Prof. Dr.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Leich

AG Datenbanken & Software Engineering
Gebäude 29, Universitätsplatz 2, 39106, Magdeburg,

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  • Elias Kuiter, Sebastian Krieter, Jacob Krüger, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich. variED: An Editor for Collaborative, Real-Time Feature Modeling. In Proc. Software Engineering (SE). Gesellschaft für Informatik, February 2023.
  • Rand Alchokr, Jacob Krüger, Yusra Shakeel, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich. Peer-reviewing and Submission Dynamics Around Top Software-Engineering Venues: A Juniors' Perspective. In Software Engineering, SE. GI, February 2023. Accepted.
  • Rand Alchokr, Yusra Shakeel, Gunter Saake, Thomas Leich, and Jacob Krüger. Forecasting Publications' Success Using Machine Learning Prediction Models. In International Workshop on Bibliometric-Enhanced Information Retrieval, BIR, April 2023. Accepted.
  • Rand Alchokr, Sanket Vikas Joshi, Gunter Saake, Thomas Leich, and Jacob Krüger. Investigating the Relation between Authors’ Academic Age and their Citations. In International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL. Springer, September 2023.
  • Rand Alchokr, Jacob Krüger, Yusra Shakeel, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich. An Empirical Analysis of Newcomers’ Contributions to Software-Engineering Conferences. In International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, ICADL. Springer, December 2023.


  • Yusra Shakeel, Rand Alchokr, Jacob Krüger, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich. Are Altmetrics Useful for Assessing Scientific Impact: A Survey. In 14th International Conference on Management of Digital EcoSystems, MEDES. ACM, October 2022. Accepted.
  • Richard May, Christian Biermann, Jacob Krüger, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich. A Systematic Mapping Study of Security Concepts for Configurable Data Storages. In SPLC, September 2022. accepted.
  • Rand Alchokr, Jacob Krüger, Yusra Shakeel, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich. On Academic Age Aspect and Discovering the Golden Age in Software Engineering. In International Conference on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering, CHASE, May 2022. Pages 102–106.
  • Rand Alchokr, Manoj Borkar, Sharanya Thotadarya, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich. Supporting Systematic Literature Reviews Using Deep-Learning-Based Language Models. In 1st Workshop on Natural Language-based Software Engineering, NLBSE, May 2022. pp. 67-74.
  • Yusra Shakeel, Rand Alchokr, Jacob Krüger, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich. Altmetrics and Citation Counts: An Empirical Analysis of the Computer Science Domain. In Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, JCDL. IEEE, June 2022. pp. 1-11.
  • Yusra Shakeel, Rand Alchokr, Jacob Krüger, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich. Incorporating Altmetrics to Support Selection and Assessment of Publications during Literature Analyses. In International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, EASE. IEEE, June 2022. Pages 180–189.
  • Rand Alchokr, Jacob Krüger, Yusra Shakeel, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich. Peer-reviewing and Submission Dynamics Around Top Software-Engineering Venues: A Juniors' Perspective. In International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, EASE. IEEE, June 2022. Pages 60–69.
  • Rand Alchokr, Jacob Krüger, Yusra Shakeel, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich. A Closer Look into Collaborative Publishing at Software-Engineering Conferences. In International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL. Springer, September 2022. Pages 395–402.
  • Yusra Shakeel, Abhisar Bharti, Thomas Leich, and Gunter" Saake. Weighted Altmetric Scores to Facilitate Literature Analyses. In Linking Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL. Springer International Publishing, 2022.










  • Janet Feigenspan, Christian Kästner, Sven Apel, Jörg Liebig, Michael Schulze, Raimund Dachselt, Maria Papendieck, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake. Do Background Colors Improve Program Comprehension in the #ifdef Hell?. Empirical Software Engineering, 18(4):699–745, 2013. (PDF)
  • Michael Soffner, Norbert Siegmund, Marko Rosenmüller, Janet Feigenspan, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake. A Variability Model for Query Optimizers. In Database and Information Systems VII. Selected Papers from the Tenth International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems 2012, pages 15–28. IOS Press, January 2013.







  • Sven Apel, Christian Kästner, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake. Aspect Refinement. Technical Report 10, School of Computer Science, University of Magdeburg, Germany, August 2006.


  • Thomas Leich. Konzeption und Implementierung eines Anfragesystems für ein konfigurierbares, leichtgewichtiges DBMS. Master thesis (diplomarbeit), University of Magdeburg, Germany, 2002. In german.



  • Implementation Techniques for DBMS
  • Requirements Engineering
  • Nano Database Systems
  • Software Engineering, Domain Engineering, Product Lines, Program Families
  • Aspect-Oriented Programming, Feature-Oriented Programming

Letzte Änderung: 21.02.2018 - Ansprechpartner: