

  • Bala Gurumurthy, Vasudev Raghavendra Bidarkar, David Broneske, Thilo Pionteck, and Gunter Saake. Exploiting Shared Sub-Expression and Materialized View Reuse for Multi-Query Optimization. In Journal of Information System Frontiers, June 2024. accepted.
  • Bala Gurumurthy. Architecting A Pluggable Query Executor for Emerging Co-Processors. PhD thesis, University of Magdeburg, January 2024.


  • Bala Gurumurthy, Vasudev Raghavendra Bidarkar, David Broneske, Thilo Pionteck, and Gunter Saake. What Happens When Two Multi-Query Optimization Paradigms Combine?. In Advances in Databases and Information Systems, September 2023.
  • Spoorthi Nijalingappa, Bala Gurumurthy, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake. Vertical Vectorized Hashing for Faster Group-By Aggregation. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Big Data Management on Emerging Hardware (HardBD), April 2023. Accepted.
  • Bala Gurumurthy, David Broneske, Martin Schäler, Thilo Pionteck, and Gunter Saake. Novel Insights on Atomic Synchronization for Sort-Based Group-By on GPUs. Distributed and Parallel Databases (DAPD), April 2023.
  • Harish Kumar Harihara Subramanian, Bala Gurumurthy, Gabriel Campero Durand, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake. Out-of-the-Box Library Support for DBMSOperations On GPUs. Distributed and Parallel Databases (DAPD), April 2023.
  • Bala Gurumurthy, David Broneske, Gabriel Campero Durand, Thilo Pionteck, and Gunter Saake. ADAMANT: A Query Executor with Plug-In Interfaces for Easy Co-processor Integration. In IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), April 2023.



  • Bala Gurumurthy, Imad Hajjar, David Broneske, Thilo Pionteck, and Gunter Saake. When Vectorwise Meets Hyper, Pipeline Breakers Become the Moderator. Eleventh International Workshop on Accelerating Analytics and Data Management Systems Using Modern Processor and Storage Architectures (ADMS), August 2020.
  • Anna Drewes, Jan Moritz Joseph, Bala Gurumurthy, David Broneske, Gunter Saake, and Thilo Pionteck. Optimising Operator Sets for Analytical Database Processing on FPGAs. In International Workshop on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC), pages 30–44, February 2020.



Letzte Änderung: 17.06.2021 - Ansprechpartner: