Homepage Dr.-Ing. Sandro Schulze

Dr.-Ing. habil. Sandro Schulze

Fakultät für Informatik (FIN)
Gebäude 29, Universitätsplatz 2, 39106, Magdeburg,

Here will post any News from Research (e.g., accepted papers, projects, collaborations) & Teaching (MSc/BSc topics, student projects, vacancies)

Thesis Topics Available

Occasionally, I have both, MSc and BSc thesis topics available. You can ping me to find out more about the topics or to suggest a topic that is in my area of research.

However, make sure that:

  • you clearly state your motivation for doing the thesis under my supervision (e.g., it is not enough that you just visited a lecture I gave)
  • you know my resdarch areas and in which of them you want to do your thesis (and why)
  • you indicate which skills you have that enable you to successfully work on a a topic from this area

Wiht this informaiton I can very fast decide whether there is a vacant otpic or not and then discuss the details with you.


Last Modification: 08.03.2023 - Contact Person: Webmaster