Elias Kuiter

M.Sc. Elias Kuiter
Universitätsplatz 2, 39106 Magdeburg, G29-109
Universitätsplatz 2, 38106 Braunschweig, IZ 417
- 04-07/2024: Forschungsaufenthalt Softwaretechnik, Universität Paderborn
- ab 01/2021: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
- 2019-2020: M.Sc. Informatik, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
- 2017-2019: Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
- 2015-2019: B.Sc. Informatik, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
- Software Variability, Quality, and Evolution
- Feature-Model Extraction, Transformation, and Analysis
- Satisfiability Solving, Formal Methods, and Applied Category Theory
Projekte und Kooperationen
- Gast am ISF, Technische Universität Braunschweig
Themen für Abschlussarbeiten und Projekte
- SS 2025: Student Conference (Lehrauftrag)
- WS 2024/25: ISP, Datenbanken I
- SS 2024: Student Conference
- WS 2023/24: ISP, Datenbanken I
- SS 2023: Student Conference, Requirements Engineering II (Lehrauftrag, HS Harz)
- WS 2022/23: ISP, Datenbanken I
- SS 2022: Student Conference
- WS 2021/22: ISP, Datenbanken I
- SS 2021: ISP, Student Conference
- WS 2017/18: TheoInf I
Auszeichnungen und Förderung
- VaMoS 2025: Best Paper Award
- Fakultät für Informatik der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
- Drittmittelförderung
- pure-systems GmbH: Go SPLC 2019 Challenge
Gutachter- und Gremientätigkeiten
- Invited Reviewer: TOSEM, EMSE, JSS
- Program Committee Member: ICSE 2024 (Artifact Evaluation Track), Re:Volution 2024
- Publicity Chair: VaMoS 2024
- Student Volunteer: VaMoS 2020
- Elias Kuiter, Thomas Thüm, and Timo
Teach Variability! A Modern University Course on
Software Product Lines.
In Proc. Int'l Working Conf. on Variability Modelling of
Software-Intensive Systems (VaMoS). ACM, February
- Chico Sundermann, Elias Kuiter, Tobias
Heß, Heiko Raab, Sebastian Krieter, and Thomas Thüm.
On the Benefits of Knowledge Compilation for
Feature-Model Analyses.
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (AMAI),
92(5):1013–1050, October 2024.
- Chico Sundermann, Tobias Heß, Rahel
Sundermann, Elias Kuiter, Sebastian Krieter, and Thomas Thüm.
Generating Feature Models with UVL's Full
In Proc. Int'l Workshop on Languages for Modelling Variability
(MODEVAR), pages 61–65. ACM, September 2024.
- Chico Sundermann, Vincenzo Francesco
Brancaccio, Elias Kuiter, Sebastian Krieter, Tobias Heß, and Thomas
Collecting Feature Models from the Literature: A
Comprehensive Dataset for Benchmarking.
In Proc. Int'l Systems and Software Product Line Conf. (SPLC).
ACM, September 2024.
- Chico Sundermann, Elias Kuiter, Tobias
Heß, Heiko Raab, Sebastian Krieter, and Thomas Thüm.
On the Benefits of Knowledge Compilation for
Feature-Model Analyses.
In Proc. Int'l Systems and Software Product Line Conf. (SPLC).
ACM, September 2024.
- Elias Kuiter, Tobias Heß, Chico
Sundermann, Sebastian Krieter, Thomas Thüm, and Gunter Saake.
How Easy is SAT-Based Analysis of a Feature
In Proc. Int'l Working Conf. on Variability Modelling of
Software-Intensive Systems (VaMoS), pages 149–151. ACM, February
- Rick Adamy, Elias Kuiter, and Gunter
Exploiting Structure: A
Survey and Analysis of Structures and Hardness Measures for Propositional
Technical report, Qeios, September 2023.
- Elias Kuiter, Sebastian Krieter, Jacob
Krüger, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
variED: An Editor for Collaborative, Real-Time
Feature Modeling.
In Proc. Software Engineering (SE). Gesellschaft für
Informatik, February 2023.
- Elias Kuiter, Sebastian Krieter, Chico
Sundermann, Thomas Thüm, and Gunter Saake.
Tseitin or not Tseitin? The Impact of CNF
Transformations on Feature-Model Analyses.
In Proc. Software Engineering (SE). Gesellschaft für
Informatik, February 2023.
- Elias Kuiter and Gunter Saake.
A Survey and Comparison of
Industrial and Academic Research on the Evolution of Software Product
Technical report, arXiv, December 2022.
- Elias Kuiter, Sebastian Krieter, Chico
Sundermann, Thomas Thüm, and Gunter Saake.
Tseitin or not Tseitin? The Impact of CNF
Transformations on Feature-Model Analyses.
In Proc. Int'l Conf. on Automated Software Engineering (ASE).
ACM, October 2022.
- Elias Kuiter, Alexander Knüppel,
Tabea Bordis, Tobias Runge, and Ina Schaefer.
Verification Strategies for Feature-Oriented Software
Product Lines.
In Proc. Int'l Working Conf. on Variability Modelling of
Software-Intensive Systems (VaMoS), pages 12:1–12:9. ACM, February
- Elias Kuiter, Jacob Krüger, and
Gunter Saake.
Iterative Development and Changing
Requirements: Drivers of Variability in an Industrial System for Veterinary
In Proc. Int'l Workshop on Variability and Evolution of
Software-Intensive Systems (VariVolution), pages 113–122. ACM,
September 2021.
- Elias Kuiter, Sebastian Krieter, Jacob
Krüger, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich.
variED: An Editor for Collaborative, Real-Time
Feature Modeling.
Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE), 26(2), March
- Elias
Proof Repositories for Correct-by-Construction
Software Product Lines.
Master's thesis, University of Magdeburg, December 2020.
- Elias Kuiter, Sebastian Krieter, Jacob
Krüger, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
Foundations of
Collaborative, Real-Time Feature Modeling.
In Proc. Int'l Systems and Software Product Line Conf. (SPLC),
pages 257–264. ACM, September 2019.
- Elias
Consistency Maintenance for Collaborative
Real-Time Feature Modeling.
Bachelor's thesis, University of Magdeburg, April 2019.
- Elias Kuiter, Sebastian Krieter, Jacob
Krüger, Kai Ludwig, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
PCLocator: A Tool Suite to Automatically
Identify Configurations for Code Locations.
In Proc. Int'l Systems and Software Product Line Conf. (SPLC),
pages 284–288. ACM, September 2018.
- Elias Kuiter, Jacob Krüger,
Sebastian Krieter, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
Getting Rid of Clone-and-Own: Moving to a Software
Product Line for Temperature Monitoring.
In Proc. Int'l Systems and Software Product Line Conf. (SPLC),
pages 179–189. ACM, September 2018.
Betreute Arbeiten
- Till
Evaluating the Efficiency of Hybrid CNF Transformations for
Feature-Model Formulas.
Master's thesis, University of Magdeburg, May 2023.
- Daniel
Konfiguration von Softwareproduktlinien mit
Configuring-Constraints über Feature-Attributen.
Master's thesis, University of Magdeburg, May 2022.
- Mohammed
A Semi-Automated Release Management Process
for Microservices.
Bachelor's thesis, University of Magdeburg, February
- Johannes
Reengineering einer Microservice-Architektur:
Eine Fallstudie am PEGASOS-System.
Master's thesis, University of Magdeburg, January 2022.
Aktuelle Projekte
Compositional Feature-Model Analyses
Laufzeit: 01.01.2021 bis 01.01.2026
Feature modeling is widely used to systematically model features of variant-rich software systems and their dependencies. By translating feature models into propositional formulas and analyzing them with solvers, a wide range of automated analyses across all phases of the software development process become possible. Most solvers only accept formulas in conjunctive normal form (CNF), so an additional transformation of feature models is often necessary.
In this project, we investigate whether this transformation has a noticeable impact on analyses and how to influence this impact positively. We raise awareness about CNF transformations for feature-model analysis and mitigate it as a threat to validity for research evaluations to ensure reproducibility and fair comparisons. Furthermore, we investigate other steps in the feature-model analysis process, their alternatives, and their interactions; for instance, we study the potential and impact of knowledge compilation, interfaces, slicing, and evolution on feature-model analyses.
Our vision for this project is to lay a foundation for a compositional feature-model analysis algebra; that is, to understand how complex analyses are made of simple parts, how they can be re-assembled, and how those parts interact with each other.
- Student Conference ( Link zur LV im LSF )