Runtime Adaptation of Java
In Proceedings of the 15th International Asia-Pacific Conference on
Software Engineering (APSEC), pages 85–93. IEEE Computer Society,
December 2008.
- Norbert Siegmund, Marko
Rosenmüller, Martin Kuhlemann, Christian Kästner, and Gunter Saake.
Non-functional Properties in Software Product Lines for Product
In Proceedings of the 15th International Asia-Pacific Software
Engineering Conference (APSEC), pages 187–194. IEEE Computer Society,
December 2008.
Acceptance rate: 30 % (66/221).
- Marko Rosenmüller, Norbert
Siegmund, Sven Apel, and Gunter Saake.
Code Generation to Support Static and Dynamic Composition of
Software Product Lines.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Generative
Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE), pages 3–12. ACM Press,
October 2008.
- Sagar Sunkle, Marko Rosenmüller,
Norbert Siegmund, Syed Saif ur Rahman, Gunter Saake, and Sven Apel.
Features as First-class Entities : Toward a Better
Representation of Features.
In Workshop on Modularization, Composition, and Generative Techniques for
Product Line Engineering, number MIP-0802, pages 27–34. Department of
Informatics and Mathematics, University of Passau, October
- A. Algergawy, E. Schallehn, and
G. Saake.
Constraint-based Schema Matching Formulation.
In 11th BIS Workshop-ADW 2008, pages 141–152, Innsbruck, Austria,
May 2008. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 333.
- Sagar Sunkle, Martin Kuhlemann, Norbert
Siegmund, Marko Rosenmüller, and Gunter Saake.
Generating Highly Customizable SQL Parsers.
In Workshop on Software Engineering for Tailor-made Data
Management, pages 29–34, March 2008.
- Gunter
Saake, Kai-Uwe Sattler, and Andreas Heuer.
Datenbanken: Konzepte und Sprachen.
mitp-Verlag/Bonn, 3. auflage edition, 2008.
- Sven
Apel, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
Aspectual Feature Modules.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 34(2):162–180,
- N. Siegmund, M. Kuhlemann,
M. Rosenmüller, C. Kästner, and G. Saake.
Product Line Model for Semi-Automated Product Derivation Using Non-Functional
In International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive
Systems (VaMoS), pages 25–32, January 2008.
- N. Aoumeur and G. Saake.
A UML-Rewriting driven Architectural Proposal for Developing Adaptive
Concurrent Information Systems.
In In Proc. of 7th International Conference on Information Systems
Technology and its Applications (ISTA'08), volume 5 of
LNBIP. Springer, 2008.
- N. Aoumeur and G. Saake.
Modelling and Certifying Concurrent Systems: a Maude-TLA Driven
Architectural Approach.
In In Proc. of of 5th International Conference on Information Technology
: New Generations (ITNG'08). IEEE CS, 2008.
- M. Oriol, W. Cazzola, S. Chiba,
G. Saake, Y. Coady, S. Ducasse, and G. Kniesel.
Software Evolution Via AOP and Reflection - Report on the Workshop RAM-SE at
ECOOP 2007.
In Object-Oriented Technology. ECOOP 2007 Workshop Reader, volume
4906 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pages 91 –
98, Berlin, 2008. Springer-Verlag.
- A. Fahim, G. Saake, A. Salem,
F. Torkey, and M. Ramadan.
DCBOR: A Density Clustering Based on Outlier Removal.
In Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and
Technology, pages 171–176, Paris, France, November
- A. Fahim, G. Saake, A. Salem,
F. Torkey, and M. Ramadan.
K-Means for Spherical Clusters with Large Variance in Sizes.
In Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and
Technology, pages 177–182, Paris, France, November
- A. Algergawy, E. Schallehn, and
G. Saake.
Combining Effectiveness and Efficiency for Schema Matching
In First International Workshop on Model-Based Software and Data
Integration - MBSDI 2008, volume 8 of CCIS, pages 19–30,
Berlin,Germany, April 2008.
- A. Algergawy, E. Schallehn, and
G. Saake.
A Prüfer Sequence-based Approach for Schema Matching.
In BalticDB&IS2008, pages 205–216, Tallinn, Estonia, June
- A. Algergawy, E. Schallehn, and
G. Saake.
A Sequence-based Ontology Matching Approach.
In 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence Workshops C&O
08, pages 26–30, Patras, Greece, July 2008.
- A. Algergawy, E. Schallehn, and
G. Saake.
Schema Matching-based Approach to XML Schema Clustering.
In 10th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based
Applications & Services (iiWAS2008), pages 131–136, Linz, Austria,
Nov. 2008. ACM Publisher.
- A. Algergawy, E. Schallehn, and
G. Saake.
Fuzzy Constraint-Based Schema Matching Formulation.
Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, (Special Issue: The Web on
the Move), 9(4):303–314, 2008.
- Marko Rosenmüller, Norbert
Siegmund, Horst Schirmeier, Julio Sincero, Sven Apel, Thomas Leich, Olaf
Spinczyk, and Gunter Saake.
FAME-DBMS: Tailor-made Data Management Solutions for Embedded
In Workshop on Software Engineering for Tailor-made Data Management
(SETMDM), 2008.
- Alsayed Algergawy, Eike Schallehn, and
Gunter Saake.
A New XML Schema Matching Approach Using Prüfer Sequences.
In Proceedings International Baltic Conference on Databases and
Information Systems (DB&IS), volume 187 of Frontiers in
Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pages 217–228,
- Syed Saif ur Rahman, Nasreddine
Aoumeur, and Gunter Saake.
An adaptive ECA-centric architecture for agile service-based business
processes with compliant aspectual .NET environment.
In iiWAS '08: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on
Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services,
pages 240–247, New York, NY, USA, 2008. ACM.
- Manuel Oriol, Walter Cazzola, Shigeru
Chiba, and Gunter Saake.
Getting Farther on Software Evolution via AOP and Reflection.
In Object-Oriented Technology – ECOOP 2008 Workshop Reader,
volume 5475 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 63–69.
Springer, 2008.
- Can Türker and Gunter Saake.
Objektrelationale Datenbanken: ein Lehrbuch.
dpunkt-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2008.
- S. Apel, C. Kästner, T. Leich, and
G. Saake.
Refinement - Unifying AOP and Stepwise Refinement.
Journal of Object Technology (JOT), 6(9):13–33, October 2007.
Special Issue. TOOLS EUROPE 2007.
- M. Rosenmüller, T. Leich, S. Apel,
and G. Saake.
Von Mini- über Micro- bis zu Nano-DBMS: Datenhaltung in
eingebetteten Systemen.
Datenbank Spektrum, 7(20), February 2007.
- N. Aoumeur, G. Saake, and K. Barkaoui.
Incremental Specification Validation and Runtime Adaptivity of
Distributed Component Information systems.
In 11th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering
(CSMR'07), pages 123–136. IEEE Computer Society,
- N. Aoumeur and G. Saake.
Features Interaction in Adaptive Service-driven Environments: A
Reflective Petri Nets-Based Approach.
In C. Rolland, O. Pastor, and J. Cavarero, editors, Proc. of the First
International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS
2007), pages 297–308. IEEE CS, 2007.
- W. Cazzola, S. Pini, A. Ghoneim, and
G. Saake.
CoEvolving Application Code and Design Models by Exploiting
In Proceedings of the 2007 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC),
Seoul, Korea, March 11 - 15, pages 1275–1279. ACM,
- N. Aoumeur and G. Saake.
Dynamic Interaction of Information Systems: Weaving Connectors on
Component Petri Nets.
In J. Cardoso, J.Cordeiro, and J. Filipe, editors, 9th International
Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS'07), pages
152–158. INSTICC, 2007.
- N. Aoumeur and G. Saake.
UML-driven Information Systems and their Formal Integration Validation
and Distribution.
In J.C. Augusto, J.Barjis, and U. Nitsche, editors, The 5th International
Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise
Information Systems (MSVVEIS-2007—Workshop@ICEIS'07), pages 63–73.
INSTICC, 2007.
- M. Jarke, T. Seidl, C. Quix,
D. Kensche, S. Conrad, E. Rahm, R. Klamma, H. Kosch, M. Granitzer, S. Apel,
M. Rosenmüller, G. Saake, and O. Spinczyk, editors.
Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2007) Workshop
Verlag Mainz, 2007.
- W. Cazzola, S. Chiba, Y. Coady, and
G. Saake.
AOSD and Reflection: Benefits and Drawbacks to Software
In Mario Südholt and Charles Consel, editors, Object-Oriented
Technology. ECOOP 2006 Workshop Reader, volume 4379 of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, pages 40–52, Berlin, 2007.
- A. Algergawy, E. Schallehn, and
G. Saake.
Unified Schema Matching Framework.
In Grundlagen von Datenbanken, pages 57–61, Bretten, Germany,
- W. Cazzola, A. Ghoneim, and G. Saake.
ViewPoint for
Maintaining UML Models Against Application Changes.
In Joaquim Filipe, Markus Helfert, and Boris Shishkov, editors,
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Software and Data
Technologies (ICSOFT'06), pages 263–268, Setúbal, Portugal,
September 2006. INSTICC.
ISBN: 978-8865-69-4.
- Sven Apel, Christian Kästner,
Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
Aspect Refinement.
Technical Report 10, School of Computer Science, University of Magdeburg,
Germany, August 2006.
- C. Kästner, S. Apel, and G. Saake.
Implementing Bounded Aspect Quantification in
In Proceedings of ECOOP Workshop on Reflection, AOP and Meta-Data for
Software Evolution (RAM-SE'06), pages 111–122, July
- S. Apel, T. Leich, and G. Saake.
Aspectual Mixin Layers: Aspects and Features in
In Proceedings of IEEE and ACM SIGSOFT 28th International Conference on
Software Engineering (ICSE'06), May 2006.
- S. Apel, T. Leich, and G. Saake.
Aspect Refinement and Bounding Quantification in Incremental
In Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Conference on Software Engineering
(held at AOASIA'05), December 2005.
- T. Leich, S. Apel, M. Rosenmüller,
and G. Saake.
Handling Optional Features in Software Product Lines.
In Proceedings of OOPSLA Workshop on Managing Variabilities consistently
in Design and Code, San Diego, USA, October 2005.
published online.
- T. Leich, S. Apel, L. Marnitz, and
G. Saake.
Tool Support for Feature-Oriented Software Development
- FeatureIDE: An Eclipse-Based Approach -.
In Proceedings of OOPSLA Eclipse Technology eXchange (ETX)
Workshop, pages 55–59, San Diego, USA, October
- G. Saake, K. Sattler, and S. Conrad.
Rule-based Schema Matching for Ontology-based Mediators.
Journal of Applied Logic, 3(2):253–270, June
- E. Buchmann, S. Apel, and G. Saake.
Piggyback Meta-Data Propagation in Distributed Hash
In J. Cordeiro, V. Pedrosa, B. Encarnacao, and J. Filipe, editors,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Information Systems
and Technologies (WEBIST'05), pages 72–79, Miami, Florida, May
- S. Apel, G. Saake, S. Herden, and
A. Zwanziger.
A Mediator for E-Business.
In J. Cordeiro, V. Pedrosa, B. Encarnacao, and J. Filipe, editors,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Information Systems
and Technologies (WEBIST'05), pages 427–430, Miami, Florida, May
- A. Ghoneim, S. Apel, and G. Saake.
Evolutionary Software Life Cycle for Self-Adapting Software
In C. Chen, J. Filipe, I. Seruca, and J. Cordeiro, editors, Proceedings
of the 7th Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS'05),
volume 3, pages 211–216, Miami, Florida, May 2005.
- H. Höpfner, F. Naumann, G. Saake,
and A. Heuer, editors.
Beitragsband zum Studierenden-Programm bei der 11. Fachtagung glqq
Datenbanken in Business, Technologie und Web grqq , 01.03., Karlsruhe,
number 1/2005 in Preprints der Fakultät für Informatik, Magdeburg,
February 2005. Fakultät für Informatik, Universität
- W. Cazzola, S. Chiba, and G. Saake.
Software Evolution: A Trip Through Reflective, Aspect, and Meta-data Oriented
In Jacques Malenfant and Bjarte M. Ostvold , editors, Object-Oriented
Technology. ECOOP 2004 Workshop Reader: ECOOP 2004 Workshops, Oslo, Norway,
June 14-18, 2004, Final Reports, volume 3344 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS), pages 118–132, Heidelberg, Germany, January
2005. Springer-Verlag.
- Gunter Saake, Andreas Heuer, and
Kai-Uwe Sattler.
Datenbanken – Implementierungstechniken.
MITP-Verlag, Bonn, 2 edition, 2005.
- Ingo Schmitt and Gunter Saake.
Comprehensive Schema Integration Method Based on the Theory of Formal
Acta Informatica, 41(7/8):475–524, 2005.
- S. Apel, T. Leich, M. Rosenmüller,
and G. Saake.
FeatureC++: Feature-Oriented and Aspect-Oriented
Programming in C++.
Technical Report 3, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
- T. Leich, S. Apel, and G. Saake.
Using Step-Wise Refinement to Build a Flexible Lightweight
Storage Manager.
In J. Eder, H.-M. Haav, A. Kalja, and J. Penjam, editors, Proceedings of
the 9th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information
Systems (ADBIS 2005), Tallinn, Estonia, September 12-15, 2005, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Berlin/Heidelberg, 2005.
- S. Apel, T. Leich, M. Rosenmüller,
and G. Saake.
Combining Feature-Oriented and
Aspect-Oriented Programming to Support Software Evolution.
In Proceedings of the 2nd ECOOP Workshop on Reflection, AOP and Meta-Data
for Software Evolution (RAM-SE'05), in 19th European Conference on
Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'05), Glasgow, Scotland, On 25th # jul
- W. Cazzola, S. Chiba, G. Saake, and
T. Tourwé.
AOSD and Reflection: Benefits and Drawbacks to Software
In Proceedings of the 2nd ECOOP Workshop on Reflection, AOP and Meta-Data
for Software Evolution (RAM-SE'05), in 19th European Conference on
Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'05), Glasgow, Scotland, On 25th # jul
- S. Apel, T. Leich, and G. Saake.
Aspect Refinement in Software Product Lines.
In Aspects and Software Product Lines: An Early Aspects Workshop at
SPLC-Europe'05, Rennes, France, On 26th # sep 2005.
published online.
- S. Apel, T. Leich, M. Rosenmüller,
and G. Saake.
FeatureC++: On the Symbiosis of Feature-Oriented and
Aspect-Oriented Programming.
In R. Glueck and M. Lowry, editors, Generative Programming and Component
Engineering, 4th International Conference, GPCE 2005, volume 3676 of
Lecture Notes on Computer Science. Springer, September/october
- S. Apel, T. Leich, and G. Saake.
Aspectual Mixin Layers.
Technical Report 8, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
- W. Cazzola, S. Chiba, G. Saake, and
T. Tourwe.
RAM-SE'05 – ECOOP'05 Workshop on Reflection,
AOP, and Meta-Data for Software Evolution (Proceedings), Glasgow, UK, 25th of
July 2005.
Technical Report 9, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
- N. Aoumeur, K. Barkaoui, and G. Saake.
Coordination and Co-Nets for specifying and reconfiguring Agile
information systems.
In A. Van Aalst, editor, 2nd Workshop on Applications of Petri nets to
Coordination and BPM, in Join with the Petri Nets Conference, pages
1–16, 2005.
- N. Aoumeur and G. Saake.
Dynamically Evolving Concurrent
Information Systems Specification and Validation: A Component-Based Petri
Nets Proposal.
Data and Knowledge Engineering, 50(2):117–173, August
- W. Cazzola, A. Ghoneim, and G. Saake.
System Evolution through Design Information Evolution: a Case
In The Proceedings of the ISCA 13th International Conference on
Intelligent and Adaptive Systems and Software Engineering
(IASSE-2004), pages 145–150, Nice, France, July
- W. Cazzola, A. Ghoneim, and G. Saake.
RAMSES: a Reflective Middleware for Software Evolution.
In W. Cazzola, S. Chiba, and G. Saake, editors, RAM-SE'04 – ECOOP'04
Workshop on Reflection, AOP and Meta-Data for Software Evolution
(Proceedings), Oslo, Norway, pages 21–28, Fakultät für
Informatik, Universität Magdeburg, July 2004.
- W. Cazzola, A. Ghoneim, and G. Saake.
Software Evolution through Dynamic Adaptation of Its OO
In Mark D. Ryan, John-Jules Ch. Meyer, and Hans-Dieter Ehrich, editors,
Objects, Agents and Features: International Seminar, Dagstuhl Castle,
Germany, February 16-21, 2003, Revised and Invited Papers, volume 2975
of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 67–80, Heidelberg,
Germany, May 2004. Springer-Verlag.
- H. Höpfner and E. Schallehn.
Anfragegeneralisierung zur komprimierten
Repräsentation von Indexen semantischer Caches auf mobilen
In H. Höpfner and G. Saake, editors, Beitragsband zum Workshop
Grundlagen und Anwendungen mobiler Informationstechnologie, 23./24. März
2004 in Heidelberg, number 4/2004 in Preprints der Fakultät
für Informatik, pages 63–70, Magdeburg, February 2004.
Otto-von-Guerick-Universität Magdeburg.
- H. Höpfner and G. Saake, editors.
Beitragsband zum Workshop Grundlagen und Anwendungen mobiler
Informationstechnologie, 23./24. März 2004 in Heidelberg, number
4/2004 in Preprints der Fakultät für Informatik, Magdeburg, February
2004. Otto-von-Guerick-Universität Magdeburg.
- Eike Schallehn, Kai-Uwe Sattler, and
Gunter Saake.
Efficient Similarity-based Operations for Data Integration.
Data and Knowledge Engineering, 48(3):361–387,
- Sören Balko, Ingo Schmitt, and
Gunter Saake.
The Active Vertice
Method: A Performant Filtering Approach to High-Dimensional
Data and Knowledge Engineering, 51(3):369–397,
- W. Cazzola, S. Chiba, and G. Saake.
RAM-SE'04 – ECOOP'04 Workshop on Reflection, AOP, and Meta-Data for
Software Evolution.
Technical Report 10, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität
Magdeburg, 2004.
- M. Gertz, T. Özsu, G. Saake, and
K. Sattler.
The Dagstuhl Seminar on Data Quality on the
ACM SIGMOD Record, 33(1):127–132, 2004.
- S. Apel and M. Plack.
Komponenten einer Middleware-Plattform für Mobile
In H. Höpfner, G. Saake, and E. Schallehn, editors, Tagungsband zum
15. GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken 10.-13. Juni 2003, Preprint Nr.
06/2003, pages 93–97, Tangermünde, Sachsen-Anhalt, Deutschland,
May 2003. Fakultät für Informatik, Universität
- S. Apel and T. Leich.
Einsatz von Aspektorientierung und Programmfamilien bei der Entwicklung
von Datenbank-Management-Systemen.
In H. Höpfner, G. Saake, and E. Schallehn, editors, Tagungsband zum
15. GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken 10.-13. Juni 2003, Preprint Nr.
06/2003, pages 103–107, Tangermünde, Sachsen-Anhalt, Deutschland,
May 2003. Fakultät für Informatik, Universität
- H. Höpfner, G. Saake, and
E. Schallehn, editors.
Tagungsband zum 15. Workshop über Grundlagen von Datenbanken, 10.-13.
Juni 2003, Tangermünde, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany, number 6,
Tangermünde, Germany, May 2003. Fakultät für Informatik,
Universität Magdeburg.
- K. Sattler, S. Conrad, and G. Saake.
Interactive Example-driven Integration and
Reconciliation for Accessing Database Federations.
Information Systems, July 2003.
- H. Höpfner and G. Saake, editors.
Beitragsband zum Studierenden-Programm bei der 10. Fachtagung
''Datenbanken in Business, Technologie und Web'', number 1, Leipzig,
Germany, January 2003. Fakultät für Informatik, Universität
- Gunter Saake and Kai-Uwe Sattler.
Datenbanken &
dpunkt.verlag, Heidelberg, 2 edition, 2003.
- J. Chomicki, R. van der Meyden, and
G. Saake, editors.
Logics for Emerging Applications of Databases.
Springer, Berlin, 2003.
- N. Aoumeur and G. Saake.
Stepwise and Rigorous Development of Evolving Concurrent Information
Systems : From Semi-formal Objects to Sound Evolving Components.
In Proc. of the OOIS'03, Geneva, Swissland, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 2003.
- I. Schmitt, D. Jesko, and G. Saake.
Multimediaunterstützung von Vorlesungen - Ein
Erfahrungsbericht -.
Preprint 14, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
- O. Dunemann, I. Geist, R. Jesse,
G. Saake, and K. Sattler.
Informationsfusion auf heterogenen
Informatik, Forschung und Entwicklung, 17(3):112–122, September
- W. Cazzola, A. Ghoneim, and G. Saake.
Reflective Analysis and Design for Adapting Object Run-time
In Zohra Bellahsène, Dilip Patel, and Colette Rolland, editors,
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Object-Oriented
Information Systems (OOIS'02), September, 2nd–5th, volume 2425 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 242–254, Montpellier,
France, September 2002. Springer-Verlag.
- W. Cazzola, J. O. Coplien, A. Ghoneim,
and G. Saake.
Framework Patterns for the Evolution of Nonstoppable
Software Systems.
In Pavel Hruby and Kristian Elof Sørensen, editors, Proceedings of the
Pattern Languages of Program Design, VikingPLoP 2002, Denmark,
September 2002.
- P.-Y. Schobbens, G. Saake, A. Sernadas,
and C. Sernadas.
A two-level temporal
logic for evolving specifications.
Information Processing Letters, 83(3):167–172, June
- H. Höpfner and G. Saake, editors.
Tagungsband Workshop Mobile Datenbanken und Informationssysteme -
Datenbanktechnologie überall und jederzeit, number 1.
Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg, March
- T. Leich and H. Höpfner.
Konzeption eines Anfragesystems für leichtgewichtige, erweiterbare
In H. Höpfner and G. Saake, editors, Tagungsband zum Workshop
''Mobile Datenbanken und Informationssysteme - Datenbanktechnologie
überall und jederzeit'', number 1, pages 33–37, Fakultät
für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg, March
- E. Schallehn, K. Sattler, and G. Saake.
Extensible and Similarity-based Grouping for Data
Integration emphPoster paper.
In Rakesh Agrawal, Klaus Dittrich, and Anne H.H. Ngu, editors, 8th Int.
Conf. on Data Engineering (ICDE), 26 February - 1 March 2002, San Jose,
CA, page 277, 2002.
- N. Aoumeur and G. Saake.
A Component-Based Petri Net Model for Specifying and
Validating Cooperative Information Systems.
Data and Knowledge Engineering, 42(2):143–187,
- N. Aoumeur and G. Saake.
On Integrating and Rapid-prototyping UML Structural
and Behavioural Diagrams Using Rewriting Logic.
In The Fourteenth International Conference on Advanced Information
Systems Engineering, CAISE'02, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 296–310. Springer-Verlag, 2002.
Toronto, Canada.
- I. Schmitt, N. Schulz, and G. Saake.
Multi-Level Weighting in Multimedia Retrieval Systems.
In 2nd Int. Workshop on Multimedia Data Document Engineering (MDDE'02),
March 24, Prague, pages 353–364, 2002.
- S. Balko, I. Schmitt, and G. Saake.
Towards Enhanced Compression Techniques for Efficient High-Dimensional Similarity
Search in Multimedia Databases.
In A. B. Chaudhri, R. Unland, C. Djeraba, and W. Lindner, editors,
XML-Based Data Management and Multimedia Engineering - EDBT 2002
Workshops, EDBT 2002 Workshops XMLDM, MDDE, and YRWS, Prague, Czech Republic,
March 24-28, 2002, Revised Papers, volume 2490 of Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, pages 365–375. Springer-Verlag,
- K. Sattler, S. Conrad, and G. Saake.
und Mediatoren.
In Web & Datenbanken. dpunkt.verlag,
- N. Aoumeur, K. Barkaoui, and G. Saake.
Increasing Conceptual Modelling Reusability Using Componentization and
In First Workshop on Knowledge Foraging for Dynamic Networking of
Communities and Economies. Australian Computer Press,
- N. Aoumeur and G. Saake.
Distributed Systems Specification and Runtime Manipulation of their
Features using sc Co-Nets: Application to a System with Several
Preprint Nr. 12, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
- N. Aoumeur and G. Saake.
On the Benefits of
Rewrite Logic as a Semantics for Algebraic Petri Nets in Computing Siphons
and Traps.
Preprint Nr. 13, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
- O. Dunemann, I. Geist, R. Jesse,
G. Saake, and K. Sattler.
InFuse – Eine datenbankbasierte Plattform für die
In A. Heuer, F. Leymann, and D. Priebe, editors, Datenbanksysteme in
Büro, Technik und Wissenschaft (BTW 2001), pages 9–25.
Springer-Verlag, 2001.
- K. Sattler, O. Dunemann, I. Geist,
G. Saake, and S. Conrad.
Limiting Result Cardinalities for Multidatabase Queries using
In Proc. of 18th British National Conf. on Databases (BNCOD 2001),
volume 2097 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages
152–167, Oxford, U.K., 2001.
- G. Saake, K. Sattler, and S. Balko.
Proceedings 1st Int. Workshop on Databases,
Documents, and Information Fusion DBFusion 2001, Gommern, 3./4. May
Preprint 8, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
Magdeburg, 2001.
- K. Sattler, S. Conrad, and G. Saake.
Interactive Example-driven Integration and
Reconciliation for Accessing Database Federations.
Preprint 11, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
Magdeburg, 2001.
- E. Schallehn, K. Sattler, and G. Saake.
Extensible Grouping and Aggregation for Data
In Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Engineering Federated Information Systems,
EFIS'01, Berlin, Germany, pages 19–32, 2001.
- E. Schallehn, K. Sattler, and G. Saake.
Advanced Grouping and Aggregation for Data
In Proc. 10th International Conference on Information and Knowledge
Management, CIKM'01, Atlanta, GA, pages 547–549,
- Andreas Heuer, Gunter Saake, and
Kai-Uwe Sattler.
Datenbanken - kompakt.
mitp-Verlag, 2001.
- Gunter Saake and Kai-Uwe Sattler.
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen – Eine Einführung mit
dpunkt.verlag, 2001.
- H. Oakasha, S. Conrad, and G. Saake.
Consistency management in object-oriented
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience,
13(11):955–985, 2001.
- G. Saake and K. Sattler, editors.
Proceedings of PKDD-Workshop on ``Database Support for
KDD'', 7.September 2001, Freiburg, Germany, 2001.
- N. Aoumeur and G. Saake.
Towards an Adequate
Framework for Specifying and Validating Runtime Evolving Complex
Discrete-event Systems.
In Proc. of 1st Workshop on Modeling of Objects, Components, and
Agents, pages 1–20, 2001.
- E. Schallehn and M. Endig.
Integration von Internetdatenbanken mit
eingeschränkten Anfragemöglichkeiten.
In G. Saake and K. Sattler, editors, Tagungsband zum GI-Workshop
Internet-Datenbanken, Preprint Nr. 12, Fakultät für
Informatik, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, pages 87–93,
September 2000.
- Andreas Heuer and Gunter Saake.
Datenbanken: Konzepte und Sprachen.
mitp-Verlag/Bonn, 2. auflage edition, 2000.
- Gunter Saake and Kai-Uwe Sattler.
Datenbanken &
Java: JDBC, SQLJ und ODMG.
dpunkt Verlag, Heidelberg, 2000.
- G. Saake, K. Schwarz, and
C. Türker, editors.
Transactions and Database Dynamics, Post-Proceedings of the 8th Int.
Workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and Objects,
Schloß Dagstuhl, Germany, September 27-30, 1999, volume 1773 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Berlin, 2000.
- N. Aoumeur and G.Saake.
Specifying and Validating Train Control System Using an Appropriate
Component-Based Petri Nets Model.
In Proc. of the Petri Nets in Design, Modelling and Simulation of Control
Systems Special session at IFAC Conference CSD2000, Bratislava,
Slovakia, 2000.
- N. Aoumeur and G. Saake.
sc Co-Nets: A Formal OO Framework for Specifying and
Validating Distributed Information Systems.
Preprint Nr. 2, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
- N. Aoumeur and G. Saake.
Cooperative Information Systems Modelling and Validation Using the sc
Co-Nets Approach: The Chessmen Making Shop Case Study.
In Proc. of the 5th International Workshop on Formal Methods for
Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS'00), Berlin, Germany,
- N. Aoumeur and G. Saake.
An Appropriate Semantics for Distributed Active Object-Oriented
Databases on the Basis of the sc Co-Nets Approach.
In International Conference on Software Engineering Applied to Networking
and Parallel / Distributed Computing (SNPD '00), Reims, France,
- K. Sattler, S. Conrad, and G. Saake.
Adding Conflict Resolution Features to a Query Language
for Database Federations.
In M. Roantree, W. Hasselbring, and S. Conrad, editors, Proc. 3nd Int.
Workshop on Engineering Federated Information Systems, EFIS'00, Dublin,
Ireland, June, pages 41–52, Berlin, 2000. Akadem.
- G. Saake, K. Sattler, and D. Keim.
Datenbank- und Visualisierungstechnologie in der
In T. Schulze, P. Lorenz, and V. Hinz, editors, Simulation und
Visualisierung 2000, 11.Märztagung an der Universität
Magdeburg, pages 1–13. SCS European Publishing House,
- K. Sattler, S. Conrad, and G. Saake.
Adding Conflict Resolution Features to a Query Language for Database
Australian Journal of Information Systems, 8(1):116–125,
- G. Saake and K. Sattler.
Proceedings GI-Workshop Internet Datenbanken, Berlin, 19.September
Preprint 12, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
- M. Endig, M. Höding, G. Saake,
K. Sattler, and E. Schallehn.
Federation Services for Heterogeneous Digital Libraries Accessing
Cooperative and Non-cooperative Sources.
In Proceedings of Kyoto International Conference on Digital Libraries:
Research and Practice. IEEE Computer Society Press,
- C. Türker and G. Saake.
Extensional Assertions and Local Integrity Constraints in Federated
Information Systems, 25(8):503–526, 2000.
- N. Aoumeur, K. Barkaoui, and G. Saake.
On the Benefits of Rewrite Logic as a Semantics for
Algebraic Petri Nets in Computing Siphons and Traps.
In Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Computing and
Information (ICCI '2000), Kuweit, 2000.
- N. Aoumeur, S. Balko, and G. Saake.
Towards a Three-Level Methodology for Developing
Cooperative Information Systems.
In Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Computing and
Information (ICCI'2000), Kuweit, 2000.
- N. Aoumeur and G. Saake.
Management in Runtime Evolving Concurrent Information Systems : A
Co-nets-based Approach.
In H. Balsters, B. De Brock, and S. Conrad, editors, Proc. of the 9th
International Workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and
Objects : Database schema evolution and meta-modeling, Dagstuhl,
Germany, pages 1–25, 2000.
- N. Aoumeur and G. Saake.
Concurrent Object Systems Modelling and Verification on the Basis of
Maude and TLA+.
In M. Wirsing, M. Gogolla, H. Kreowski, T. Nipkow, and W. Reif., editors,
Proc. of 1st Workshop on Rigorous development of software-intensive
systems, Berlin, Germany, pages 43–56, 2000.
- N. Aoumeur, S. Balko, and G. Saake.
Towards a Three-Level Methodology for Developing
Cooperative Information Systems.
Preprint nr. 5, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
- Gunter Saake and Andreas Heuer.
— Implementierungstechniken.
MITP-Verlag, Bonn, 1999.
- G. Saake, S. Conrad, and I. Schmitt.
Database Design.
In Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
volume 4, pages 540–567. John Wiley & Sons, 1999.
- C. Türker, K. Schwarz, and
G. Saake.
Commit Protocols for Global Transactions in
Federated Database Systems.
Preprint 2, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
- H. Oakasha and G. Saake.
Foundations for Integrity Independence in Relational
In Fundamentals of Information Systems, pages 143–165. Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Boston, 1999.
- S. Conrad, G. Saake, and K. Sattler.
Informationsfusion - Herausforderungen an die
In A. P. Buchmann, editor, Datenbanksysteme in Büro, Technik und
Wissenschaft, BTW'99, GI-Fachtagung, Freiburg, März 1999,
Informatik aktuell, pages 307–316, Berlin, 1999.
- K. Sattler and G. Saake.
Supporting Information Fusion with Federated Database
In Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Engineering Federated Information Systems,
EFIS'99, Kühlungsborn, Germany, May 5–7, 1999, pages 179–184.
infix-Verlag, Sankt Augustin, 1999.
- M. Höding, K. Schwarz, S. Conrad,
G. Saake, S. Balko, A. Diekmann, E. Hildebrandt, K. Sattler, I. Schmitt, and
C. Türker.
SIGMAFDB: Overview of the Magdeburg-Approach to
Database Federations.
In Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Engineering Federated Information Systems,
EFIS'99, Kühlungsborn, Germany, May 5–7, 1999, pages 139–146.
infix-Verlag, Sankt Augustin, 1999.
- S. Conrad, W. Hasselbring, and
G. Saake, editors.
Engineering Federated Information Systems.
infix-Verlag, Sankt Augustin, 1999.
- K. Sattler and G. Saake.
Knowledge Discovery zur
Unterstützung des dezentralisierten Fehlermanagements in
Technical Report 3, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
- N. Aoumeur and G. Saake.
Operational Interpretation of the Requirements Specification
Language ALBERT Using Timed Rewriting Logic.
In Proc. of 5th Int. Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for
Software Quality (REFSQ'99), Heidelberg, Germany, June 1999,
- N. Aoumeur and G. Saake.
Towards a New Semantics for Mondel Specifications Based on the
CO-Net Approach.
In J. Desel, K. Pohl, and P. Schuerr, editors, Proc. Modellierung'99,
Karlruhe, Germany, March 1999, pages 107–122. B. G. Teubner-Verlag,
- K. Schwarz, I. Schmitt, C. Türker,
M. Höding, E. Hildebrandt, S. Balko, S. Conrad, and G. Saake.
Tool Support for the Design of Database Federations in
Preprint 14, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
- K. Oakasha, S. Conrad, and G. Saake.
Consistency Management in Object-Oriented
In A. de Miguel, E. Ferrari, G. Kappel, G. Guerrini, and I. Merlo, editors,
Proc. of the 1st ECOOP Workshop on Object-Oriented Databases, Lisbon,
Portugal, June 15th, 1999, pages 97–108, 1999.
- I. Schmitt and G. Saake.
Integrating Database Schemata using the GIM
Preprint 20, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
- N. Aoumeur and G. Saake.
Towards an Object Petri Nets Model for Specifying and Validating Distributed
Information Systems.
In M. Jarke and A. Oberweis, editors, Proc. of the 11th Int. Conf. on
Advanced Information Systems Engineering, CAiSE'99, Heidelberg,
Germany, volume 1626 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 381–395, Berlin, 1999.
- S. Conrad and G. Saake.
für Informationssysteme: Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme.
In R. Kaschek, editor, Entwicklungsmethoden für Informationssysteme
und deren Anwendung (EMISA'99, GI-Fachtagung, September 1999,
Fischbachau), Reihe Wirtschaftsinformatik, pages 93–107.
Teubner-Verlag, 1999.
- S. Conrad, G. Saake, I. Schmitt, and
C. Türker.
Database Design: Object-Oriented versus Relational.
In R. Kaschek, editor, Entwicklungsmethoden für Informationssysteme
und deren Anwendung (EMISA'99, GI-Fachtagung, September 1999,
Fischbachau), Reihe Wirtschaftsinformatik, pages 109–125.
Teubner-Verlag, 1999.
- G. Saake.
Entwurf von Datenbankföderationen.
In R. Kaschek, editor, Entwicklungsmethoden für Informationssysteme
und deren Anwendung (EMISA'99, GI-Fachtagung, September 1999,
Fischbachau), Reihe Wirtschaftsinformatik, pages 37–62.
Teubner-Verlag, 1999.
- C. Türker and G. Saake.
Consistent Handling of Integrity Constraints and Extensional Assertions for Schema
In J. Eder, I. Rozman, and T. Welzer, editors, Advances in Databases and
Information Systems, Proc. Third East-European Symposium, ADBIS'99, Maribor,
Slovenia, September 1999, volume 1691 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 31–45, Berlin, 1999.
- K. Schwarz, C. Türker, and
G. Saake.
Computing Rules for Detecting Contradictory Transaction Termination
In J. Eder, I. Rozman, and T. Welzer, editors, Advances in Databases and
Information Systems, Proc. Third East-European Symposium, ADBIS'99, Maribor,
Slovenia, September 1999, volume 1691 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 113–127, Berlin, 1999.
- K. Schwarz, C. Türker, and
G. Saake.
Integrating Execution Dependencies into the Transaction Closure
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS),
8(2–3):111–138, Jun # / # sep 1999.
- G. Saake, K. Schwarz, and
C. Türker, editors.
Transactions and Database Dynamics, Proc. of the 8th Int. Workshop on
Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and Objects, Schloß
Dagstuhl, Germany, September 27-30, 1999, number 19. Fakultät
für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg, 1999.
- N. Aoumeur, S. Conrad, and G. Saake.
Prototyping Object Specifications Using the CO-Nets
In J. Desel and A. Oberweis, editors, Proc. Sixth Workshop Algorithmen
und Werkzeuge für Petrinetze, Frankfurt/Main, October 1999, pages
7–17, 1999.
- K. Schwarz, I. Schmitt, C. Türker,
M. Höding, E. Hildebrandt, S. Balko, S. Conrad, and G. Saake.
Design Support for Database Federations.
In J. Akoka, M. Bouzeghoub, I. Comyn-Wattiau, and E. Métais, editors,
Conceptual Modeling – ER'99 (18th International Conference on
Conceptual Modeling, Paris, France, November 15–18, 1999,
Proceedings), volume 1728 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 445–459, Berlin, 1999.
- H. Oakasha, S. Conrad, and G. Saake.
Consistency Control in Object-Oriented Databases.
Preprint 22, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
- S. Conrad, W. Hasselbring,
U. Hohenstein, R.D. Kutsche, M. Roantree, G. Saake, and F. Saltor.
Engineering Federated Information
Systems — Report of EFIS'99 Workshop.
ACM SIGMOD Record, 28(3):9–11, 1999.
- S. Conrad, G. Saake, and C. Türker.
Towards an Agent-Oriented Framework for Specification of
Information Systems.
In J.-J. Ch. Meyer and P.-Y. Schobbens, editors, Formal Models of Agents
— ESPRIT Project ModelAge Final Report, Selected Papers, volume 1760
of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 57–73,
Berlin, 1999. Springer-Verlag.
- N. Aoumeur and G. Saake.
On the Specification and Validation of Cooperative Information
Systems Using an Extended sc Maude.
In K. Futatsugi, J. Goguen, and J. Meseguer, editors, Proc. of 1st Int.
OBJ/CafeOBJ/Maude Workshop, at FM'99 Coference, Toulouse, France,
pages 197–211. The Theta Foundation Bucharest, Romania,
- N. Aoumeur.
Specifying Distributed and Dynamically Evolving Information Systems Using an
Extended CO-Nets Approach.
In G. Saake, K. Schwartz, and C Tuerker, editors, Proc of the 8th
International Workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and
Objects, sep. 1999, Germany, Preprint Nr. 19, Fakultät für
Informatik, Universität Magdeburg, pages 23–41,
- K. Schwarz, C. Türker, and
G. Saake.
Transaction Dependencies in Generalized Transaction
Structures (Abstract).
DB-Rundbrief, Volume 21, pages 26–28, May
- J. Chomicki and G. Saake, editors.
Logics for Databases and Information Systems.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1998.
- J. Chomicki and G. Saake.
Introduction to Logics for Databases and Information
In Logics for Databases and Information Systems, pages 1–4.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1998.
- S. Conrad, J. Ramos, G. Saake, and
C. Sernadas.
Evolving Logical Specification in Information
In Logics for Databases and Information Systems, pages 199–228.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1998.
- K. Schwarz, C. Türker, and
G. Saake.
Analyzing and Formalizing Dependencies in Generalized
Transaction Structures.
In Issues and Applications of Database Technology (IADT'98), Proc. of the
3rd World Conf. on Integrated Design and Process Technology, July 6-9, 1998,
Berlin, Germany, volume 2, pages 55–62. Society for Design and
Process Science, 1998.
- K. Schwarz, C. Türker, and
G. Saake.
Transitive Dependencies in Transaction
In B. Eaglestone, B. C. Desai, and J. Shao, editors, Proc. of the 1998
Int. Database Engineering and Applications Symposium (IDEAS'98), July 8–10,
1998, Cardiff, Wales, UK, pages 34–43, Los Alamitos, CA, 1998. IEEE
Computer Science Press.
- K. Schwarz, C. Türker, and
G. Saake.
Specifying Advanced Transaction Models as Transaction Closures with
Special Transaction Dependency Combinations.
Preprint 5, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
- K. Schwarz, C. Türker, and
G. Saake.
Derived Transaction Termination Dependencies: An
Algorithm for Computing Transitivity Rules.
Preprint 7, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
- G. Saake and C. Türker, editors.
FIREworks '98,
Proceedings of the 1st FIREworks Workshop, Magdeburg, Germany, May 15-16,
1998, number 10. Fakultät für Informatik, Universität
Magdeburg, 1998.
- C. Türker and G. Saake.
Deriving Relationships between Integrity Constraints for Schema
In W. Litwin, T. Morzy, and G. Vossen, editors, Advances in Databases and
Information Systems, Proc. Second East-European Symposium, ADBIS'98,
Poznan, Poland, September 1998, volume 1475 of Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, pages 188–199, Berlin, 1998.
- K. Schwarz, C. Türker, and
G. Saake.
Extending Transaction Closures by N-ary Termination
In W. Litwin, T. Morzy, and G. Vossen, editors, Advances in Databases and
Information Systems, Proc. Second East-European Symposium, ADBIS'98,
Poznan, Poland, September 1998, volume 1475 of Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, pages 131–142, Berlin, 1998.
- M. Höding, R. Hofestädt,
G. Saake, and U. Scholz.
Derivation for WWW Information Sources and their Integration with Databases
in Bioinformatics.
In W. Litwin, T. Morzy, and G. Vossen, editors, Advances in Databases and
Information Systems, Proc. Second East-European Symposium, ADBIS'98,
Poznan, Poland, September 1998, volume 1475 of Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, pages 296–304, Berlin, 1998.
- I. Schmitt and G. Saake.
Merging Inheritance Hierarchies for Database Integration.
In M. Halper, editor, Proc. of the 3rd IFCIS Int. Conf. on Cooperative
Information Systems, CoopIS'98, August 20–22, 1998, New York, USA,
pages 322–331, Los Alamitos, CA, 1998. IEEE Computer Society
- K. Schwarz, C. Türker, and
G. Saake.
Execution Dependencies in Transaction
In M. Halper, editor, Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf. on Cooperative
Information Systems, CoopIS'98, August 20–22, 1998, New York City,
USA, pages 122–131, Los Alamitos, CA, 1998. IEEE Computer Society
- H. Oakasha and G. Saake.
Compiling State Constraints.
Technical Report 11, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität
Magdeburg, 1998.
- A. Christiansen, M. Höding,
C. Rautenstrauch, and G. Saake.
Oracle8 effizient einsetzen — Aufbau, Entwicklung, Verteilung und Betrieb
leistungsfähiger Oracle8-Anwendungen.
Addison-Wesley, Bonn, 1998.
- E. Hildebrandt and G. Saake.
User Authentication in Multidatabase Systems.
In R. R. Wagner, editor, Proc. Ninth Int. Workshop on Database and Expert
Systems Applications, August 26–28, 1998, Vienna, Austria, pages
281–286, Los Alamitos, CA, 1998. IEEE Computer Society
- H. Oakasha and G. Saake.
Foundations for Integrity Independence in Relational
In Preproceedings 7th International Workshop on Foundations of Models and
Languages for Data and Objects (FoMLaDO'98, Timmel, Oct. 1998),
number 685 in Forschungsbericht, pages 142–164. Fachbereich Informatik,
Universität Dortmund, 1998.
- H. Oakasha and G. Saake.
Integrity Independence in Object-Oriented Database
In M. H. Scholl, H. Riedel, T. Grust, and D. Gluche, editors,
Kurzfassungen — 10. Workshop ``Grundlagen von Datenbanken'',
Konstanz (02.06.–05.06.98), number 63, pages 94–98. Universität
Konstanz, Fachbereich Informatik, 1998.
- R. Kruse and G. Saake, editors.
Data Mining und Data Warehousing, number 14. Fakultät für
Informatik, Universität Magdeburg, 1998.
- G. Saake.
Informationsflut und Datenbanktechnologie - Defizite und
In Antrittsvorlesungen der Fakultät für Informatik,
Universitätsschriften, pages 29–51. Otto-von-Guericke-Universität
Magdeburg, 1998.
- S. Conrad, G. Saake, and I. Schmitt,
Neue Entwicklungen in der Informatikausbildung: Symposium im Rahmen
der GI-Jahrestagung Informatik'98, Magdeburg, 23.-24. September
1998, Tagungsband. Universität Magdeburg,
- R. Kruse and G. Saake.
Workshop: Data Mining
und Data Warehousing als Grundlage moderner entscheidungsunterstützender
In J. Dassow and R. Kruse, editors, Informatik'98: Informatik zwischen
Bild und Sprache (Proc. 28. GI-Jahrestagung, Sept. 1998, Magdeburg),
Informatik aktuell, pages 385–386, Berlin, 1998.
- C. Türker and G. Saake.
Exploiting Integrity Constraints and Extensional Relationships for
Semantic Schema Integration.
Preprint 15, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
- S. Conrad, G. Saake, and I. Schmitt.
Minisymposium: Neue Entwicklungen in der Informatikausbildung.
In J. Dassow and R. Kruse, editors, Informatik'98: Informatik zwischen
Bild und Sprache (Proc. 28. GI-Jahrestagung, Sept. 1998, Magdeburg),
Informatik aktuell, pages 361–364, Berlin, 1998.
- S. Conrad, G. Saake, and C. Türker.
Towards an Agent-Oriented Framework for Specification of
Information Systems.
In A. Cesta and P.-Y. Schobbens, editors, ModelAge 97, Proc. of the 4th
ModelAge Workshop on Formal Models of Agents, Certosa di Pontignano, Italy,
January 15–17, 1997, pages 269–282. National Research Council of
Italy, Institute of Psychology, 1997.
- S. Conrad, C. Türker, and G. Saake.
Towards Agent-Oriented Specification of Information Systems
In Proc. of the 1st Int. Conf. on Autonomous Agents, Agents'97, Marina
del Rey, CA, USA, February 5–8, 1997, pages 502–503, New York, 1997.
ACM Press.
- A. Heuer and G. Saake.
Datenbanken — Konzepte und Sprachen, 1. korrigierter Nachdruck.
International Thomson Publishing, Bonn, 1997.
- S. Conrad, M. Höding, G. Saake,
I. Schmitt, and C. Türker.
Schema Integration with Integrity Constraints.
In C. Small, P. Douglas, R. Johnson, P. King, and N. Martin, editors,
Advances in Databases, 15th British National Conf. on Databases, BNCOD
15, London, UK, July 1997, volume 1271 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 200–214, Berlin, 1997.
- G. Saake, A. Christiansen, S. Conrad,
M. Höding, I. Schmitt, and C. Türker.
Föderierung heterogener Datenbanksysteme und lokaler
Datenhaltungskomponenten zur systemübergreifenden
Integritätssicherung — Kurzvorstellung des Projekts
In K. R. Dittrich and A. Geppert, editors, Datenbanksysteme in Büro,
Technik und Wissenschaft, BTW'97, GI-Fachtagung, Ulm, März 1997,
Informatik aktuell, pages 322–331, Berlin, 1997.
- Gunter Saake, Ingo Schmitt, and Can
Objektdatenbanken — Konzepte, Sprachen, Architekturen.
International Thomson Publishing, Bonn, 1997.
- G. Saake, I. Schmitt, and
C. Türker.
Object Databases — Concepts, Languages, Architectures.
International Thomson Publishing, Bonn, 1997.
(In German).
- C. Türker, G. Saake, and S. Conrad.
Requirements for Agent-based Modeling of Federated Database
Systems (Extended Abstract).
In A. Cesta and P.-Y. Schobbens, editors, ModelAge 97, Proc. of the 4th
ModelAge Workshop on Formal Models of Agents, Certosa di Pontignano, Italy,
January 15–17, 1997, pages 335–343. National Research Council of
Italy, Institute of Psychology, 1997.
- C. Türker, G. Saake, and S. Conrad.
Modeling Database Federations in Terms of Evolving
In F. Pin, Z. W. Ras, and A. Skowron, editors, ISMIS 1997 — Poster
Proceedings of the 10th Int. Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent
Systems, Charlotte, North Carolina, October 15–18, 1997, pages
197–208. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1997.
- I. Schmitt and G. Saake.
Merging Inheritance Hierarchies for Schema Integration
based on Concept Lattices.
Preprint 2, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg, 1997.
Also available via
- S. Conrad, J. Ramos, G. Saake, and
C. Sernadas.
Evolving Logical Specification in Information Systems.
Preprint 5, Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Informatik,
- S. Conrad, W. Hasselbring, A. Heuer,
and G. Saake, editors.
Engineering Federated Database Systems EFDBS'97 — Proc. of the Int.
CAiSE'97 Workshop, Barcelona, June 16–17, 1997, number 6.
Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
- S. Conrad and G. Saake.
Extending Temporal Logic for Capturing Evolving
In Z.W. Ras and A. Skowron, editors, Foundations of Intelligent
Systems, Proc. of the 10th Int. Symposium, ISMIS'97, Charlotte, North
Carolina, USA, October 1997, volume 1325 of Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence, pages 60–71, Berlin, 1997.
- M. Höding, G. Saake, and S. Conrad.
Integration heterogener Informationssysteme durch föderierte
Wissenschaftsjournal der Otto-von-Guericke Universität
Magdeburg, 3(1):29–39, 1997.
- R. Jungclaus, G. Saake, T. Hartmann,
and C. Sernadas.
sc Troll – A Language for Object-Oriented Specification of
Information Systems.
ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 14(2):175–211, April
- C. Caleiro, G. Saake, and A. Sernadas.
Deriving Liveness Goals from Temporal Logic
Journal of Symbolic Computation, 22(5–6):521–554, Nov # / # dec
- S. Conrad, M. Höding, S. Janssen,
G. Saake, I. Schmitt, and C. Türker.
Integrity Constraints in Federated Database
Preprint 2, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
- S. Conrad, M. Höding, S. Janssen,
and G. Saake, editors.
Kurzfassungen des Workshops ``Föderierte Datenbanken'', Magdeburg,
22.04–23.04.96, number 96–1. Institut für Technische
Informationssysteme, Universität Magdeburg, 1996.
- S. Conrad and G. Saake.
Specifying Evolving Temporal Behaviour.
In J. Fiadeiro and P.-Y. Schobbens, editors, Proc. of the 2nd Workshop of
the ModelAge Project (ModelAge'96), Sesimbra, Portugal, January 1996,
pages 51–65. Departamento de Informatica, Universitade de Lisboa,
- S. Conrad, G. Saake, I. Schmitt, and
C. Türker, editors.
Kurzfassungen – 8. Workshop ``Grundlagen von Datenbanken'',
Friedrichsbrunn/Harz (28.05.–31.05.96), number 3 in Preprint.
Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
- J. Kusch and G. Saake.
Verteilungstransparenz in Datenbanksystemen.
Preprint 1, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
- G. Saake, S. Conrad, M. Höding,
S. Janssen, I. Schmitt, and C. Türker.
Föderierung heterogener Datenbanksysteme und lokaler
Datenhaltungskomponenten zur systemübergreifenden
Integritätssicherung — Grundlagen und Ziele des Projektes
In Integrationskonzepte für Mensch, Technik, Organisation, und
Planung — Grundlagen und Projektziele der Projektgruppe METOP, Bericht zum
1. Kolloquium, number 5, pages 13–24. Fakultät für
Maschinenbau, Universität Magdeburg, 1996.
- I. Schmitt and G. Saake.
Flexible Generation of Global Integrated
Schemata using GIM.
In S. Conrad, M. Höding, S. Janssen, and G. Saake, editors,
Kurzfassungen des Workshops ``Föderierte Datenbanken'', Magdeburg,
22.04–23.04.96, number 96–1, pages 29–43. Institut für
Technische Informationssysteme, Universität Magdeburg,
- I. Schmitt and G. Saake.
Integration of Inheritance Trees as Part of View Generation
for Database Federations.
In B. Thalheim, editor, Conceptual Modelling — ER'96, Proc. of the 15th
Int. Conf., Cottbus, Germany, October 1996, volume 1157 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 195–210, Berlin, 1996.
- I. Schmitt and G. Saake.
Schema Integration and View Generation by Resolving
Intensional and Extensional Overlappings.
In K. Yetongnon and S. Hariri, editors, Proc. of the 9th ISCA Int. Conf.
on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS'96), Dijon, France,
September 1996, pages 751–758, Six Forks Road, Releigh, NC, 1996.
International Society for Computers and Their
- C. Türker and S. Conrad.
Using Active Mechanisms for Global Integrity Maintenance in
Federated Database Systems.
In S. Conrad, M. Höding, S. Janssen, and G. Saake, editors,
Kurzfassungen des Workshops ``Föderierte Datenbanken'', Magdeburg,
22.04–23.04.96, number 96–1, pages 51–65. Institut für
Technische Informationssysteme, Universität Magdeburg,
- C. Türker, S. Conrad, and G. Saake.
Dynamically Changing Behavior: An Agent-Oriented View to
Modeling Information Systems.
In J. Fiadeiro and P.-Y. Schobbens, editors, Proc. of the 2nd Workshop of
the ModelAge Project (ModelAge'96), Sesimbra, Portugal, January 1996,
pages 257–270. Departamento de Informatica, Universitade de Lisboa,
- C. Türker, S. Conrad, and G. Saake.
Dynamically Changing Behavior: An
Agent-Oriented View to Modeling Intelligent Information Systems.
In Z. W. Ras and M. Michalewicz, editors, Foundations of Intelligent
Systems, Proc. of the 9th Int. Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent
Systems, ISMIS'96, June 1996, Zakopane, Poland, volume 1079 of
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 572–581,
Berlin, 1996. Springer-Verlag.
- R. Wieringa and G. Saake.
Formal Analysis of the Shlaer-Mellor Method: Towards a Toolkit of
Formal and Informal Requirements Specification Techniques.
Requirements Engineering Journal, 1(2):106–131,
- G. Saake, M. Höding, and
A. Christiansen.
Föderierte Datenbanksysteme - Plattform für zukünftige
EDM-Entwicklungen ?.
In G. Paul, editor, Bericht zum Workshop: EDM-/PDM-Systeme als
Integrationsbasis im Umfeld der rechnerunterstützten
Unternehmensführung. Fakultät für Informatik,
Universität Magdeburg, 1996.
- C. Caleiro, G. Saake, and A. Sernadas.
Goal-Driven Operational Semantics of Temporal Specification
of Reactive Systems Behaviour.
Technical Report, Departamento de Matemática, IST 16/95, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, 1995.
- J. Chomicki, G. Saake, and C. Sernadas,
Role of Logic in Information Systems — Dagstuhl Seminar Report
9529, 1995.
- S. Conrad and G. Saake.
Evolving Temporal Behaviour in Information Systems.
In HOA'95 — Higher-Order Algebra, Logic, and Term Rewriting (2nd Int.
Workshop), pages PP7:1–16. Participant's Proceedings, Paderborn,
- P. Gouveia, R. Jungclaus, G. Saake, and
C. Sernadas.
Feasible Object Certification.
Technical Report, Departamento de Matemática, IST 14/95, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, 1995.
- Andreas Heuer and Gunter Saake.
Datenbanken — Konzepte und Sprachen.
International Thomson Publishing, Bonn, 1995.
- A. Heuer and G. Saake.
Databases — Concepts and Languages.
International Thomson Publishing, Bonn, 1995.
(In German).
- M. Höding, C. Türker,
S. Janssen, K.-U. Sattler, S. Conrad, G. Saake, and I. Schmitt.
Föderierte Datenbanksysteme — Grundlagen und Ziele des Projektes
Preprint 12, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
- J. Kusch, P. Hartel, T. Hartmann, and
G. Saake.
mbox sl TBench – Integration einer Prototyping-Umgebung durch
objektorientierte Spezifikation.
Preprint 5, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg,
- J. Kusch, P. Hartel, T. Hartmann, and
G. Saake.
Gaining a Uniform View of Different Integration Aspects
in a Prototyping Environment.
In Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Database and Expert Systems
Applications (DEXA'95), London, UK, volume 978 of Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, pages 37–47, Berlin, 1995.
- J. Kusch and G. Saake.
Supporting Autonomy for Information Systems in a Changing
In Workshop on Reasoning about Structured Objects: Knowledge
Representation meets Databases, number D-95-12, pages 51–55. DFKI
GmbH, Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3, D-66123 Saarbrücken, Germany,
- J. Kusch and G. Saake.
Supporting Autonomy for Information Systems in a Changing
Environment (Kurzfassung).
In KI-95 Activities: Workshops, Posters, Demos (KRDB'95), Bielefeld,
Germany, pages 29–30. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.,
- G. Saake, A. Sernadas, and C. Sernadas.
Evolving Object Specifications.
In R. Wieringa and R. Feenstra, editors, Information Systems —
Correctness and Reusability. Selected Papers from the IS-CORE
Workshop, pages 84–99. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore,
- G. Saake, S. Conrad, I. Schmitt, and
C. Türker.
Object-Oriented Database Design: What is the Difference
with Relational Database Design.
In R. Zicari, editor, ObjectWorld Frankfurt'95 – Conference Notes,
Wednesday, October 11, pages 1–10, 1995.
(Software Development Track SD.6).
- G. Saake, S. Conrad, and C. Türker.
From Object Specification towards Agent Design.
In M. Papazoglou, editor, OOER'95: Object-Oriented and
Entity-Relationship Modeling, Proc. of the 14th Int. Conf., Gold Coast,
Australia, December 1995, volume 1021 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 329–340, Berlin, 1995.
- I. Schmitt and G. Saake.
Managing Object Identity in Federated Database Systems.
In M. Papazoglou, editor, OOER'95: Object-Oriented and
Entity-Relationship Modeling, Proc. of the 14th Int. Conf., Gold Coast,
Australia, December 1995, volume 1021 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 400–411, Berlin, 1995.
- R. J. Wieringa and G. Saake.
A Comparison of the Notations Used in the
Shlaer/Mellor Method and in TCM.
Rapport IR-393, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, 1995.
Also appeared as: Preprint Nr. 11, Fakultät für Informatik,
Universität Magdeburg, 1995.
- S. Schwiderski, T. Hartmann, and
G. Saake.
Monitoring Temporal Preconditions in a Behaviour
Oriented Object Model.
Data & Knowledge Engineering, 14(2):143–186, December
- U. W.
Lipeck, M. Gertz, and G. Saake.
Transitional Monitoring of Dynamic Integrity
Bulletin of the IEEE Technical Committee on Data Engineering,
17(2):38–42, June 1994.
- S. Conrad, P. Löhr, and G. Saake.
Kurzfassungen des 6. Workshops ``Grundlagen von Datenbanken'', Bad
Helmstedt, 19.-22. September 1994.
Informatik-Bericht ITI–94–01, Institut für Technische
Informationssysteme, Universität Magdeburg, 1994.
- E. Dubois, P. Hartel, and G. Saake,
Formal Methods for Information System Dynamics, Workshop of the CAiSE'94
Conference, Utrecht, 1994.
Universität of Twente, 1994.
- V. Dobrowolny and Ch. Tietz.
Zum Problem realitätsnaher Datenmodelle.
In S. Conrad, P. Löhr, and G. Saake, editors, Kurzfassungen des 6.
GI-Workshops ``Grundlagen von Datenbanken'', Bad Helmstedt, 19.-22. September
1994, number 94–1, pages 40–44. Otto-von-Guericke-Universität
Magdeburg, Institut für Technische Informationssysteme,
- H.-D. Ehrich, A. Sernadas, G. Saake,
and C. Sernadas.
Distributed Temporal Logic for Concurrent Object
In R. Wieringa and R. Feenstra, editors, Working papers of the Int.
Workshop on Information Systems - Correctness and Reusability, number
IR-357, pages 22–30. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,
- P. Hartel, T. Hartmann, J. Kusch, and
G. Saake.
Specifying Information System Dynamics in sc Troll.
In E. Dubois, P. Hartel, and G. Saake, editors, Proc. of the Workshop
Formal Methods for Information System Dynamics, Utrecht (NL), pages
53–64. Universität of Twente, 1994.
- T. Hartmann, J. Kusch, G. Saake, and
P. Hartel.
Revised Version of the Conceptual Modeling and Design Language
sc Troll.
In R. Wieringa and R. Feenstra, editors, Proc. of the ISCORE Workshop
Amsterdam, Sep. 94, number IR-357, pages 89–103. Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, 1994.
- T. Hartmann and G. Saake.
Prototypische Ausführung von Objektinteraktionen für die
Spezifikationssprache sc Troll.
In F. Simon, editor, Workshop Deklarative Programmierung und
Spezifikation, Bad Honnef, number 9412, pages 56–59. Universität
Kiel, 1994.
- T. Hartmann, G. Saake, R. Jungclaus,
P. Hartel, and J. Kusch.
Revised Version of the Modelling Language sc Troll (Version
Informatik-Bericht 94–03, Technische Universität Braunschweig,
- R. Jungclaus, R. J. Wieringa,
P. Hartel, G. Saake, and T. Hartmann.
Combining sc Troll with the Object Modeling
In B. Wolfinger, editor, Innovationen bei Rechen- und
Kommunikationssystemen. GI-Fachgespräch FG 1: Integration von
semi-formalen und formalen Methoden für die Spezifikation von
Software, Informatik aktuell, pages 35–42. Springer-Verlag,
- J. Kusch.
Ein Ansatz zur Operationalisierung deskriptiver Anfragen durch
In S. Conrad, P. Löhr, and G. Saake, editors, Kurzfassungen des 6.
GI-Workshops ``Grundlagen von Datenbanken'', Bad Helmstedt, 19.-22. September
1994, number 94–1, pages 92–96. Otto-von-Guericke-Universität
Magdeburg, Institut für Technische Informationssysteme,
- G. Saake and T. Hartmann.
Modelling Information Systems as Object
In K. von Luck and H. Marburger, editors, Management and Processing of
Complex Data Structures, Proc. of the 3rd Workshop on Information Systems and
Artificial Intelligence, Hamburg, Germany, February/March 1994, volume
777 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 157–180,
Berlin, 1994. Springer-Verlag.
- G. Saake, T. Hartmann, R. Jungclaus,
and H.-D. Ehrich.
Object-Oriented Design of Information Systems: sc Troll Language
In J. Paredaens and L. Tenenbaum, editors, Advances in Database Systems,
Implementations and Applications, volume 347 of CISM Courses and
Lectures, pages 219–245, Wien, 1994.
- G. Saake, P. Hartel, R. Jungclaus,
R. Wieringa, and R. Feenstra.
Inheritance Conditions for Object Life Cycle
In U. Lipeck and G. Vossen, editors, Workshop Formale Grundlagen für
den Entwurf von Informationssystemen, Tutzing, number 3/94, pages
79–89. Universität Hannover, 1994.
- G. Saake and R. Jungclaus.
Models and Languages for Abstract Objects.
In Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, volume 30,
pages 241–255. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1994.
- S. Schwiderski and G. Saake.
Expressing Temporal Behaviour with Extended ECA Rules.
In Proc. of the 12th British National Conf. on Databases, BNCOD 12,
Guildford, UK, July 1994, volume 826 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 23–37, Berlin, 1994.
- G. Saake, A. Sernadas, and C. Sernadas.
Evolving Object Specifications.
In R. Wieringa and R. Feenstra, editors, Working papers of the Int.
Workshop on Information Systems - Correctness and Reusability, number
IR-357, pages 311–320. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,
- I. Schmitt.
Die mehrfache dynamische Klassenzugehörigkeit von Objekten in
objektorientierten Datenbankmodellen.
In S. Conrad, P. Löhr, and G. Saake, editors, Kurzfassungen des 6.
GI-Workshops ``Grundlagen von Datenbanken'', Bad Helmstedt, 19.-22. September
1994, number 94–1, pages 122–126. Otto-von-Guericke-Universität
Magdeburg, Institut für Technische Informationssysteme,
- C. Beeri, A. Heuer, G. Saake, and
S. Urban, editors.
Formal Aspects of Object Base Dynamics — Dagstuhl Seminar Report
62, 1993.
- T. Hartmann, R. Jungclaus, and
G. Saake.
Animation Support for a Conceptual Modelling
In V. Ma vr ik , J. La vzansky , and R. R. Wagner, editors, Proc. of
the 4th Int. Conf. on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA'93),
Prague, volume 720 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 56–67, Berlin, 1993. Springer-Verlag.
- T. Hartmann, R. Jungclaus, and
G. Saake.
Spezifikation von Informationssystemen als
EMISA Forum, Mitteilungen der GI-Fachgruppe 2.5.2, Volume 1, pages
2–18, 1993.
- T. Hartmann and G. Saake.
Abstract Specification of Object Interaction.
Informatik-Bericht 93–08, Technische Universität Braunschweig,
- R. Jungclaus, T. Hartmann, and
G. Saake.
Relationships between Dynamic
In H. Kangassalo, H. Jaakkola, K. Hori, and T. Kitahashi, editors,
Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases IV: Concepts, Methods and
Systems (Proc. of the 2nd European-Japanese Seminar), pages 425–438,
Amsterdam, 1993. IOS Press.
- G. Lausen and G. Saake.
A Possible World
Semantics for Updates by Versioning.
In U. Lipeck and B. Thalheim, editors, Proc. of the 4th Int. Workshop:
Modelling Database Dynamics, Volkse 1992, Workshops in Computing,
pages 36–47, Berlin, 1993. Springer-Verlag.
- G. Saake, T. Hartmann, and
R. Jungclaus.
Objektspezifikation von Benutzerschnittstellen in sc
In H. C. Mayr and R. Wagner, editors, Objektorientierte Methoden für
Informationssysteme, Informatik aktuell, pages 173–186, Berlin, 1993.
- S. Schwiderski, T. Hartmann, and
G. Saake.
Monitoring Temporal Preconditions in a Behaviour Oriented Object
Informatik-Bericht 93–7, Technische Universität Braunschweig,
- G. Saake and R. Jungclaus.
Models and Languages for Abstract Objects.
In Encyclopedia of Microcomputers, volume 11, pages 173–187.
Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1993.
- G. Saake, R. Jungclaus, and
T. Hartmann.
Application Modelling in Heterogeneous Environments
Using an Object Specification Language.
In M. Huhns, M. P. Papazoglou, and G. Schlageter, editors, Int. Conf. on
Intelligent & Cooperative Information Systems (ICICIS'93), pages
309–318. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1993.
- G. Saake, R. Jungclaus, and
T. Hartmann.
Application Modelling in Heterogeneous Environments Using an Object
Specification Language.
Int. Journal of Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems,
2(4):425–449, 1993.
- S. Schwiderski and G. Saake.
Monitoring Temporal Permissions using Partially Evaluated Transition
In U. Lipeck and B. Thalheim, editors, Proc. of the 4th Int. Workshop:
Modelling Database Dynamics, Volkse 1992, Workshops in Computing,
pages 196–217. Springer-Verlag, 1993.
- Gunter Saake.
Objektorientierte Spezifikation von
Informationssystemen, volume 6 of Teubner-Texte zur
Teubner-Verlag, Stuttgart, Leipzig, 1993.
- R. Wieringa, R. Jungclaus, P. Hartel,
T. Hartmann, and G. Saake.
sc omTroll – Object Modeling in sc Troll.
In U. W. Lipeck and G. Koschorreck, editors, Proc. of the Intern.
Workshop on Information Systems – Correctness and Reusability
(IS-CORE'93), number 1/93, pages 267–283. University of Hannover,
- G. Engels, M. Gogolla, U. Hohenstein,
K. Hülsmann, P. Löhr-Richter, G. Saake, and H.-D. Ehrich.
Conceptual Modelling of Database Applications Using an
Extended ER Model.
Data & Knowledge Engineering, 9(2):157–204,
- H.-D.
Ehrich, G. Saake, and A. Sernadas.
Concepts of Object-Orientation.
In R. Studer, editor, Informationssysteme und Künstliche Intelligenz:
Modellierung, Proc. 2. Workshop, Ulm, Germany, volume 303 of
Informatik-Fachberichte, pages 1–19, Berlin, 1992.
- T. Hartmann, R. Jungclaus, and
G. Saake.
Aggregation in a Behavior Oriented Object Model.
In O. L. Madsen, editor, ECOOP'92 – Proc. of the 6th European Conf. on
Object Oriented Programming, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 1992,
volume 615 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 57–77,
Berlin, 1992. Springer-Verlag.
- T. Hartmann, R. Jungclaus, G. Saake,
and H.-D. Ehrich.
Spezifikation von Objektsystemen.
In R. Bayer, T. Härder, and P. C. Lockemann, editors, Objektbanken
für Experten, Informatik aktuell, pages 220–242, Berlin, 1992.
- M. Kramer, G. Lausen, and G. Saake.
Updates in a Rule-Based Language for Objects.
In Li-Yan Yuan, editor, Proc. of the 18th Int. Conf. on Very Large Data
Bases (VLDB'92), Vancouver, Canada, pages 251–262,
- M. Kramer, G. Lausen, and G. Saake.
Updates in a Rule-Based Language for Objects (Extended
In U. Lipeck and B. Thalheim, editors, Proc. of the 4th Int. Workshop on
Modelling Database Dynamics, Volkse, Oct. 1992, number 90–3, pages
125–142. Technische Universität Clausthal, 1992.
- G. Saake and R. Jungclaus.
Specification of Database Applications in the sc
In D. Harper and M. Norrie, editors, Proc. of the Int. Workshop
Specification of Database Systems, Glasgow, July 1991, pages 228–245,
London, 1992. Springer-Verlag.
- G. Saake and R. Jungclaus.
Views and Formal Implementation in a
Three-Level Schema Architecture for Dynamic Objects.
In P. M. D. Gray and R. J. Lucas, editors, Advanced Database Systems,
Proc. of the 11th British National Conf. on Databases, BNCOD 10, Aberdeen,
Scotland, July, 1992, volume 618 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 78–95, Berlin, 1992.
- G. Saake, R. Jungclaus, and H.-D.
Object-Oriented Specification and Stepwise
In J. de Meer, V. Heymer, and R. Roth, editors, Proc. of the Open
Distributed Processing, Berlin (D), 8.-11. Okt. 1991 (IFIP Transactions C:
Communication Systems, Vol. 1), pages 99–121. North-Holland,
- G. Saake.
Objektorientierte Modellierung von
Informatik-Skripten 28, Technische Universität Braunschweig,
- A. Dyballa, H. Toben, V. Linnemann, and
G. Saake.
Integration geometrischer Daten in ein erweiterbares
Technical Report TR 75.91.12, IBM Germany, Heidelberg Scientific Center, May
- J. Fiadeiro, C. Sernadas, T. Maibaum,
and G. Saake.
Proof-Theoretic Semantics of Object-Oriented
Specification Constructs.
In R. Meersman, W. Kent, and S. Khosla, editors, Object-Oriented
Databases: Analysis, Design and Construction, Proc. of the 4th IFIP WG 2.6
Working Conf., DS-4, Windermere, UK, pages 243–284, Amsterdam, 1991.
- J. Göers, A. Heuer, and G. Saake,
Proc. of the Third Workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for
Data and Objects, Aigen (Austria).
Number 93–3. Technische Universität Clausthal,
- K. Hülsmann and G. Saake.
Theoretical Foundations of Handling Large Substitution Sets in Temporal Integrity
Acta Informatica, 28(4):365–407, 1991.
- R. Jungclaus, T. Hartmann, G. Saake,
and C. Sernadas.
Introduction to sc Troll – A Language for Object-Oriented
Specification of Information Systems.
In G. Saake and A. Sernadas, editors, Information Systems – Correctness
and Reusability, number 91-3, pages 97–128. Technische
Universität Braunschweig, 1991.
- R. Jungclaus, G. Saake, and
T. Hartmann.
Language Features for Object-Oriented Conceptual
In T. J. Teory, editor, Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on the
ER-approach, pages 309–324, San Mateo, 1991.
- R. Jungclaus, G. Saake, T. Hartmann,
and C. Sernadas.
Object-Oriented Specification of Information Systems: The sc
Troll Language.
Informatik-Bericht 91-4, Technische Universität Braunschweig,
- R. Jungclaus, G. Saake, and
C. Sernadas.
Using Active Objects for Query Processing.
In R. Meersman, W. Kent, and S. Khosla, editors, Object-Oriented
Databases: Analysis, Design and Construction (Proc. of the 4th IFIP WG 2.6
Working Conf. DS-4, Windermere, UK, 1990), pages 285–304, Amsterdam,
1991. North-Holland.
- R. Jungclaus, G. Saake, and
C. Sernadas.
Formal Specification of Object Systems.
In S. Abramsky and T. Maibaum, editors, Proc. of the TAPSOFT'91,
Brighton, volume 494 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 60–82. Springer-Verlag, 1991.
- G. Saake and R. Jungclaus.
Konzeptioneller Entwurf von Objektgesellschaften.
In H.-J. Appelrath, editor, Proc. of the Datenbanksysteme in Büro,
Technik und Wissenschaft (BTW'91), volume 270 of
Informatik-Fachberichte, pages 327–343. Springer-Verlag,
- G. Saake, R. Jungclaus, and
C. Sernadas.
Abstract Data Type Semantics for Many-Sorted Object Query
In B. Thalheim, J. Demetrovics, and H.-D. Gerhardt, editors, Proc. of the
3rd Symp. on Mathematical Fundamentals of Database and Knowledge Base
Systems, MFDBS'91, Rostock, Germany, volume 495 of Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, pages 291–307, Berlin, 1991.
- G. Saake and A. Sernadas, editors.
Information Systems – Correctness and Reusability. Workshop
IS-CORE '91, ESPRIT BRA WG 3023, Selected Papers, London.
Number 91–3. Technische Universität Braunschweig,
- G. Saake.
Conceptual Modeling of Database Applications.
In D. Karagiannis, editor, Proc. of the 1st IS/KI Workshop, Ulm
(Germany), 1990, volume 474 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 213–232, Berlin, 1991.
- G. Saake.
Descriptive Specification of Database Object Behaviour.
Data & Knowledge Engineering, 6(1):47–74,
- G. Engels, M. Gogolla, U. Hohenstein,
K. Hülsmann, P. Löhr-Richter, G. Saake, and H.-D. Ehrich.
Conceptual Modelling of Database Applications Using an
Extended ER Model.
Informatik-Bericht 90–5, Technische Universität Braunschweig,
- K. Hülsmann and G. Saake.
Representation of the Historical Information Necessary for Temporal
Integrity Monitoring.
In F. Banchilhon, D. Thanos, and D. Tsichritzis, editors, Advances in
Database Technology — EDBT'90, Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Extending
Database Technology, Venice, Italy, March 1990, volume 416 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 378–392, Berlin, 1990.
- U. W.
Lipeck, S. Braß, and G. Saake.
Kurzfassungen des 2. Workshops ``Grundlagen von Datenbanken'', Volkse,
5.–8. Juni 1990.
Informatik-Bericht 90–02, Technische Universität Braunschweig,
- G. Saake and R. Jungclaus.
Information about Objects versus Derived Objects.
In J. Göers and A. Heuer, editors, Second Workshop on Foundations and
Languages for Data and Objects, Aigen, Austria, number 90–3, pages
59–70. Technische Universität Clausthal, 1990.
- H.-D. Ehrich, G. Engels, M. Gogolla,
and G. Saake, editors.
Abstracts des Workshops ``Grundlagen von Datenbanken''.
Number 89–2. Technische Universität Braunschweig,
- K. Hülsmann and G. Saake.
Theoretical Foundations of Handling Large Substitution Sets in Temporal
Integrity Monitoring.
Informatik-Bericht 89–4, Technische Universität Braunschweig,
- K. Küspert, G. Saake, and
L. Wegner.
Duplicate Detection and Deletion in the Extended NF2 Data
In W. Litwin and H.-J. Schek, editors, Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf. on
Foundations of Data Organization and Algorithms (FODO '89), Paris,
France, volume 367 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 83–100. Springer-Verlag, 1989.
- G. Saake and U. W. Lipeck.
Using Finite-Linear Temporal Logic for Specifying Database
In E. Börger, H. Kleine Büning, and M. M. Richter, editors, Proc.
of the CSL'88 2nd Workshop Computer Science Logic, pages 288–300.
Springer-Verlag, 1989.
- G. Saake, V. Linnemann, P. Pistor, and
L. Wegner.
Sorting, Grouping, and Duplicate Elimination in the Advanced
Information Management Prototype.
In P. M. G. Apers and G. Wiederholt, editors, Proc. of the 15th Int.
Conf. on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'89), Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
pages 307–316, Palo Alto, CA, 1989. Morgan Kaufmann
- G. Saake.
On First Order Temporal Logics with Changing Domains for Information
System Specification.
Informatik-Bericht 89–1, Technische Universität Braunschweig,
- G. Engels, U. Hohenstein,
L. Neugebauer, G. Saake, and H.-D. Ehrich.
Konzeption einer integrierten Datenbank-Entwurfsumgebung.
In Proc. of the DBTA/SI Conf. ``Data Dictionaries und
Entwicklungswerkzeuge für Datenbankanwendungen'', pages 151–157,
Zürich, 1988. Verlag der Fachvereine an den Schweiz. Hochschulen und
- G. Engels, U. Hohenstein, G. Saake, and
H.-D. Ehrich.
Auf dem Weg zu einer integrierten Datenbank-Entwurfsumgebung.
In G. Snelting, editor, Proc. of the GI-Workshop ``Sprachspezifische
Programmierumgebungen'', pages 38–51, TH Darmstadt,
- K. Küspert, G. Saake, and
L. Wegner.
Duplicate Detection and Deletion in the Extended NF2 Data
Technical Report TR 88.11.012, IBM Wissenschaftliches Zentrum Heidelberg,
- U. W. Lipeck and G. Saake.
Entwurf von Systemverhalten durch Spezifikation und Transformation
temporaler Anforderungen.
In R. Valk, editor, Proc. GI-Jahrestagung, volume 188 of
Informatik-Fachbericht, pages 449–463, Berlin, 1988.
- G. Saake and U. W. Lipeck.
Foundations of Temporal Integrity Monitoring.
In C. Rolland et al., editors, Proc. of the IFIP Working Conf. on
Temporal Aspects in Information Systems, pages 235–249, Amsterdam,
1988. North-Holland.
- Gunter
Spezifikation, Semantik und Überwachung von Objektlebensläufen in
Dissertation, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany, 1988.
In German.
- U. Hohenstein, L. Neugebauer, G. Saake,
and H.-D. Ehrich.
Three-Level Specification of Databases Using an Extended
Entity-Relationship Model.
In R. Wagner, R. Traunmüller, and H. C. Mayr, editors, Proc. of the
GI-Fachtagung ``Informationsermittlung und -analyse für den Entwurf von
Informationssystemen, Linz'', volume 143 of
Informatik-Fachberichte, pages 58–88, Berlin, 1987.
- U. W. Lipeck and G. Saake.
Monitoring Dynamic Integrity Constraints Based on Temporal
Information Systems, 12(3):255–269, 1987.
- G. Saake, L. Neugebauer, U. Hohenstein,
and H.-D. Ehrich.
Konzepte und Werkzeuge für eine
Informatik-Bericht 87–5, Technische Universität Braunschweig,
- U. Hohenstein, L. Neugebauer, and
G. Saake.
An Extended Entity-Relationship Model for Non-Standard
In Proc. of the Workshop ``Relationale Datenbanken'', number 3-86,
pages 185–211, Lessach, 1986.
- U. W.
Lipeck, G. Saake, and H.-D. Ehrich.
Monitoring Dynamic Database Integrity by Transition Graphs.
Informatik-Bericht 86-8, Technische Universität Braunschweig,
- Daniel Walke, Daniel Steinbach,
Sebastian Gibb, Thorsten Kaiser, Paul Ahrens, Gunter Saake, David Broneske,
and Robert Heyer.
are all you need: Potential of Medical Time Series Analysis with Graph Neural
Currently only a pre-print.